Have you thought about asking her to marry you?
See, this living together stuff sounds really great when it starts out. But it's a shabby substitute for a real marriage.
If you don't love each other enough to make the commitment to be married, then living together is not going to make it happen.
I would suspect that the problem is that SHE thinks YOU don't know what you want... and that's why she is saying that to you.... making you feel the way she feels about your being unwilling to make the lifetime commitment.
If you really love her, ask her to marry you. If she says no, it really wasn't meant to be. This is the showdown. Don't blow it.
2006-09-29 13:06:34
answer #1
answered by mia2kl2002 7
Okay, if this is at all possible,try this. One of you go somewhere for a week or perhaps two weeks. This will not only give each of you time to think, if she loves you also, it will hit her like a ton of bricks! She'll realize just how much she loves you when you're gone. However, if it's not meant to be, except it and do your best to move on.
I know that's tough, but moving on is healthier than rolling in saddness. Okay? good luck.
2006-09-29 20:08:45
answer #2
answered by Republican!!! 5
What does she say the problem / issue is ? If it's something you can work on, then make you've tried everything you can to make it work before you call it off. If you don't, and you break up, you'll regret forever not making the effort. If you do, and it still doesn't work then you know it was meant to be and there was no possible way to save the relationship.
2006-09-29 20:05:40
answer #3
answered by earthlove32 2
Probably you have the "routine" problem...yes it happened to us aswell...you must change things...in your relationship,lets say,when you wake up in the morning don`t do the usuall,surprise her,maybe waking her up with flowers and a kiss... sex life is very important,change something when it comes to it,don`t do it like usuall,try something new,but it has to be something that she likes.redocorate your home,not everything must be changed,but something,that will make her feel like something is happening,something changes.
have you heard of romantic evenings at home?well,candels,petals,roses,a good wine or whatever you like to drink,good music,and make her feel like a queen,you have to prepare this with her knowing it,surprize her.
try to do new things,unusuall things,just don`t let it all be the same every day...that way it can`t work out,you must always change something,because if not,it gets boring,and she will look for someone else.if you want to ask me something or give you an idea for anything,write me at donatella17usd@yahoo.com.I will give you some advices every time you need one.But remember,you must change something,and that as soon as possible,for example...right now?
2006-09-29 20:16:15
answer #4
answered by donatella 3
More information would be needed to advise you. However, it sounds as if she's either found someone else or the thrill is gone and she's outgrown you. Ask her if she will go to counseling with you. If she says no, then you will have to break up and move on.
2006-09-29 20:04:28
answer #5
answered by phoenixheat 6
sometimes in life you have to except the good with the bad. i know its hard to hear but if you let her go and she comes back it was meant to be, but if she doesnt it was never meant to be. there is somebody out there for you, but you have to stop looking and holding on to something thats not yous.
2006-09-29 20:09:59
answer #6
answered by hoddie518 1
sounds like you our going through what i am going through, I love him, and we still live together and he makes promises he can't keep. This is the second women in 1yr. he says he don't know what he wants.
2006-09-29 20:08:46
answer #7
answered by Josie L 1
We can't really help unless we know more about the situation...can you give more details? How long have you been together? What's been going wrong? How long have you lived together? etc....
2006-09-29 20:04:09
answer #8
answered by Jezebel888 2
Set her free and if she comes back to you then its meant to be.
And if she returns to you, marry her. Don't live together.
2006-09-29 20:04:45
answer #9
answered by fullofsunshine 4
why is she mad
2006-09-29 20:05:42
answer #10
answered by Trevy mayne 4