My view, is that i agree with you 100%
2006-09-29 13:20:13
answer #1
answered by Poo for ALL 2
Phoenix, it's not a question of whether or not it's wrong. It's not accepting openly in society therefore classified as being immoral and viewed as most individuals as being wrong. Personally I say that you should always do what you think is best; whether it's just experimenting, testing the waters or a choice of change in sexuality. But it should be done because you are comfortable and you chose to do so. Most of the celebrities have has same sex experiences, some political figures and probably some of your friends (possibly family members). It's one of those things people "do but don't talk about." Like dying your hair once your over the hill. Hope it helps.
2006-09-29 13:24:16
answer #2
answered by sexxybigyrl5 1
It is a bit hard for a straight guy like me to understand, the act is so much more like ritual humiliation, the anal aperture is not able to dilate to facilitate penetration in the way the females genitalia does when aroused so the act must more readily replicate rape than consensual sex.
I can no more understand why men indulge in Homosexuality than understand why "Men" either divide into groups of 11 to chase a ball around a field or sit in the cold and rain and watch the others "Playing".
Takes all sorts I suppose.
2006-09-29 14:35:58
answer #3
answered by "Call me Dave" 5
I do not think that homsexuality is a choice that people make. I think it comes down to what people are naturally attracted to. Just like I can't help being attracted to guys, some girls can't help being attracted to girls. It's rather scientific. What the eyes process to the brain trigger sensations, a more common term known as attraction. People can not help who they are attracted to. Therefore homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality, and the two have been around the same amount of time, it's true. Look it up if you don't believe me.
2006-09-29 13:23:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm 100% heterosexual. But I really don't care if other people are gay, whether they view it as a decision or a natural disposition. As long as I don't have gay men coming on to me, it really doesn't affect my life. Then again, if I were to have a child who grew up to be gay, I might feel stronger about it. Even if that were the case, my goal would be to understand them rather than change them.
2006-09-29 13:24:09
answer #5
answered by Subconsciousless 7
To be honest, it is not their decision! You are born either straight or gay! How each individual chooses to handle it is a matter or choice but the fact remains you are either straight or gay.
If anyone has a problem with another persons sexuality IT IS THEIR PROBLEM NOT YOURS! Be who you are and love life for what it throws at you. It is the only way to live a happy and fulfilling life!
2006-09-29 13:25:11
answer #6
answered by Fluffy 5
I don't see anything wrong with it. If people are happy and in love, that's fine with me. I don't belong to a certain religion, I have my own. In my opinion, love was created first, whether it homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual.
2006-10-01 03:42:48
answer #7
answered by ♥vegetarian♥ 4
Most people who oppose homosexuality are of a religion that forbids it. I personally see nothing wrong with it. I just think people should be happy, that's all, no matter what their sexual prefrences.
2006-09-29 13:22:18
answer #8
answered by Christ, Jesus 2
What i do not agree with is why people condem homosexuals.turn it around if the world was full of gays and normal people were branded as the homosexual this would be a different tale would it not
2006-09-29 13:49:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Oh, here come all the Bible quoting fanatics! Are you ready for a sermon? I see no problem with it at all. Whatever two consenting adults ant to do is fine in my book. I see nothing wrong with transsexuals, bisexuals, asexual, or homosexuals.
2006-09-29 13:25:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i see nothing wrong with homosexuality... i am 100% straight, and i see nothing wrong with it.. if that is how a person wants to live their life, let them... some people have a problem with gay people showing affection for one another in public, personally, i really dont want to see two (or more) straight people groping eachother in public.
2006-09-29 13:24:12
answer #11
answered by Britney B 1