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Feel free to say whatever it is you want to say. Have at it. Use the first ammendment to the fullest!

2006-09-30 06:45:10 · 26 answers · asked by KiKi Jo 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

I do not support war. I do support our troops. They are doing what our government has sent them to do and they are dying for our freedoms.

Blessings )O(

2006-09-30 06:49:32 · answer #1 · answered by Epona Willow 7 · 6 2

All war is immoral amd uncivilised.
The Iraq war is being fought under completely false pretences in order to further the personal agendas of those in the Bush administration and the New World Order.
The use of depleted uranium will cause the planet to suffer until eternity.

2006-10-02 10:49:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would say, that I cannot understand this war, especially since Iraq had no connection to 9/11, no WMD, no relation with Osama Bin Laden and Saddam did not gas his people, though he may have been a harsh and cruel dictator, but he would not be and is not the only one that existed.

I cannot understand why yellow phosphorus, napalm bombs were used on the civilians of Iraq.
I cannot understand why people (women, children and the elderly) are being murdered in their own homes (Haditha massacre etc).
I cannot understand why thousands are being jailed and tortured or sent to other countires secretly to be tortured without being convicted or given a fair trial, then released after several years without being charged of anything - released but not fit to continue living because of the horrors they saw.
I cannot understand why taxis are being stopped at checkpoints in Iraq to be fixed up with bombs. Drivers of course are not aware that their cars are being rigged with the explosives, but these taxis will only go to populated areas then explode killing innocent civilains.

I am so totally against terrorism and I cannot understand all that I mentioned before.

Who is the terrorist?
1. Those who invaded another country despite there was no legitimate excuse or approval from the U.N. - worldwide refusal by many nations amongst of which were the American citizens who strongly opposed the war through many public demonstrations?

2. Those who used false evidence and kept changing the reasons behind the invasion till they ran out reasons then came up with the brilliant idea of spreading democracy through terrorizing the invaded another country by:
- Bombing people in their homes using depleted uranium, napalm bombs and yellow phosphorous not only hurting the “bad Arabs”, but their own soldiers as well!
- Bursting into peoples homes at any time during the day or night, killing the inhabitants including children, women and elderly in cold blood and most recently raping a minor female before the rest of her family before burning body to cover for the crime!http://wakeupfromyourslumber.blogspot.co...www.flurl.com/uploaded/Bareknu... - watch the video
- Planting explosives in civilian cars and taxis at military / police checkpoints to blame it on the “insurgent / Iraqi / multinational Arab terrorists” who are fighting the democratic / friendly invaders!www.uruknet.info/?p=m12022&l=i...

3. Those who send off their soldiers to a war allowing them to use depleted uranium which will not only affect the “bad Arabs”, but also the soldiers and their children for generations to come.http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/06...

For God’s sake is this democracy! And deep down in your hearts think about this and put yourselves in the Iraqi people’s position and answer to your self -who do really believe is the real terrorist – people invading a country that is far \ away from them to give them freedom and democracy or the people refusing the invasion, imprisonment, torture, murder on their own land and soil under under false reasons?

By the way I am not an Iraqi and I do hope that I never have to experience the circumstances they have /and are continuing to miserable experience and psychological trauma of the soldiers of the occupying countries.

2006-10-02 20:07:03 · answer #3 · answered by nevine99 4 · 0 0

It is horrible. It is better to retire strategically than continuing this destruction on both sides. What will be the prize for a victory? You will be sure that they are going to protect their country and their resources to the end and then they will go to the underground as some are already. The Vietnam experience has been forgotten. We have lost a lot of young boys in both wars.
If you investigate history, you will know the may failures that have occured by trying to establish puppet governments in a different nation Most of them have ended in dictatorships.

2006-09-30 14:59:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Our politicians made improbable intelligence reports into very probable reports, and mislead everyone to go to war in Iraq.

Making the worse strategic decision in US history, and removing the counterbalance to Iran, which was Saddam Hessian's Iraq.
In so doing, the focus on the war on terror was lost and the hunt for Asama Bin Laden weakened by dividing US forces on more than one front. Bush is a dumb a ss.

