The longer you wait the fatter she will get and the more expensive it will be —— especially after she pops out a few kids. How 'romantic' will YOU feel when she weighs 360 lbs, cuts her hair short ("it's sooo easy this way") and wears baggy clothes all day. She'll feel so lousy about her body she won't even respect YOU for being horney!
I understand ALL about it, Bruddah!
Consider it cheaper now than later. You get to keep everything you had from before you were married and split 'community' property from after the ring went on. You need to just DO it, serve her with papers, before she fools you and gets pregnant.
Look at it this way: "What's the difference between paying for sex or getting it 'free' like when you're married?
——— It's usually a lot cheaper to pay for it!
(That's supposed to be a 'joke'!)
2006-09-29 13:09:32
answer #1
answered by Freesumpin 7
Did you only like her for her body? Why do you want a divorce over this?
Have you put on weight, too? If so, you should tell her you want to change and get her to support you by joining you in making healthier choices for meals and getting some exercise together
If not, maybe you should stop being such a jerk and she won't be so depressed that she has to eat for comfort. If you spent time with her pursuing a hobby that helped her self-esteem she would probably feel more motivated to take care of herself. Also, if she was sure you loved her and were not concerned so much with her appearance as you were with her health she might make some changes.
But if you just need her gone there's no easy way out of that.
2006-09-29 19:58:37
answer #2
answered by Aloe-ish-us 4
First you have to determine if you still love and respect this person. Then if you see divorce as your only option before considering trying to get her to work out with you or dieting then you should POLITELY advice her that you are unhappy because she has gain a lot of weight and see if she would consider making a change in lifestyle to improve her appearance. Then, if all else fail file for divorce but depending on the length of time you've been married she is only entitled to what you have acquired since you've been married.
2006-09-29 20:07:28
answer #3
answered by Christie T 1
Youre a jerk. Maybe you should tell her what you are asking people on here, and she will get rid of your self conceited butt and find someone that will love her for who she is, not who she used to be. When you said your vows, did it say anything about "if you turn into a fat pig, i'm divorcing you" I doubt it.
2006-09-29 19:57:22
answer #4
answered by fight for love 2
What gives you the right to call her a fat pig? Are you in shape yourself? If you are, then invite her to go to the gym with you. Or if you're a jerk you could threaten to divorce her unless she loses the weight.
2006-09-29 19:54:50
answer #5
answered by oz 2
You do not marry someone for looks only. For better or worse. You should help her and be supportive in loosing the weight and becoming healthy.
2006-09-29 19:58:03
answer #6
answered by Kristine B 2
The poor woman obviously turned to comfort eating when she realised what a louse she'd married.
Unless you're George Clooney, you really shouldn't be so nasty and judgemental. Your attitude would be appalling were you talking about anyone in these terms, but your wife?!
2006-09-29 19:57:35
answer #7
answered by pompeii 4
In order to lose weight and keep it off you have to change your lifestyle. Sell your cars and tell her it's bikes or walking for everyone from now on. And no more dinners out or fast food. It's strickly Cost-Co bulk foods from now on, which have to be cooked, with recpies, into proper food. No more sodas either. Take away her credit cards and checks and opperate on a strict cash only basis.
2006-09-29 19:55:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Love shouldn't be conditional on appearance; someone's chub isn't going to come between me and my love for that person. Maybe you should tell her that you don't feel she is respecting her body, and try to help her and support her if she wants to change.
2006-09-29 19:58:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
why you basta*d! how the hell can you talk like that about a woman who you made a full commitment! You married her you idiot... a true man would never ask such a probably married her for the wrong reasons....I hope that she finds a better man then that she deserves.....
2006-09-29 19:56:15
answer #10
answered by "Chanel-o" 3