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You can't see air or a brain does that mean they don't exist
...I mean, 'WTf'.
This is just the response I wanna tear apart right now because it seems commonly used and one of the most annoying, but I could do the same to pretty much all of them:

This is a prime example of basic reasoning and a simple-mind. In that statement, it is suggesting that Atheists say they don't believe in god because they can't see them. Never on yahoo answers have I seen an atheist respond to the question 'Why don't you believe in god.' with 'because I have never seen him.' I believe the correct answer is 'because I have no proof.' Although, as I believe the christians are referring to the naked eye just to show their short horizon of thought, we CAN see air and a brain with certain equipment...but more importantly, even without seeing them we can prove they are there, much unlike god, which makes this a broken analogy. What's even worse is when they put something like 'when are atheists gonna...

2006-09-30 04:00:50 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

wake up and realize how ignorant they are being.'....HOW HYPOCRITICAL? Seriosuly, do any Christian wanna defend the statement about the not seeing so not being there? If not, then plz stop using so I don't have to wrie an explanation explaining how dumb that is every time I see it- Thx.

2006-09-30 04:02:10 · update #1

...excuse my spelling, and plz ignore it, I wrote this in a bit of an angry state and realize how bad it is...plz just answer the quesiton.

2006-09-30 04:03:32 · update #2

Yes it does Earl, cuz i've felt it..I've never felt anything that led me to believe in god....sry...that is still a broken analogy, and 'love' can be measured. Not in a test tube, but by certain signs ur body and brain shows of pleasure when around a certain person...

2006-09-30 04:06:15 · update #3

NDING THE ANALOGY AND NOT EVEN TRYING AND STILL DON'T SEE HOW STUPID IT IS!!!! They seem to have completely ignored what I wrote.....ALL THOSE THING CAN BE PROVEN, GOD CAN NOT! IT HAS NOTHNIG TO DO WITH SEEING!!!!!! ...im trying not to go crazy, but stupid people drive me nuts...

2006-09-30 04:08:02 · update #4

..they truly are stupid....truly....wow.....never knew how alone me and my brain were in this world....wow..this is amazing for me....it is not safe........so many people can be herded around like sheep without thinking for themselves......woooooooooooooow...explains a lot....

sry, i am in a state of amazement....I didn't realize how much like robots some people were. I used to think the info just never came to them.

2006-09-30 04:10:41 · update #5

22 answers

I have actualy seen an athiest on answer say that exact thing if you check my answers you will find it. But there are many things that can't be seen that exist although this is not reason for believing in God anymore than it would be reason for believing in ghost. The fact is that god reveals himself to those who seek him and see value in him. No one can reveal God to anyone only God can reveal himself.

2006-09-30 04:05:53 · answer #1 · answered by djmantx 7 · 6 0

I can see what is frustrating, Elmo. The answers are alright ... for a different question. You sound more agnostic (haven't had proof one way or the other) rather than athiestic (believe there is no chance of a god, & they'll tell him that in the after life too ... LOL)

We are living in an age when religious beliefs need a logical and even scientific explaination. But if you are not willing to listen, nothing will be enough proof. Try this though ...

E=Mc2 //
M is Mass ... like our physical bodies
c2 is speed of light squared ... a very big number
E is Energy ... invisible, yet according to this theory of relativity, can be interchangeable with Mass at a different speed.

So to create the Universe, God, who is all powerful, used His energy as the building block.

Energy alone does not explain the depth of emotion, intellegence and goodness that we find in the world. These are attributes of a personality. Just as we perceive an artist's character in his works, so we can see evidence of Love, Wisdom and Will power. God has a loving personality.

When we look at nature, there is beautiful harmony. Only where man's selfishness is over-dominating do we see teh majority of evil.
We have to learn how to live as harmoniously as nature. to do that, we have to understand our purpose that came from our creator.

There's more to it than that, Elmo. Buzz me on Y! messenger if you see me on-line another day.

2006-09-30 04:40:47 · answer #2 · answered by upf_geelong 3 · 0 0

To be quite honest with you, I find much more of a simple and even a narrow mind in your statements. Let me give you a different analogy. Up until recently in human history, we had no "proof" that germs existed. During the civil war, surgeons would amputate, then wipe the knife or saw on their clothes and move on to the next man. They didn't wash their hands or anything. Why? Because they had no "proof" of diseases and sickness spreading through germs. Was this because they didn't exist? No, it was because humans were not yet intelligent enough to find and prove their existence.

People used to think the world was flat because they had no "proof." That didn't take away from one bit of the roundness it has.

You are limited by the small scope of thought you've allowed yourself to have. You seem to be so impressed with your own "intelligence" that you've forgotten how ignorant human beings truly are.

