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1. NO references to any content in the bible.

2. NO assuming anything is right without proper factual evidence, the bible saying about fires and the fact that we have fires today or other similar "evidence" is not true and not proved.

3. NO mentioning that God's word is true as a reason, it shall not count.

4. NO telling me I should expect a religious answer because of the section I put it in, it is a religious question which I want christians to answer, but I want to see them come up with an opinion by themselves for once.

5. NO religious or scientific theories, only stuff which has been PROVED true.

6. NO reasons which are not really real reasons, e.g. because it's the truth.

7. NO telling me that it's because people have a right to, because they don't have the right to answer with theories as a source as it is not a true source as it has not been proved.

8. NO telling me I shouldn't generalise christians as I said SOME christians.

2006-09-30 06:29:28 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9. NO telling me to read the bible as I mentioned in the question that I already have.

10. NO telling me that for a christian I don't know much about God as I explore all theories (religious and scientific) and therefore don't follow one specific faith.

Here is the link: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArOoD04qiUFC3YT1v_5bnDQgBgx.?qid=20060929125230AA4N1Cf

2006-09-30 06:31:24 · update #1

Oh, and NO answering without reading all of the question.

2006-09-30 06:32:22 · update #2


2006-09-30 06:43:37 · update #3

23 answers

You might as well ask "What is the square root of -1"?

The answer is imaginary.

People have a belief in something and no matter what evidence you present to the contrary you will not change their belief.

I know of someone with a strong christian faith. Back in 1988 he said the world would end in 1992, he had determined this from the evidence in the bible. "Fine" I said "What are you going to do in 1993?"

1992 came and went, and of course nothing happened. He is still studying the bible and I say all religious texts are nonsense but are used as a form of mind control for the masses.

Personally, I regard myself as an humanist. I'm not too bothered about what others believe until they start trying to force their beliefs on me.

Some people believe man is made in God's image, well looking at what man does to man in the name of God, God must must have a pretty sick sense of humour, but then God probably doesn't have a sense of humour.

If you like going out partying, drinking, having a laugh and fornication then you probably have a sense humour. When you die you may actually meet God but because you had a good time on earth you will not be allowed into heaven, and therefore you will go to the other place, where all the fun people are.

The only people in heaven will be those prayed to their icon and tried to spread the word.

So what's heaven like: Probably endless harp music, which would be hell to you, so you may end up in heaven, and all the goody good people will go to that place where all the parties are. So you see God may have a sense of humour, a warped and twisted sense of humour.

Best wishes


2006-09-30 07:14:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


You think that “some” Christians think “everything” in the bible is “definatly” right and everything else is wrong.

OK… I agree with you somewhat….read on… from “MY” perspective I see that a lot of “Fundamental”, “Fanatical” and “Religious- centered” people think “everything” in the bible is “right” or rather simply they take it as literal fact, instead of “moral of the story”. I have literally seen people argue about one word in a sentence…and the meaning behind it. That’s to me, not the point that we are supposed to gain from the bible. That is “MY” opinion.

You are making a bold assumption or opinion that the bible is a theory. In that I disagree… The bible is in many cases 1st hand accounts of their experiences or vision with God. A lot of people convert that into “theory” because there is no one that can substantiate the writing. They’ve all passed away. That’s kind of like the thinking of that if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound logic.

Just because we weren’t there to experience something that is told in the bible doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Our logical mind likes to think that if we personally haven’t seen it tangibly for ourselves that it is a theory and therefore not fact. I’m sure that a lot of people that first wrote or told the story about seeing the “Northern Lights” were thought to be crazy because they were describing lightning in all sorts of colors dancing across the pitch black night sky. Did it make the story a theory? Well what is your definition of a theory? Could it be that a theory is an untested fact? Or could a theory be an opinion based on experience? I don’t know yet what “my” definition of a theory is. That’s why I am still learning! 

It is true though that some of the bible is moral story based and some is a family tree and some is 3rd, 4th and generational accountings. That’s why people should take the bible as a whole big picture sometimes.

There is an order to everything... but when it comes to the bible it is the first thing people tend to forget.

Ahh the age old question “How do we know there even is a God?”

Well for me I know because of some of my past experiences that were FACT for me. No I don’t mean visitations or things like that either.

I love science too and I like to learn and hear other people’s opinions! Heres a worm for the can… could it be that God prompted or created the big bang if in fact that happened? Rhetorical question 

Thanks for the thoughts  and I don’t think I fell into your no categories
:) :) :)

2006-09-30 07:14:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Y ou don't understand that your first question is not asking what you think it is. I understand your rules perfectly and stuck to them in my answer. You need to rewrite the question - because as it stands you are asking why the club of people who believe the Bible or other Holy Book to be true get together and underpin each others beliefs.

The forming, storming, norming and performing is reproduced every time groups form sucessfully. It is not theory.

You need to re-write the question to ask what you think that you are asking - then maybe someone will give you answer you want.

You may be trying to ask why do people believe Holy Scripture - but you haven't asked that - why don't you reword the question - we understand the rules but have no idea what you want them applied to.

