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A lot of people I know are going through REALLY heavy stuff and tough times and trials and I have been through these trials too.

When I was a new chrisitian I was 16 and life was so much better now that I have accepted Christ and things were much simpler then.

And I am not complaining I know this is REAL life but I have a lot more resposbilites and work now that I am much older.

Sometimes I feel life should be fair that good people should get good things and people who are mean and not following God and huring and oppressing others should get bad things.

I did not expect certain finaincial hurts and struggles to come to me I cam from a upper middle class backround. I am rightoeusly angry of the hurt my church members are going through and they love God follow Jesus.

I realize there are trials but I want these people to have victory and succeed and be so happy.

What are godly biblical ways to handle that life is not fair and what are ways to renew my mind?

2006-09-30 05:45:33 · 18 answers · asked by encourager4God 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Sometimes it is hard to see the good in life from our perspective. Often times, when we go through hard times, it is easy to forget all that God has done for us in the past, and all the promises He has made for our GOOD! James tells us the trying of our faith works patience, and that will in turn make us mature, and lacking of nothing. We are likened to gold in 1 Peter, which must be tried with fire to purify it. God sends us trials to bring us to the end of ourselves, so that we will rely wholly on Him. His ultimate goal for us is that we be conformed to the image of His Son.

We also need to realize that God is sovereign over the events of life. There is nothing that happens that is outside of God's control. Not a sparrow falls to the ground without the Father's permission. A lot of people ask, why do bad things happen to good people, but the question really is - why do good things happen to bad people? If we all got what we deserved, we would all be in trouble.

The best response to trials, temptations and persecution, biblically, is to rejoice. You may ask, "Rejoice? That is exactly the opposite of what my natural tendency is in this situation" but when you stop to think, there is much to be grateful for! Consider that the trial could be sent to you of God, to purify you and cause you to have a testimony of His goodness when you come out on the other side of it. Or, you could be in a position that is threatening to Satan's kingdom, so much so that he is trying to overwhelm you. In either situation, God is not stingy with His all-sufficient grace.

I hope you have been encouraged. Keep the faith!


2006-09-30 06:02:56 · answer #1 · answered by Reasoner 2 · 1 0

Wow....you are so inspiring for a young adult. I wish I would have had your wisdom. I didn't become a Christian until I was 37.
It was a pile of trials that brought me to my knees, although I didn't realize at the time that my whole life would be taken care of by Jesus.
One thing, when I go through a trial, it's a time for me to get closer to God. He becomes real and He will bring victory. Had I not gone through the trials I have, I wouldn't have been able to help others. When a friend is going through a trial, listen to her when she talks. Pray with her right there. Let the Holy Spirit just wash over you as you pray. It doesn't have to be fancy.
Also, be honest with her. If she is doing something that will make the trial worse, tell her with love. For example, I had a single mom friend with a DWI and in treatment for the umpteenth time. She walked to the bar and drank Odouls. I was honest and told her that she wasn't helping herself by doing that, etc. (actually, I know her well, and told her she was a fool and was playing with fire)
Also....I have scripture that I go to and send people to if they ask or I know they use God's truth for comfort.
I remember 911.....Psalm 91:1 The whole psalm is good for a lot of trials. Also, Lamentations 3:18 or so up to 26 or so, I think. I can't think of any off the top of my head. I do know that when a trial starts coming up or I'm having spiritual warfare, I thank God that I am no taking steps to get closer to Him.
Remember Rom8:28. God works all things out for good for those who are called according to Him purpose.
I hope this helps a little.

2006-09-30 13:53:21 · answer #2 · answered by megmom 4 · 0 0

Jesus was the son of God and he went through trial and tribulations on a daily basis, they crucified him in the end, so we could have a chance at eternal life.
Read the book of Job, he went through terrible tragedy, and never denounced God.
Psalm 30:5
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Philippians 4 :11
Read your bible and keep your faith in God, I believe when there are times of trouble is when he is trying to get your attention.
It will be better soon. Just keep your trust in him.
We all go through things, and it is in this time that we learn the greatest lessons. Don't give up, let go and let God. Good luck and God Bless

2006-09-30 13:01:14 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Jesus promised that His followers would suffer persecution and hardship because of Him. Also this is a fallen world, so things won't always be rosy. Finally, keep in mind that there are forces of evil doing everything they can to attack followers of Christ. Be strong.
Remember that you will get rewards in Heaven. So what if "bad" people get 70 years of goodies, and "good" people get 70 years of bad. After you have been in Heaven 10000 years, what will those 70 years mean?