If God is ever scientifically proven during your lifetime, just like germs and the planet earth being round, how are you going to feel? Aren't you going to look back and think about how closed minded you were?

Think about it from that angle. I'm not trying to tell you that you have to believe in God, but I don't think you should be so closed minded about something you can't DISPROVE. How do you think hardcore "flat earth" advocates felt when it was proven that the world was round?

2006-09-30 04:08:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

so you can't see air, but you can perceive it ( feel it, measure it and so on)
you can't see god, but he can be perceived.
first and simply ,
even if you say everything came from evolution,
you go back and back, at some point you haveto suppose that something existed ( energy, matter, a personailty)

now God does prove that he exists,
he does not come down in a flash of light and thunder like some may wish.
if you read the bible,
you can see prophecy that has been fulfilled.
for example, the prophecy of the fall of jeresalem, in 607 bc.
how long they would be in captivity in babylon, as well as when and how they would be released.
archeology confirms these happenings, and that it was infact recorded before it happened.
noone has that kinda power except god.
so he has used that and of course many other things to prove that he indeed exists.
but, you have to be willingto accept that.
he doesn't and isn't going to force you to do so.
many who do not beleive in god say that man is the top of the food chain so to speak, and are unwilling to concider that we have someone better than us, and someone who we have an obligation.
no obligation if he isn't real......
of course, You can go into deeper things with people too about how god exists, but if they are not faimlar with the bible, or history it becomes difficult, and you have to rely on simple things to talk.
same is if you are describing how to use a computer to someone not familar with it.

2006-09-30 04:09:52 · answer #4 · answered by papeche 5 · 0 1

right here we flow again. A liberal grabs a verse that they understand easily no longer something about and examine out to make experience with it to sentence others. Why do liberals continually throw in some verses from a e book they don't trust, written through human beings they don't imagine existed, about what a guy says, who they don't even imagine existed, who changed into the son of a God they do no longer favor to even imagine exists? You anybody is so ....nicely hell there only are not any words for it.

2016-11-25 03:57:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Being a christian is just not believing in God, being a christian can be respecting others in their way even though they may be different. I have known that by just waking up in the morning or still being alive we don't need no bigger proof that God excist. i also believe that you don't have to see or have a machine to proove anyhting. I just rather live my life believing that he excist than living my life trying to make a rebel belief trying to make a point and in the end finding out he does excist when it's too late.

2006-09-30 04:18:44 · answer #6 · answered by waffle_master89 2 · 0 0

I have seen air, fill a clear balloon with air, and dip it into liquid nitrogen!
Go to the morgue, and you may get the chance to see a brain!

To see the handy work of God does not amaze you? Can you not look at a night sky and not see the work of God?
You have eyes but you do not see!

2006-09-30 09:33:34 · answer #7 · answered by Grandreal 6 · 0 0

How about this.....If there is even the SLIGHTEST chance that there is a God....& you live , say , 70 years......& when you die , you SUFFER incredible agonies for eternity itself because you deny'd the very idea ?!? Whats the harm in a little faith? Is the bible so bad that it teaches nothing but hatred & pain? Seems to me that , there is alot of good in there. There is alot of good in people too. HOWEVER, I think it IS a good thing to question ALL ideas because thats where knowledge begins . Not all things are as simple as black & white. I wish it WERE so. ALL have doubt & fear , I think . It's just normal.

2006-09-30 04:12:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It and other analogies are equally stupid.
Whether or not anyone believes in god is really up to each individual accepting what their experiences and indoctrination have given them.
If one decides to believe in evolution, creation, or mankinds origins coming from outer space, that is their inalienable right.
What many people should realize, is that if someone disagrees with their own conclusion, they should not take it as a personal attack.
After all, did the person who takes offense personally create God?
Did they personally observe evolution?
Did they personally see the aliens bring humans to the earth?
If not, then why take the different viewpoints expressed here, as a personal attack?
What becomes obvious, is that whether you are Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Evolutionist, the majority of people on this forum are highly intolerant of other opinions.
For me personally? I know what I believe, and have good reasons for my beliefs. If you disagree with me, I know that it is not me with whom you have the argument, it is my beliefs.

2006-09-30 04:08:00 · answer #9 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 0 1

We also can "see" God with the right equipment. Its called the Spirit of God who gives sight to the blind and ears to hear to the deaf. Would reason deny the possibility that there are some spiritually dead and that it takes divine power to help them? Those who are born again know God and hear Him even as you can see air. It just takes, as you rightly point out, the right stuff.

2006-09-30 04:09:54 · answer #10 · answered by beek 7 · 1 0

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