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This isn’t a question I want you to answer with an I’m pro-choice, or I’m pro-life. I want you to tell me how you would feel about getting an abortion. And for men, how would you feel about your baby being aborted by the mother. Whether she is your wife, or a one-night stand mistake. It may be against your religion or beliefs, but what would YOU do. Please be honest.

I used to be an extreme pro-lifer, but then I thought about the ethics in making a woman carry another living life form in her own body and decided it should be up to her. Our bodies in reality belong to us, it is the only thing we do have ownership of that cannot be taken away in this world. In a way it is like forcing someone that destroys someone else’s kidney in a car accident to give their’s to the victim. There is a strong ethical feeling of responsibility and debt; however you just can’t take the kidney. Think about it this way too, the same thing happens, but you have to carry around this sick person like a sort of living life-support machine for nine months. After that, you are responsible for paying the medical bills of that person and taking care of them for the rest of your life. Would that be fun? However, there is that guilt that remains. However the is the option of adoption, a excellent way to no longer have another human being in your responsibility if you aren’t up to the job. Nearly all of the people that can adopt your baby are wonderful people and married couples that can’t reproduce, or want to take a child into their home. You have the choice to decide where you want the child to go. I believe there is nothing ethnically wrong with giving up your child to a better and loving family.

I myself believe in pro-choice; however, I feel that abortion is a horrific thing that is done by either people that blind themselves to the actual life form they abort, or people that are just too selfish to think about creating another life. However, as a teenager, my family was extremely strict. I have severe depression and anxiety problems. If I had ever gotten pregnant, adoption and life would not have been a choice. I mean my life. I would have killed myself to avoid being extricated by my family and facing the horrible consequences of being pregnant. I think too many parents/families make this horrible decision not to support their children when they get pregnant. Mostly parents that are religious. This is why I also hate religion because it creates such fear and guilt in young teenagers for their sexual desires and behaviors instead of realistic and helpful behaviors. Studies show that as abstinence only programs are ineffective and I believe it may add to the pregnancy problem even more drastically. Teen gets pregnant because he/she feels too guilty to pick up condoms/birth control and gets an abortion to avoid persecution from overly righteous parents. If more parents talked to their children and gave them birth control and condoms less pregnancies might occur. If more parents wouldn’t make children feel horrible guilt for having sex and getting pregnant I think fewer abortions would occur.

Even now as a young adult, I consider abortion an option. For one thing, I am not financially independent, have bipolar disorder, an unhealthy unstable relationship, and a family that does not accept illegitimate children. If I got pregnant I would be thrown out of my house, my family would treat me like I was a ****, and I would become depressed and feel terrible. I’m not mentally stable enough to handle a child, which is why I avoid getting pregnant. But I must admit, if my family was more accepting, I wouldn’t even consider getting an abortion and instead would think about adoption. The idea of chopping up those little embryo’s, which may not look human but have hands, bodies, and forming organs tears apart my heart. I wouldn’t think about what I was doing, which is what most women that get abortions do. You can’t, because if you did, you wouldn’t be able to do it. After looking at images of babies aborted at 8 weeks, I couldn’t bare the thought of getting rid of mine. But I won’t take that option away from other women that choose to do it. I think we as a society should stop putting such negative vibes out over birth control and adoption, as if the parent is such a terrible person for not keeping their child. I’d gladly give my child to a loving family with stable finances, mental stability, and compassion. If only the stigmas on women that give their children to other families wasn’t so bad. It is like the child becomes a ghost that comes back later in your life to haunt you with guilt and tales of misery and hell you put them through.

In the end, I am pro-choice; however, my choice is not to abort my child if I ever have one. I can’t imagine slicing up that little person that will soon come out of my body and open its eyes to the world. I just hope that world will be a loving and compassionate one that will accept the child with open arms.

2006-09-30 06:27:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

I am in favour of abortions, yes. I take this stance because:
- People cannot control their instincts, anyone who argues for abstinence is a freaking moron.
- The world is overpopulated as it is, more babies is the last thing we need.
- The thing which an abortion "kills" is not truly human, it's brain is not developed enough to justify the claim that it has a soul.
Of course, it is still supposed to be a last resort, only used if the pill, condom etc. fail.

