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I have prayed so many times I cant even count anymore. I have stayed up crying my heart out because I felt like something was wrong with me. I hated myself and I disliked God.

2006-09-30 04:32:30 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

if it isn't, then pedophiles have not chosen their conduct.
nor murderers, thieves, adulterers, etc.
If your sexual conduct is not a choice then neither is anyone elses.

2006-09-30 04:41:00 · answer #1 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 1 1

Men and women are made for eachother. Sex is made for reproduction, not pleasure. Same as with animals. Being gay is not natural. I don't believe they are born gay or it is in their genes.
I believe it is cultural, social, something that affects them or something in the very beginning. Something that decides what they will be attracted to later, what they will be like later. If they had had a different childhood or whole life experience... they might not have become gay. I think it is something that develops through their child years. And I do think it has a cause which we don't know, as part of the complicated process of becoming a person. Most gays discover it in their teens as well.

I think it's just an attraction thing. Some people are pedophiles, some people do animals, some people like humping trees... Why? It doesn't make it natural or normal. It's a minority only. I don't think it has anything to do with religion and they will get better if they just pray.

You people always treat sex as if it was so great and a need, well gays can't get pregnant, so it isn't natural. It would be a platonic relationship only. Don't forget the AIDS. That should have been proof enough that nothing is supposed to be going up the butt. Exit only.

And I'm tired of gays wanting to be religious and having kids. If they believe in a religion they should also believe that what they are doing is considered a sin. Why they want to be approved by a church and christians when they don't even follow the religion?
And why you need to get kids when you can't have naturally? They should accept that being gay, you will not have certain things. It IS their choice.

I do believe that Mother Nature will punish those who don't follow nature. You can't have kids, you create deseases like AIDS and so on.

There's a difference in accepting that it isn't normal, it isn't natural and going around discriminating them or beating them up, namecalling etc. Which I don't. I have a gay uncle myself, I have nothing against them. I just don't like how they want more and more of what they CAN'T have and should accept.

2006-09-30 04:56:28 · answer #2 · answered by Magnuna 4 · 0 1

I must say this I have heard and read a lot of peoples thoughts about being gay. Some say it's a choice, some say your either born gay or your not. Some say it's wrong some say it's right. Some even say it's a sin. And I must say that every answer I have seen is wrong. Yes in a way being gay is a sin but it goes much deeper than that, nobody is born gay. You see being gay is a evil dark deceiving spirit that comes from the pits of hell, it's a spirit that speaks to peoples minds making them think they are gay. And when you see people that are gay they have allowed that spirit to enter into them. That spirit will torment them until they act upon it if they don't get rid of it. and when you act upon it that's how it becomes a sin. But a person can be free from that spirit, or they can stop it before it enters into them. It's not something to be afraid of all you have to do is rebuke it in the Name of Jesus and send it back from where it came (the pits of hell) Spirits comes because satan will use anything to destroy someone. The more people act upon that gay spirit they will keep getting deeper and deeper refusing to hear the preachers that say it's wrong and that it's a spirit from hell and that they need to be delievered from it they will keep on tell it's to late. A true Christian don't come against the person that's gay but they come against that spirit that has caused them to think their gay. The bible does speak against being gay. It also says that in the last days men shall become lovers of themselves. More and more people are being possessed with that gay spirit and more and more are coming out of the closest, it's also the bible fulfilling itself showing us that the end is almost here. Those that are gay need to wake up and realize that's a spirit thats got them thinking like that and get free from it before it's to late.