Why do you go to Church, Temples etcetera? You want me to tell you I quote you - "Why do some Christians
seem to think that the Bible is right and everything else is wrong?". And you don't want it referenced to Bible or "other fiction".

I am not sure what you think you are asking for here - but what you are actually asking is why do a group of people who have a central tenet of belief focused on the Bible believe that they are right.

Tuckman explained group formation in terms of forming, storming , norming and performing - you see this in Churches, Temples and other places of worship everywhere.

Losely speaking:

Groups initially orientate themselves through testing each others beliefs and behaviours, establising dependency relationships with leaders, other group members, and existing standards the forming stage.

There will then be conflict with polarization around interpersonal issues, and emotional responding. These behaviors serve as resistance to group influence and task requirements the storming stage.

This resistace is overcome in the norming where in-group feeling and cohesiveness develop, standards evolve, and new roles become prevalent. This is where intimate, personal opinions are explored with regard to the task ahead - the norming stage.

Finally, group energy is channeled into the task. Structural issues have been resolved, and structure can now become supportive of task performance - in this case for example spreading the Good News that Jesus is Alive and willing to Save everyone. The performing stage.

To read it an article and make up your mind whether this explains why they believe the same thing follow the link below.

If you think you have asked why they believe the Bible ? Which you haven't - that cannot be answered without some reference to Scriptures of the time taken into account within the archeological and historical contexts.

I believe that you will find this answers the question you actually asked originally. Whether or not you intended to ask this question I don't know but that is what you asked. Maybe your Church could help you if it is a question of doctrine that you want to clarify.

Please accept this in the sprirt of friendship with which it is offered.



2006-09-30 09:31:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Wow, what a lot of rules, You must be a bundle of fun to be around, I don't understand how you can ask a question like that three times and not expect people to quote the bible to you, personally I don't give a damn, but from where I'm looking from I would have to say your a bit obsessed and probably a control freak as well and just mad at the world for some reason. And finally i agree with the bloke who said " who put you in charge of yahoo rules" Wacko.

2006-09-30 06:45:57 · answer #4 · answered by Thornsey 4 · 2 1

All right, let's look at this. You're having fun getting all snotty and hostile for paragraphs, but your question is actually very simple, and it is:

"Why do some Christians seem to think that the bible is definitely right and everything else it wrong?"

The answer is simple too. It doesn't take reams of stuff from scientific websites. It is:

*Christians believe in the infallibility of the bible because they are told to, and because they have been made to believe that any doubt whatsoever will be punished by eternity in hell. It is no more and no less.*

Christians have no thoughts that are not given to them by someone in authority over them. This indoctrination obviously did not take with you. You have developed the habit of free thought. It sounds like it's time to strike out on your own and search for yourself without hanging on to the authority that's placed over you, and the anger, which you seem to enjoy.

And one other thing - You sound so much like me about 25 years ago that it's not funny. Try your wings. Move on - you've outgrown them.

2006-09-30 06:42:25 · answer #5 · answered by Nightlight 6 · 1 2

First, ask one question at a time and do not place restrictions on the answer... if you get an answer it is the answer the answerer gives...if you don't like it or accept it...tough...

If you ask a question that requires a lengthy responce and then require documentation that would take volumes... go to a different forum than YA

Third, since you have your mind already made up concerning the Christian Faith and all you are doing is baiting to elicit negative responces you can use to further you anti Christian agenda...don't expect any sympathy ...why don't you just bug-off

2006-09-30 06:41:46 · answer #6 · answered by IdahoMike 5 · 2 1

The Bible writers claimed repeatedly that they were transmitting the very Word of God, infallible and authoritative in the highest degree. This is an amazing thing for any writer to say, and if the forty or so men who wrote the Scriptures were wrong in these claims, then they must have been lying, or insane, or both.

But, on the other hand, if the greatest and most influential book of the ages, containing the most beautiful literature and the most perfect moral code ever devised, was written by deceiving fanatics, then what hope is there for ever finding meaning and purpose in this world?

If one will seriously investigate these Biblical evidences, he will find that their claims of divine inspiration (stated over 3,000 times, in various ways) were amply justified.

2006-09-30 06:38:55 · answer #7 · answered by K 5 · 3 2

Christianity is based on real events. Christ and his disciples and the Kings and Pharaohs are historical fact because the Romans and Egyptians also recorded the same events but with out the faith part.

I am a lay person. Not particularly smart. I think you need to speak to a highly educated person who has no wish to convert you and who is not threatened by your questions. A person you can trust.

2006-09-30 11:13:00 · answer #8 · answered by Nicola H 4 · 1 1

People have been trying to discredit the Bible for centuries and have been unable to do it. The Bible is the only prophetic book with 100% accuracy. If you want anymore reasons check out my answer to the question below.

2006-09-30 06:33:31 · answer #9 · answered by moviesmiss1 3 · 1 2

Um, OK, i understand the rules, but what is the question?

Geesh, Jenny, next time post the question before you submit.

OK, I got the question now...so for the answer. I'm an atheist. I think the Bible is full of BS.

2006-09-30 06:32:26 · answer #10 · answered by Kathryn™ 6 · 1 2

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