2006-09-30 07:23:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 8

Whoa my answer will be briefer than your question. I am pro choice. When I was 26 I had an abortion. Physically the most painful procedure that I have ever endured. Worse than labor and childbirth. You mess with the cervix and PAIN.

I did what I had to do at the time for my own reasons. It was not a decision that I came to lightly and without a lot of thought. Yes, and prayer, too.

Today, over 25 years later, I still know the I did the right thing at that time and under those circumstances. Abortion is a decision only between a woman and God.

I now have a wonderful son. I was unmarried and I hardly knew his father when I became pregnant. I knew instantly that I wanted this baby with all my heart. It has been a struggle to support us sometimes, but I would not change a thing.

2006-09-30 06:38:45 · answer #2 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 5 4

First let's get the terminology straight. I am pro-choice. So is everyone I know. I greatly value both the free will which God gave me to make moral choices, and the freedom my country allows me to make free choices. Because I have that moral freedom, and take seriously the obligation to use it responsibly, I am 100% pro-life, and 0% pro-abortion.

There is no crime I can think of more heinous than the commercial slaughter of innocent little boys and girls that has been going on for 35 years. More americans have lost their lives in this holocaust than in all the wars America has ever been involved in.

2006-09-30 06:53:20 · answer #3 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 3 3

Killing a child is never okay. Whether it is in the womb or out of the womb makes no difference. It is still killing an innocent child. I have to ask when you feel that a baby becomes a person? Most pro-aborts say "when it is out of the womb. But doctors now can remove a baby mid-term, perform surgery, and then put the baby back in to continue developing. This is done in cases of spina-bifida and other disorders as well. Are you saying that the baby is first not a person(in the womb) then becomes a person(out of the womb) and then becomes not a person again(back in the womb) and finally is a person again (at birth)? How do you determine that a woman has the right to take away all rights of another person? How do we determine that another human being is not worthy of being recognized as a person. We already went down that road with slavery when the supreme ct decided slave were not people. Now you say that babies are not people until they meet your subjective criteria. Did you ever consider that half the babies killed are future women?

2006-09-30 06:40:18 · answer #4 · answered by unicorn 4 · 7 6

What many people don't seem to realize is that Pro-Choice CAN still be Pro-Life, it's not automatically Pro-Death.

I am Pro-Choice not because I necessarily totally approve of abortion, I think it's sad and should be done as little as possible, but because it is not my place to try to control other people's lives.

2006-09-30 06:38:04 · answer #5 · answered by Indigo 7 · 5 2

Pro Life. Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT the woman's body that is ripped head from entrails or chemically burned to death in a most excruciating manner. It is a child, and independent human being that needs no more than food and shelter proveded by the mother.

People make their choice in bed, not in an abortion clinic. It is unfair to the child to make him or her pay for your mistakes, especially when so many loving couples cannot adopt because there aren't enough children available.

2006-09-30 06:42:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

I'm split because both sides rise good issues and i haven't made up my mind. well abortions is basically killing something that could of sprouted into something great or not but have a child you don't want and don't love, well that child will feel like sh*t and their life could turn out to be really bad how would you feel if your parents didn't want you , it could send you mad

2006-09-30 06:35:11 · answer #7 · answered by qwerty 3 · 0 3

I am pro thought.
Abortion is the symptom of no thought.
As humans have supposedly 'evolved' to their current level of intelligence, they should have within their capacity to reason and understand what they need to do to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
To have to argue about pro this or that is to fail to recognize that the problem is unwillingness to use the intellect as regards procreation.
Any who hav e taken up this argument are indeed fools.
The intelligent person s on earth see abortion for what it is, a serious lack of self control. A serious dereliction of duty as regards each persons most prized possession, their body.

2006-09-30 06:32:25 · answer #8 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 3 4

I'm pro-life, I just hate the concept of killing a child for your own well-being. But I not saying others shouldn't, that is their business. I'm a teenager and you don't even have to have a parents permission for getting birth control, you can get it at a pregnancy planning clinic and have the option to keep it private.

2006-09-30 06:35:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

I am pro-choice completely. It's a woman's body and the only reason there is a debate to abolish it is because of a religious smokescreen, which shouldn't even happen since there is a separation of church and state. Men should just mind their own business unless it's their own child and stop worrying about what other women are doing. I also support stem cell research, but they shouldn't pay mothers for aborted fetuses. That's just rewarding irresponsibility.

2006-09-30 07:03:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 6

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