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Regardless of the politics and domestic affairs within the country itself and the controversy surrounding their treatment of women, Iran have never within this or the previous century shown any level of aggression or posed a threat to any other country, and yet the American and British governments continue to convince their own citizens that it is a necessary evil (if an evil at all) to attack and conquer Iran. Why is this the case?

2006-09-30 01:04:56 · 21 answers · asked by Kenya 1 in Politics & Government Military

21 answers

Iran has been providing support to Al Qaeda and other terrorist factions.

I suspect Iran itself isn't the threat, but the problem is if Iran is allowed access to nuclear technology (and therefore bombs) they will become a supermarket for nuclear weapons, as they already are for other terrorist supplies.

You might say it's not fair for the US and UK to try to stop other countries from the benefit of nuclear armanents when we have it ourselves, but can we really trust volatile countries in the middle east to not use them... with the exception of Japan, nuclear weapons haven't been used. The terrorist factions who scream so loudly about the US and UK's foreign actions or policy should remember that we could indeed have another policy, which involved the use of ALL of our might. But like the responsible countries that we are (and others pretend we're not) we have refrained from using these WMDs.

Dont forget prior to the invasion Saddam was doing his best to convince other countries that he had WMDs, and although the CIA were fooled into this (or the WMDs are still hidden somehow, but I think not) the US and UK couldn't take the chance that he did have them... it's became obvious that he didn't when the invasion started, because otherwise he WOULD have used them.

USUK isn't saying attack Iran, it's warning Iran that we can't afford to trust them with Nuclear technology, and if we are forced to do so we will have to go in. We don't want to, and shouldn't have to.

The UN should be doing this job, but as usual they tie themselves up with meaningless resolutions that mean nothing, and leave it to us to clean the mess up.

It would be great for Iran to be able to use the technology, it would benefit their country greatly, but the chance of them allowing the wrong hands to get at nukes is too great.

Even when US Cruse missiles were based in the UK the Americans kept them under their own supervision...they are simply being responsible and acting as caretakers for nuclear safety.

USUK has never threatened another state with nukes, but there are a few starting to imply that they would launch against us. We have to be careful.

2006-09-30 07:49:11 · answer #1 · answered by jezterfezter 3 · 1 0

You must do some research. Iran is one of the major threats our world faces today and so is North Korea. To say that Iran has shown no aggression, you must do some reading. Remember the American Hostages in Iran? The US or the UK does not have to convince anyone about this threat, it is blatantly obvious. You must also remember that Iran used to be a Monarchy prior to the coup. A Monarchy is not an ideal form of Government, but in comparison to the Dictatorship and religious insanity they have today, it would be the lesser evil.

2006-09-30 01:56:42 · answer #2 · answered by mimi 4 · 0 1

maybe they arent convincing all of the public. Im from England so wont even speculate on what the US citizens think but im not convinced that iran are a terrorist threat.

It seems to me that they react badly to the criticism about uranium enrichment from the two biggest arms dealers in the world and also the UK and US both have nuclear arms and are hypocritical when telling anyone, not just iran that you cant enrich uranium.

We also recently gave Australia the rights to trade enriched uranium to china. whats that about? look at china, they are a disaster waiting to be noticed by the world as they are already happening. an army in the millions and they have or soon will have nuclear arms (maybe they did already, i dont know).

2006-09-30 02:00:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe Iran is a clear and present danger however I have personally witnessed how thin our miltitaries are spread. War is an unfortunate business that is corrupted in to profit. I only hope if a clear and true threat is imminate that our widely questioned multi-front engagements do not limit us in responding in kind. We are at the threshold of an axis vs. allies scale opporation and public confidence is dwindling. If you are not frightened behind the false since of security you are demonstrating in asking this question in the manner in which you have asked it....You should be. Keep in mind that the American media is controlled by political interests who are opposed to the present government. If liberal democrats had thier pawn in the whitehouse instead of the conservative republicans and the same wars were ongoing at present the media would be suppressing information and promoting and supporting their president. This would paint a very different picture in the public opinion and support would be wide spread. You must first comprehend the source of your information before you can weigh the viabilty of facts. The stark reality is policy makers and their media allies are the only ones who have the facts and what becomes public knowledge is distorted by the many mouths involved prior to public release of information. Take a highlighter and open a news paper, highlight factual sentences only and black out with a marker the opinionated statements. See which pen runs out first and how small the news paper has now become. Through a rock at cnn journalists or as I call them (communist news network) and form your own conclusions. Challenge yourself to understand the topic and then challenge the topic.

2006-09-30 01:43:47 · answer #4 · answered by Mr Right 2 · 0 2

Right off the top, one could say it's because arguments presented are in themselves convincing enough, in spite of doubters and naysayers. In addition there's an obvious point: no government could ever publicize high-level intelligence, simply to justify decisions.

Otherwise we'd have government by on-going internet polling (shree...eeeeek). We have _representative_ government, remember.

Some say that the Saudis (among others) are so fearful of Iran's aims that they'd be willing to cut a deal with Israel. That should be enough.

Things are murky-murky-murky just now. We can't be hasty in condemnation. Like it or not, we are in -maybe not a war, strictly- but in a struggle which most would have never dreamed even a short few years ago.

There's landmines galore out there and we should be sensible and aware about today's realities.

2006-09-30 01:24:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

By repeating their lies over and over in a very loud voice, and by defaming those that dare contradict them.

That has been shown to be the best method ever from the crusades over Stalin and Hitler to now.

That's the how part, why is obvious. Iran has loads of oil, and both the Americans and the British are very afraid they will start selling in Euro instead of Dollar, apart from wanting the control of the oil itself.

2006-09-30 03:50:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Mass media bombardment 24/7 I'm more concerned with the some of the current countries allowed to have arsenals of nukes. The problem here is the placement of puppets, natural resources, and the wrong dominate religion.

2006-09-30 01:53:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As an englishman the present UK government convinces me of nothing!.....In our democracy 50% of the people don't bother to vote because they know what the next 4 years will bring!....the rest share their vote between 3 main parties...The party that wins and runs the country can have less than 30% overall support!......This system is called Democracy!!.......

2006-09-30 02:25:44 · answer #8 · answered by expatriot1000 4 · 1 0

After the Lies that the American and British Governments told us about the threat from Iraq I don't think the people will believe Bush and Blair so easily against going to war with ANY country.
Iraq was fought on false allegations and hearsay so in my eyes and many others it was illegal.

2006-09-30 01:09:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Right so 9/11 and the tube bombings were government PR stunts were they.
Glad I can believe you instead of the Government or my own eyes
As regards Weapons of mass destruction, they had scuds and clearly have nuclear technology, Why do people think Arabs are too stupid to improvise. They may dress like the cast of "The Life of Brian" but those guys aint stupid.

2006-09-30 03:48:35 · answer #10 · answered by "Call me Dave" 5 · 1 1

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