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I tried this earlier, and everyone told me to get a prosititute. Not what I was looking for.

I am 31 yr old American in Singapore. Looking to meet someone for a casual date, coffee, etc. Nothing serious...just see where it goes. However, she should be:
Sweet, intelligent, pretty, sexy, caring, thoughtful, sensual, wity, and warm-hearted.
hahaha...Do I ask for too much? She should be 18-35.
I am kind of used to approaching girls in the US...but here, I get pretty nervous...and sometimes when I do, the reaction is not as welcome. Also, girls here seem to be out with friends more often...hard to approach 2 or 3 girls in the book store for a casual chat. Anywhere particular I should try? Thoughts?
And please...I am not looking for an address or phone number in Geylang...at least not yet!

Singapore girls, Singapore women...any thoughts? Other Expats...any thoughts?
fyi...I am decent looking, polite, nice smile, healthy, non-smoking, professional...

2006-09-29 13:29:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

That's true. Although Singapore is very much influnced by the western cultures, we're still on the conservative side. Its common for girls to appear turn-off should a stranger approach her on the street. We don't mean to appear rude, I guess girls here just don't know how to react to a complete stranger who seems interested in getting to know her.

Perhaps you could start by asking your fellow collegues to introduce their singaporean friends to you? You may start to expand your social circle from there...

Or try bigger bookstores like Kinokuniya at Taka or Borders at Wheelock area. Who knows, you may find someone of your interest. But do not be too forthcoming when you approach her or else it'll scare her off. You may begin by creating casual conversations such as asking her what is her favourite genre [blah blah.... etc. i don't know, its up to you i guess =)]

If not, try your luck at clubs (MOS; Zouk etc) or pubs (along clark quay or muhammad sultan road)? The girls here who go clubbing are normally much 'open' to the idea of making new friends. If I'm not wrong, some of the ladies there like the idea of dating a caucasian.... haha....

I understand how lonely it is for one to be alone in a foreign country. I'll be flying to the states next year and i guess i gotta adapt to a whole new culture & lifestyle too..

do not be discouraged if you've failed. it's all about fate when it comes to meeting a new friend. keep on trying. and well, good luck to you ^^

Good luckk...

2006-10-01 06:23:52 · answer #1 · answered by stitchgirl 1 · 0 0

I think most of the people on here are from the U.S. You might try the travel section for Singapore for better results. Good luck!

2006-09-29 13:31:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you can meet lots of nice girls in any country or city for talking and meeting by joining free the site below

2006-09-29 13:31:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can date me.
I am in singapore.
I have boobs that u boys love.

2015-04-25 18:14:45 · answer #4 · answered by xia 1 · 0 0

try a dating service, or on-line dating. Y!A is probably not a good place to find a date.

Or try going to church.

2006-09-29 13:32:30 · answer #5 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

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