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Where does intuition and logic meet up?

2006-09-30 06:38:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

I don't feel we can figure out spirituality with logic, but we need logic to at least get us headed in the right direction with our speculation.

I've always felt that one should use logic as a launchpad for their faith. One shouldn't use faith as a launchpad for their logic.

2006-09-30 06:45:37 · answer #1 · answered by Lunarsight 5 · 3 0

No. The spiritual can only be understood via the spirit. But those who make a logical study of God and Spirituality, balancing both theory and experience, come out with a broader knowledge than a one-sided understanding. This means a balance of both Bible Study and also an experiential relationship with the Living God.

Intuition and logic can be either balanced or out of balance. It depends on either your personal environment as you were growing up, what you learned in school and at home, as well as how you train yourself to think as an adult. Those who don't strive to learn, and who aren't open-minded will never understand anything.

A common movement among psychologists several decades ago was the "right-brain/left brain" theory of brain function. It related very much to intuitive vs. logical thought.

Many psychologists have abandoned it. I think there was an application of truth to it. With that thought in mind, over the years I have strived to develop a balance in intuition (or faith) if you want to call it that - and logic. It seems necessary to me to keep that goal in mind when having a balanced outlook on life.

2006-09-30 13:48:27 · answer #2 · answered by LL 4 · 0 0

Spirituality comes to me through revelation and experience. Logic can be used to help lead people to Christ as it can remove obstacles for some people who see Christianity as an illogical joke. Still, they will not be converted because of my logic, or even with my testimony. They will be converted when they are sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit chooses to move them.

To me God and spirituality, Christianity and the Bible are sublimely logical, because I rely on my personally undeniable experiences and revelations. However, I can't find any way to transfer these experiences and revelations using logic or anything else. We must rely on the Holy Spirit for that.

As for intuition, they meet with logic when someone discovers that their intuition, on any occasion, has led them to a truth which is reproducible, and shared by others. Intuition can certainly be wrong. It often is. But, it often is brought to us through unconscious cues, things we learned but do not consciously remember. Intuition is not quite the same as revelation the way I am using the word.

To a small extent, God can be understood with logic. He can certainly be misunderstood with faulty logic. Personally, I do not believe that we can come to God based on logic alone.

Many highly intelligent people become devout Christians because of their logical conclusions. Somehow, many of them don't persist. They maintain their conclusions, but their lifestyle reverts to old ways. I think some of them lacked the divine revelation and experience that is truly and deeply convincing.

2006-09-30 13:56:54 · answer #3 · answered by Nick â?  5 · 0 0

Nope.. Faith isn't meant to be logical... If it was, then it wouldn't be a choice.

Intuition and logic meet up when the intuition turns into a logical experience, idea or thought

2006-09-30 13:41:12 · answer #4 · answered by Heather 4 · 1 0

Congratulations for many best answers.
Yes,but the answers are like the snow flaks,first we must feel God and after that we can understand Him ,even with logic no just with love.
In the Bible is writte that God is Spirit. Men is body and soul(in soul is the spirit too).I think God is all the Good energy of the Universe.Good energy is for me,something which has good results for the Universe and for all which are in it.
We have in our soul a small part from God Spirit(Genessa-Bible).First A&E lived in God.When God says to A&E don't eat from the aple three...that was the first rulle of God for mens and A&E did't listen to God(the first sin). Adam and Eva was begining to choice they self(without God,just they remember)) what is good or bed,in that situation are the mens today.A&E begin to pray to God for forgive them,they know God is good and one day will forgive them, that forgivenes was comming Through Jesus Christ The Son of God.In the Old Testament God was speaking through the many Profets for help the mens.
The point is ,when God says the first rulle from mens,i think just God knows that exists the bed too(the wrong no the bed of the bedroom) .
An Christian soul , hope to live in God after the death of his body,is a place where we mustn't faith with the bed, more.
It is very hard to understand the logic of God in the books about the Bible Cod.Is easy to understand the logic of God in the mesages of jnsr on www.jnsr.be/ God says that the inteligence is from the Holy Spirit .
The intuition(in heart) and the logic(in mind) meet up in my judgement, bouth are very important.The intuition i feel(i hear),just when i am in silence and i don't hurry up( i say it is the voice of my Guardian Angel), more times it is better just my logic,i like very much it, but i am very few times in silence and without hurry up..

2006-09-30 14:39:24 · answer #5 · answered by mirna 3 · 0 0

No. Theologists are supposed to be trying to do this. They end up with philosophical positions like.....The world must be flat otherwise in some places the rain would fall up, besides those on the bottom would not be able to see Jesus return.(St. Augustine) Spirituality and logic have met many times like this....athough perfectly logical they tend to be wrong, wrong, wrong. So, when does spirituality meet up with reality..never.

2006-09-30 13:49:16 · answer #6 · answered by eantaelor 4 · 0 1

Anyone that maintains that faith and logic are antithetical to each other is intellectually lazy and I would dare say that they haven't a very high regard for faith. God has given you a brain and expects you to use it. Scripture says that we are to study to show ourselves approved and that we should be ready at all times to give an answer to those who ask us in regards to the hope that is within us. He also says "......come let us reason together, for though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made white as snow...."

Those of you who think that faith is a thing that happens to you when you reach the end of reason are an embarrassment to true Christianity. The reason you can't answer the deeper questions of the faith is because you go to church and let someone else do your bible reading for you.

To put it simply, faith is belief and trust. It is the place where evidence leads you. We have the evidence of God's word, the World around us, the Holy Spirits interplay with the heart and the evidence of changed lives. It is from all this evidence that one makes a logical conclusion to trust Christ and believe the truths of the gospel.

To call faith "blind" amounts to calling it "stupid faith," it demeans the dignity of man made in the image of God and needs to be relegated to the sham and shame of those who claim that they heard from God and that He said that "I will die if I don't raise 4 million dollars!!!"

The Bible says that the times will come when preachers will make merchandise of men

They heap riches for themselves and steal from the elderly and poor with a theology that says God will make you rich if you give preacher so and so your "seed-faith" money.


God didn't create idiots...you make yourself out to be one. Next time a preacher tells you to send him money to support his outreach to the poor...tell him to give his Armonte' suit to the poor first and you go down to the homeless shelter and tell someone that Jesus loves them...Thats logic and demonstrates your faith OK?

2006-09-30 14:05:14 · answer #7 · answered by messenger 3 · 0 0

Of course. But how do you determine what logic is? Your idea of logic is based on your own experience and education, which is limited at best. What if God's logic seems illogical to you?

2006-09-30 13:42:26 · answer #8 · answered by jewel_flower 4 · 2 0

I don't think God has to do with intuition...and the bible and God are to be believed on "faith" and not logic.

2006-09-30 13:42:17 · answer #9 · answered by sophieb 7 · 1 0

Strange as it may seem, Jesus gave the best answer for this particular question.
One day as Jesus was entertaining some small children, some of his desciples felt that there might be too many "bothering him". So, they stepped in to stop too many and he reproved those interfereing with " Suffer not these little ones from comeing to me, for "Such as ' these' < you must become> to enter into the kingdom of Heaven"

The bible is full of teaching points, that is why it cannot be likened to a novel. It is a library of events told by many people.
If you really want truth and understanding, have a free bible study, and ask questions!

2006-09-30 13:49:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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