2006-10-03 22:14:15 · answer #3 · answered by Jesus Name Preacher 1 · 0 0

well you know how people have tendancys towards certain sins, such as alcoholism, drug abuse and so forth, well these people are born with this due to general curses, but it is looked upon as a mental illness. But just because they have this tendancy in them they can still chose to do otherwise but it is just more difficult for them but it doesnt make it alright for them to go out and do those things, even thought it could be a mental illness, I believe that homosexuality is just another one of those tendancies or even mental illnesses if you will, that obviously is not that persons fault, but just like the alcoholics and drug abusers need help I think so do they. But what it really does come down to is that it is a choice, maybe a more difficult one for certain people than others, but a choice none the less

2006-09-30 04:54:00 · answer #4 · answered by pastor2Be 3 · 0 1

Seek a good minister who can help you.This is choice and even God says it is. If you read 1Corinthians 6:9-19 it will give you the information. I will pray for you that you find the peace and realize the truth.If ou have been told for long enough that being gay is not choice but genes you are going to believe that more strongly. The truth is God says he gave gays over to reprobate aminds that does not mean you can not change your feelings. i dopromise to pray for you and you need to pray too.

2006-09-30 05:00:00 · answer #5 · answered by wolfy1 4 · 1 1

Yes, I believe it is a choice.
Check out Romans 1:26-27:
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

The good news is in Romans 6. Read it and rejoice! I don't know about you but I've been crucified with Christ and am free from sin. The flesh has no power over me because it's dead (God days it's dead so I believe it's dead). Believing that will set you free.

2006-09-30 04:46:06 · answer #6 · answered by Seeker 2 · 0 1

Nope. Only someone who is not gay would believe such a foolish thing. Calling sexual orientation a choice is rationalizing prejudice against perfectly natural ways of being that are different than oneself. It is cruel and it is hateful. And, it's incredibly condescending. It's like saying that people can choose to have emotions - absolutely rediculous.

For those who insist that you can choose your actions... yes, that choice is an empty hollow life filled with guilt and lies but still no love or a fulfilling life with the healthy love of a partner. You people who advocate that view completely miss that sex is secondary to love, and it's your hangup on a physical act that is a sinful choice.

2006-09-30 04:37:07 · answer #7 · answered by Alex62 6 · 1 2

Good grief there are some ignorant people out there! Being gay is no more a choice than what hair color you're born with. Yes, I think you can choose to suppress it if you want, but in some people that makes them miserable and out of sync. Maybe that's why so many people are so cruel to gay people. They are suppressing their own latent homosexuality because their family and/or church tells them they have to, and it makes them mad that everybody else doesn't. Homosexuality exists in nature. You are not a freak. Find a believe system that lets you celebrate who you are and not feel bad about yourself. You are a valuable member of the world.

2006-09-30 04:44:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It is like alcoholism. It is self diagnosed. Some studies say that a gene is involved both with being gay and with having alcholism.
On the other hand, being bi is different. Bi people are just experimenting and having fun. They KNOW that they are not gay therefore they are not.
Now straight is completely different. There is a straight gene. Being straight is not a choice, it is normal behavior. It is not necessary to teach or learn what to do. It is as natural as say, breast feeding.

2006-09-30 04:42:48 · answer #9 · answered by Nick 2 · 1 1

Many people, including Christians, have been in your position. I have spoken with a lesbian about the struggle she had to become heterosexual for her family. She was Catholic. She could not do it, as much as she wanted to. You are not alone. It may be a process for you to understand the situation God has placed you in. But try not to be angry with yourself or God or Christians who are mean and do not understand. There are others like you. Try to get connected to them, if you can. Feel free to email me if you need to chat.

2006-09-30 04:37:48 · answer #10 · answered by BABY 3 · 2 0

yes I do, because I've known people in the homosexual lifestyle who, through the power of Jesus, prayer and the love of a church family have chosen to leave it behind.

now a gay advocate will tell you differently, their agenda is to justify sin rather than glorify God by turning away from sin

will it be easy to change? no, of course not. We all struggle with our flesh's tendency to control our spirit. The first step is to accept the fact that God says homosexuality is a sin and sin is always a choice.

But don't hate yourself, Jesus loves you and wants to give you abundant life.

a site that might help http://www.narth.com/index.html

2006-09-30 04:54:43 · answer #11 · answered by SETFREEBYJESUS 4 · 1 1

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