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My kid's teacher is a professed atheist. He teaches evolution and aetheism in class. One day, this teacher asked my kid about his beliefs. Here is the excerpt of their discussion.

1. Evolution says that the universe came to be because of the Big Bang. My kid said that if he had his watch hammered into pieces, put some gunpowder on these and lit it would the bang cause the pieces to form into a watch?

2. Evolution says that only the fittest survives. So, Hitler was right. He tried to eliminate the Jews because they were inferior to the Arian race.

3. To see is to believe. Since God can't be seen, then we should not believe him. His teacher said. Therefore, since my kid could not see his teacher's brain, nor could he see the air, my kid should not believe that the teacher has brain. Neither is there air.

The teacher tried to evade all these valid reasoning. What about you?

2006-09-30 03:25:04 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Proscript: Many of my son's classmates now question evolution. One shouted: Yes!!! what a relief. I do not come from a monkey after all!

2006-09-30 03:30:09 · update #1

35 answers

Smart boy.
1. Something has never came from nothing.
2. If the fittest survives why are scientists and doctors trying to eradicate disease? This goes against the theory.
3. If the teacher were blind would the world disappear?

2006-09-30 03:33:14 · answer #1 · answered by dyke_in_heat 4 · 4 9

I have to call BS on this. I'm not sure I believe this happened at all. Your scenario is a bit too much like a Neil Simon play. However, your ignorance is a definite. No teacher in his right mind would proclaim to be an atheist in the public school system. That would only end up in misery and harrassment for him. Secondly every public school teaches evolution. It is science. Third, a teacher would never ask a kid about his beliefs. That would be close to professional suicide.

You are just trying to stir up trouble and mislead the gullible with your crap.

1) Evolution makes no claims regarding how life began...only how it progressed. Evolution and the big bang are DIFFERENT.
2)Survival of the fittest does not belong only to evolution. Genocide has nothing to do with natural selection.
3)We can see air through a break down of the molecules that make up our atmosphere. We can see a brain by CT, MRI and by simply cutting the skull open. As a surgical tech, I guarantee that you CAN see a brain.

If this conversation had actually taken place the teacher most assuredly would have mentioned that. This is the reasoning of a 2 yr old. You are an idiot that is not content with the fictions in your bible, but has to make up more to assuage the feelings of doubt within yourself. Weave your pathetic little web of lies...it will matter not in 20 years. People like you are the reason I can't stand xtians and will wage war with them on an as needed basis.

Get an EDUCATION. Step up to reality or step off.

2006-09-30 03:43:06 · answer #2 · answered by Medusa 5 · 2 1

This set of intellectual tiddly-winks has been on the internet for years. I'm neither a teacher nor a scientist, but I can come up with answers to these.

1. Gravity acts on objects to bring them together. Forces of energy change molecules in the same way that the gunpowder is changed by a match. The watch is a marvelous instrument, but before it was a watch it was minerals in the ground, and although altered those minerals are still there. To someone who is not a human and has no need to tell time, that's all the watch is: a bunch of minerals.

2. Evolution says that the most well adapted to environmental pressures survives. The reductionist shorthand that says "survival of the fittest" does not accurately describe evolution. Human beings can produce environmental pressures, but murder by humans is not an evolutionary act. On a large scale it may reduce the gene pool, but the human beings will survive.

The eugenics idea of creating superhumans is a philosophical argument, not a scientific one. Science describes; it doesn't dictate actions.

3. Putting words in the mouth of a teacher that "seeing is believing" is false. Everyone knows that many things exist that we cannot see. Radio waves. The back side of the moon. The sense in your statement. (Well, I guess they don't all HAVE TO exist.)

By the way, this post is a lie. As such, you may want to consider whether you are a good witness for your faith, since you are basing it on your own telling of falsehoods.

2006-09-30 03:41:07 · answer #3 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 1 1

1. The universe is not a watch, the analogy doesn't hold. There are plenty of experiments you can conduct that prove order can arise from disorder simply through the laws of nature, no designer required.
2. The point made has nothing whatsoever to do with evolution. However, while it's irrelevant, I am tempted to point out that there are plenty of jews in the world, but followers of the third reich are rather scarce.
3. That's just a stupid and dishonest semantic game. There's ample evidence for the existence of air, brains, and many other things that aren't necessarily visible to the naked eye.

I consider it very obvious that the "arguments" you posted don't even remotely resemble a transcript of what was actually said. You've set up a straw man and knocked it down. Perhaps that makes you feel good, but don't be under the illusion that you've actually proven anything.

2006-09-30 03:39:02 · answer #4 · answered by Bramblyspam 7 · 5 1

Your poor child. Being taught all the scientific lies from a teacher. Grow up, your kid should have gotten a detention for interrupting class and arguing with a teacher. Besides, it is obvious that you made most of this "story" up. No teacher would allow a student to behave in such a way, and a sincere evolutionist can point out undeniable proof of such a process. Do you not read the news? A new semi-evolved humanoid skeleton was found in Africa, with much of the bones intact.

2006-09-30 03:52:37 · answer #5 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 1 0

Wow! that is the most contrived Bulls Hit i have ever heard... I know that never happened.

1) teachers don't teach atheism in class, how exactly DOES one teach atheism? "OK kids today were going to learn that there is no god..."