2006-09-30 14:00:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The war in Iraq was not caused by Bush and Blair.
Give me a break.
It was caused by fear.
War in the Middle east has gone on for centuries. The west is there because it is convenient at this time.
After Bush and Blair, there will be more just as there was many before them.
This war is totally void of reason. For that matter most wars are.
My vision would be for the ten top leaders to get in the ring and the last one standing "says so"
But then the great war machine could not perpetuate.

2006-09-30 13:56:39 · answer #6 · answered by dyke_in_heat 4 · 0 2

Big mistake! The Bush administration relied too much on faulty intelligence reports rather than diplomacy. Why on earth would we invade Iraq without our European allies? Why didn't Bush let Colin Powell work with our allies to find a solution? If he had let Powell work with them, perhaps we would have learned our intelligence reports were faulty.

Now that we're there, we must help them find a way to stabilize their government! At this point, it looks like we could do the most good by leaving... :(


2006-10-02 23:32:07 · answer #7 · answered by Hatikvah 7 · 0 0

We all know how it started.

We have seen its goals from defense against WMDs to creating a democracy (based on the Qur'an) in Iraq.

Since Congress has the power to go to war and to stop wars, my opinion is this: Congress stop trying to win elections for a specific party and use the power the constitution gave them.


2006-09-30 13:54:45 · answer #8 · answered by J. 7 · 2 0

It's a nightmare that has proven the PNAC/neoconservative policies horribly problematic by increasing terrorism in the region and the world and by diluting our resources. The neoconservative PNAC plan ('actively create democracies to stabilize Middle East') was implemented in Iraq by leveraging 9/11 & WMDs as the red herrings. It was implemented by a small group of people, ignoring input from others. It was misplanned and misguided w/ an isolationist approach (disregard allies/international support), lack of understanding of the dynamics of the region (theocratic mindsets there) and how democracy flourishes over time. Result is war on terror and efforts in Afghanistan are severely compromised (diluted resources, post-9/11 international support and unity with U.S. fractured, more extremism in the region is the result). Bush has changed his isolationist policy and shows other signs that he realizes his implementation of the PNAC plan completely backfired and has given us a more volatile world. Best thing to have done: forget the PNAC plan, concentrate on Afghanistan and the war on terror.
Final note: some now are arguing that we just wanted a strategic presence in the region and didn't have the direct goal of creating a democracy (and they appeal to an argument that makes our leaders and planners well-organized but necessarily secretive for our best interest). This doesn't sync with the facts (read the PNAC plan) and is yet another attempt to try and salvage an administration that has simply made major mistakes. Note also that a democracy had to be part of the plan given that our 'strategic presence' in Saudi Arabia (islam country) was one of the reasons cited for bin laden's 9/11.

2006-09-30 13:53:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Useless, we attacked for no good reason and should get out. Osama's not there, he HATED Sadam Hussein. We attacked for one reason: money. The governement used the memory of 9/11 to force the people to agree with the "war on terror". More like the war of terror.

Rocksteady: All the terrorist organizations are in it together? LMAO! They all hate each other, ESPECIALLY Osama and Saddam! You need to study up my friend! And the US is NOT the best country in the world, I'd rather live in the UK, Japan , Australia, New Zealand, France, any of these. If this country hasn't changed its ways when I get my loans paid off I'm packing my bags! Oh, and the soldiers thought they were going after Osama. Yet, where are we? In Iraq! Something tells me they didn't know about that little sleight of hand...

2006-09-30 13:51:49 · answer #10 · answered by Shinkirou Hasukage 6 · 5 3

I don't like the reasons they are saying we are over there, But we do need to be over there. The terrorist groups are all in it together, it is the whole middle east and they need to pay for what they allowed to happen here. The US doesn't terrorize anyone, we just try to help. We are not perfect, but we are better than just about every other country. We cannot allow the middle east to get the idea that they can just punk us and get away with it. Any person that disagrees with the war needs to pack their bags and get the **** out of this country. The solders knew what they signed up for, and Mine is over there and I hope he is taking out as many of those people as possible. I don't want to wake up one morning and realize that my freedom is gone and wish we would have gone to war when we had the chance. It isn't impossible. So be happy that we are over there.

2006-09-30 13:59:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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