How to handle it:
Put on the armor of God: (Eph 6)
Pray. Tell your friends you are praying for them. Knowing you are being prayed for is strengthening.
Keep going to church and having fellowship with other believers.
Keep reading the Word.

2006-09-30 13:40:02 · answer #4 · answered by Theodore R 2 · 0 0

In addition to the above remember that true faith is tested. We all say we believe when things are good and going our way. What about when things get difficult? It is a test of our faith. Will we remain faithful in the hard times? When I start to get angry I step back a minute and start reciting the Jesus prayer and I keep doing it until I am completely calm and my mind is clear. Then I can look at my problems more objectively. The prayer is: Lord Jesus Christ, my God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

2006-09-30 13:06:38 · answer #5 · answered by travelguruette 6 · 0 0

I understand your compassion for others and I think that it is fantastic. It is a fact of life that bad things happen to good people. I know many people who suffer loss after loss and continue to hold on to their faith. If you are seeking reassurance read the book of Job. He remained faithful and all was restored to him. Don't waste your time and effort on looking for fair though, nothing is ever completely fair in this world. God bless.
After reading some of the other answers I would suggest that you start with descernment and not pay attention to the nay sayers on this site. God loves you and your friends .

2006-09-30 12:54:09 · answer #6 · answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6 · 1 0

You need to remember that bad people cannot inherit the Kingdom. This is the only experience of good that they will ever see. Why begrudge them such a small compensation?
As to our present hurts, try to remember that we grow through pain and trials. God has great things in store for us, but He has to prepare us first. That's what life is all about.
Also, remember that God has said that you can indeed test him in one area: the matter of giving. We CANNOT outgive God. He will see to it. So give with a joyful heart and see what happens.

2006-09-30 13:16:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dear Asker, please believe me, this is not meant as a provokation or joke to you:

Have you ever wondered you might follow the wrong faith?

Life is not like you have imagined it in your protected teen years. It is only your opinion that christians are "the good ones" and therefore deserve the good part of life. From your point of view (as a christian) that might be so, but if you would pretend for a moment to be neutral and overlook the whole situation, you might see something else.
All the crimes commited in the name of Jachweh (your god), all the lies, hypocricy and frauds.

No no, I am not trying to convert you to my belief system, we (pagans) don't do that. We do not at all believe in converting others, in our faith everyone is responsible for their own fate.

So (in other words) you will find "the light" when you start looking, but it is only your own responsibility to look or not. It is not my responsibility, only yours. I am just trying to give you a hint, a little idea to look a bit further from a distance.

I wish you all the best (really, I am am serious, not joking).

2006-09-30 12:56:30 · answer #8 · answered by albgardis T 3 · 0 1

Ask for the wisdom and knowledge to overcome.
You can learn to cope very easily and when you see where you came from it is easier to stay away.
That may sound optimistic but it woks well for myself, family and friends.
There always will be hard times, guaranteed. It is your perseverance with faith that brings you through.
We cause all of out troubles. God helps us to overcome our insufficiency's.
Some say God should take care of you and that He should supply everything instantly.
It will come in time. I have been there and continue to prosper with the wisdom and knowledge I have asked for.
Proverbs 1:1 Start here.

2006-09-30 13:17:09 · answer #9 · answered by dyke_in_heat 4 · 0 0

Life may not seem fair, but that is all relative. For the most part, the human mind notices the "bad" things first and seems to leave out the good. So, just try to look at the good. As far as God, he has nothing to do with reality.

2006-09-30 12:51:08 · answer #10 · answered by Gonzo Rat 2 · 1 1

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