2) If i hear the blind watchmaker argument one more time I'm going to explode... seriously that is the worst argument to refute evolution. Watches don't grow on trees, they are machines. There is no evidence of watches naturally occurring... there is plenty of evidence for life naturally occurring.

3) Hitler?! HITLER?!!!! now you're a neo-nazi. What evidence do you have that shows that Jews are both a race and inferior? Last time i checked Judaism was a religion, not a race. Genocide is NOT the same thing as natural selection. Do you really advocate murdering those who you THINK are inferior to yourself? If that's true i would be justified in killing you because i think that ignorance is inferior to intellectual responsibility. However, i have a strong morals (albeit atheist morals based on causality).

Lastly, to see is to believe?? Do you really think that? I sure don't. It's an oversimplification. There's this thing called evidence. You don't need to witness a phenomena to understand it if you have evidence for it. Open anyone's skull, you will find a brain, that's just common sense (even if we opened YOUR head as shocking as that may seem). "Air" consists of oxygen and other gasses. We breathe it to stay alive, we can feel it when it moves around us in he form of wind.

I sure hope you really aren't as ignorant as you seem to be. It's people like you who are killing the education systems of our country... Do you really want your kids to grow up with an inadequacy to deal with the real world?

2006-09-30 07:18:40 · answer #6 · answered by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6 · 0 1

I am also an atheist and believe in the scientific explanation of how we are here and why, but i also believe that just because someone believes in something else does not make them wrong. Every one is entitled to there beliefs no matter what it is. I have Christian friends and atheist friends and we all get along fine because people are people no matter what you think. Why can't people like your kid and his teacher just stop trying to push their beliefs on others. Getting along goes both ways. If you believe in god, then that's great, but if his teacher has to teach evolution as part of the school curriculum then let him! Neither of them will be able to change the others views so just let them be themselves and tell your kid to let him teach and stop disrupting the class so other kids who might be interested in what the teacher is teaching can learn.

2006-09-30 03:48:41 · answer #7 · answered by wingsfan 4 · 0 1

....no, they are all invalid...give me a second and I'll put out the sub-intelligent reasoning in these answers, and surprised the teacher didn't explain them to him.

k...what the kid says is not equivalent to the big bang theory, which I personally don't believe in, but is a much better theory than blaming all on 'god', which is not a theory at all b/c it's not supported with any evidence to suggest it. We are in the state of choas, not the other way around...the watch would be whole, then the gunpoweder would be put in it and cause it to spread out..The big bang theory is based on the way certain matter in space moves, but remember it is just a theory.

The fittest only survive because of the process of natural selection, this is not really disputable. If you take a group of deer and put them in an abnormally cold climate the ones with the thicker fur will survive and pass on their DNA...it doesn't ever say we should kill all that are inferior, that is never stated in the theory. BUT..the bible DOES say we should kill all the unbelievers. There's a slap into reality, huh?

Look in numbers 31:17-18...u will see what I mean.

The thing about the brain...honestly that is VERY basic reasoning. Not believing in god has nothing to do with not seeing him, it has to do with not being able to prove he is there. We can prove a there is a brain and air...and actually we CAN see air with certain equipment...but that is beside the point...there is plenty of evidence to support air and a brain, but none to support god.

2006-09-30 03:28:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Get lost you. The first sentence of your statement is "Evolution says that the universe came to be because of the Big Bang". Total rubbish-evolution is about biological processes. It says nothing about the big bang. If you can't get that right why should I even bother reading the rest.

2006-09-30 03:40:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Is there surely a question in there, or do you in simple terms sense the would desire to yell at human beings? at first, maximum folk of instructors are actually not atheists, nonetheless I fairly desire they have been, instructors exceptionally lots replicate the composition of the society they arrive from, nonetheless they do tend to be extra valuable knowledgeable than well-known, and because it rather is surely genuine that those with extra education tend to be much less probable to have self assurance in fairy thoughts, there's a average skew in the direction of atheism, yet oftentimes, the biggest unmarried religious perception held by potential of instructors interior the U. S. is Christianity, in simple terms like the well-known public at great. i'm afraid which you're surely going to would desire to have some style of a source on your statements different than your self in case you prefer to be taken heavily. Secondly, the reason I evaluate atheism to be intellectually extra acceptable to theism (not unavoidably atheists, nonetheless you do discover extra atheists among extra smart human beings, in simple terms not believing in god would not make you any smarter) is because of the fact faith is in line with blind faith, that's fairly basically a fabulous way of asserting not something. the only reason you have self assurance in god is because of the fact your mothers and fathers instructed you to - there is not any evidence in any respect which you're superb. None. so which you will desire to understand that there is not any evidence and therefor no reason to have self assurance in any god is obviously a extra valid point of view. Now, you have self assurance even though you prefer, it is your good, yet reality isn't democratic, it is not correct what share human beings accept as true with you, in simple terms considering the fact which you prefer there to be a god and you have self assurance that there is would not exchange something. there continues to be no god, there is not any heaven, and once you die, you will decompose in simple terms like something persons.

2016-10-15 09:10:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok, tried to do something similar when i was a child in religious education, (back in the day) but I got a hard clip at the back of my head!

Kids are allowed to question things and express an opinion in class these days so teachers should prepare themselves for the onslaught!

If the school encourages such things then they deserve all they get!

2006-09-30 03:31:15 · answer #11 · answered by Lorraine R 5 · 3 2

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