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I am the chairwoman of our dress code committee. Any dress code standards you can share with me would be greatly appreciated. We are having a real problem with shabbily dressed patrons. We have a sign out front that says, "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who is improperly attired."

2006-09-30 02:27:59 · 19 answers · asked by Ask Donna 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

God brought us into the world naked. While it is respectful to dress for church, for you to turn people away because they are not dressed "nicely enough" is not the way to deal with the situation.

You are putting yourself in the position of judging if people are dressed "correctly" so that you will allow them to worship. Would it not be a better idea to allow God to judge what is in their hearts, rather than man judging what is on their bodies?

You call worshipers "patrons". You seem to think you are running a club or restaurant, and that it is a privilege to come to your "place of business".

You may want to rethink your whole attitude as to "dress codes".

2006-09-30 02:38:53 · answer #1 · answered by fire4511 7 · 2 0

well its a tough subject really.
people should be free to wear anything they are comfortable as long as it isnt highly distracting or offensive to others.

i for one, would be quite annoyed to have to wear a suit or corporate looking clothes to church every sunday, sometimes its nice to wear jeans, sneakers, and a nice shirt. it depends on the weather and how your feeling that day, and shouldnt be a problem.

mini skirts that u can see right up when someone is sitting down, or a top that has so much cleavage u blush and cant stop staring, or a guy who turns up with no top on, is kinda another story. its not something we wanna see in our churches. but people need to understand WHY. i found that especially in our youth group, explaining WHY was just the best thing we ever did.

You can hand out some rules, but they are sure to be rebelled against or hated if not given a reason. We had a day for the teens in our youth group, the girls, that explained why we encourage them to wear things that glorify God, instead of things that call for an erection (lol). we said its because "the kind of bait you use determines the kind of fish you will catch" for one thing. there are many other reasons too. "because the bible says so" isnt good enough... WHY does the bible say so? find out and tell them.

As far as newcomers go? we would rather a prostitute in need of God, come into the church scantily clad and find salvation and not judgement, then show her a better way and offer her new clothes, than her come to the doors in desperate need, see a dress code sign and a bouncer kind of usher tell her she cant come in till she gets some more clothes on! then she misses out on salvation and help.

This whole dress code thing must be approached with wisdom. we cannot judge people, but we dont want to glorify the devil in our appearance. Newcomers who dont know what is right yet, should be exempt from the rules until we show them "a more excellent way" as the word says. Mature Christians need to set an example and be all class, not ***.

as far as style goes? dont be as picky as "well a suit or a conservative summer dress is okay but we will ban ripped jeans or tshirts without collars...oh and if they are wearing all black, we will have to give them a talking to".... they are not robots or mannequins. they are people that God created.. and guess what?? He loves all of them just as they are. if its not against the word, let it be. all because we may not like a certain style, is no reason to ban it.

like i said, tough subject. pray pray pray :-)

2006-09-30 02:40:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In my Church you have many that always wear jeans and many that never wear jeans. Our Pastor always wears a dress shirt with tie and dress pants and shoes. Not too many wear suits and ties except more might for Christmas and Easter and the same with more dresses and skirts for the ladies. We are a very casual Church at least the congregation but the people singing up front dress nice all of the time. I wear nice jeans most Sundays but I like to wear cargo pants and khakis some too. Very rarely I wear a t-shirt as I almost always wear a collared shirt and usually a nice pair of black or brown leather shoes but very seldom a pair of sneakers. If I were up on the stage I would dress up for that and regardless what I wear I still worship the same!

2016-11-05 23:11:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

while i'm not overly comfortable with the refuse service you could try having a shawl or sweater for those who are rather immodestly dressed - like in ROme and throughout the HOly land - no tank tops or shorts - you will be asked to leave.

it's all a standard of respect & unfortnately that is lacking no a days even in business clothes.

we have a sign posted out front - no shorts, tank tops or other beach type attire. we don't refuse anyone entrance but.... unfortunately, taste and modest stems from one's upbringing.

2006-09-30 02:38:23 · answer #4 · answered by Marysia 7 · 0 0

Jesus hung on the cross next to thieves... I think you can sit next to 'shabbily dressed people.'

We're all equal in the eyes of God and at the end of our lives wearing the best you've go to church will be the least of your worries.

People like you -- the ones who judge without having the power to judge are what turn other christians away from church. You have no right to say who can or can't come to church. On God does that.

2006-09-30 02:34:04 · answer #5 · answered by leannainpa 3 · 3 0

I wear women pants no my church do not but other like for women to wear dresses,during the winter month it is too cold for dressess ,the bible say women should look like a women and all during that time wear long clothing including men,and women still dress like women they wear women pants and I know that is okay you not going to hell for that ,but to enforce a dress code on people that is so wrong it like going to prison to worship God and all the church women taking time watching everyone on what they should and should not wear not listen to the word of God is that right no ,but people should dress with respect if they have the money but all the people I know do and I know they do in your church

2006-09-30 02:34:00 · answer #6 · answered by Linda 7 · 0 0

Not at all. It's pretty obvious. People come to church wearing t-shirts and flip flops! There are nicely dressed people there too. My family always dresses nicely for church and so do I.

Also my church allows any one who wants worship God to come to mass, regardless of how they dress. The Lord wants everyone able to worship Him/Her to be there on Sunday. What if a homeless person comes to your church dressed in rags wanting to pray? Are you gonna tell him to find some other church?

2006-09-30 02:33:40 · answer #7 · answered by songbird 6 · 2 0

Your not attending a church that God built, take a look at how John the Baptist dressed, who do you think you are, that you can deside how someone is to dress to worship God? you are a man pleaser, your more concerned with what men see, then what God sees. You have NO rights, In the CHURCH OF GOD, to stop anyone from WORSHIPPING, I can worship him in the nude, at my house, and he listens, who are you, that can deside, God will meet you on the Judgement day, and he will not be pleased with, your dress code, because its not pure and white, its spotted with sin, and you turned away, those that he chose.

2006-09-30 02:38:08 · answer #8 · answered by theladylooking 4 · 2 0

In my church, you just can't dress innapropriately (short skirts, tight clothing, etc.). It's ridiculous though that your church has a certain dress code. I thought people came to church to praise the Lord, not have a fashion show.

2006-09-30 04:16:42 · answer #9 · answered by Sofa P 2 · 1 0

actually . . . it's a good thing Jesus Christ didn't refuse to talk to ppl who were not as good as him. then he would NEVER have sat witht the true sinners.

i judge ppl on their acceptance of me without the fancy clothes, although there are cashmere sweaters and mink coats in our closets, i usually choose to wear torn up blue jeans and stained shirts to meat realators and church members.

but if i were you i wouldn't really worry about it. you obviously don't know Yeshua, or your hear would truly ache for the less fortunate.

I can't wait to see the sign that sits at the judgement seat of Christ that says "we reserve the right to toss anyone we do not know into the lake of fire."

boy would i love to know where your church is.

2006-09-30 02:30:55 · answer #10 · answered by keanweaner 4 · 2 0

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