Because women have a way of demanding that everything a male likes to do must be given up!
Love should be the driving force, not demands for change!
2006-09-29 11:30:26
answer #1
answered by Anarchy99 7
This is surely an honest statement as well as a civilized warning.
I wasn't ready for relationships when I was a young adult. I didn't want to fight a two front war -- one front at work (later at graduate school and then again at work) and then come home to the "relationship" and its manifest battles with an informed and wily parter (because, for women, "relationships" are always discussed. Always. So what does on in the relationship isn't truly private or intimate).
The guy is saying, "My values and goals are very difficult to reach and I don't want to split my energy into pieces and assume I can do well in all areas. I want to confront only one obstacle -- the attainment of a career track."
And he's probably afraid that you don't care enough about him, that his personal quest takes back seat or gets laughed at when the relationship is being discussed with your family and girlfriends -- is he right to be doubtful?
2006-09-29 11:38:14
answer #2
answered by urbancoyote 7
Because they are not ready, they are not comfortable enough to settle down with someone, they want to keep their options open.. It may be because they are too young, just got out of a relationship, or they unfortunately are just using you until something better comes along, it could be for multiple reasons. If what you really want is a relationship then don't waste your time with someone who is going to beat around the bush.
2006-09-29 11:30:57
answer #3
answered by TrueLibra 2
Guys that say that usually just want sex, and not just with you alone. Or they're not really that into you, but think you might put out. Sometimes it's just timidity, though. There are guys that see relationships as a loss of freedom, because they haven't had an adult relationship yet, where the man and woman respect each other's indepence.
2006-09-29 11:31:55
answer #4
answered by answersBeta2.1 3
Because they are not ready for relationships.
Are you asking for an honest answer from a man and then not liking the answer so you want to find some deep meaning to explain it? Not ready means not ready.
2006-09-29 11:33:13
answer #5
answered by Violet Pearl 7
Because they ae not ready to be commited to one person, they want to not have any restrictions and/or they don't want to deal with all that is involved in a relationship.
People don't always realize everything that comes with being with someone. Being in a relationship is hard work and sometime people just don't want to put in that much effort.
2006-09-29 11:32:22
answer #6
answered by starlet_80 3
Love is the answer to everything. All you ever need is love,
communication and understanding. That's what I figured out so
far. If you are down, you need to get up and start doing something with
your life. Don't need to be shy, be straight forward and allways say what
you want and expect from the others.
If you have the time, and you are looking for someone, complete this simple
form and start dating.
2006-09-29 11:28:25
answer #7
answered by G. C 1
Well most men are to in-mature for a commitment, and others are just waiting for someone else to come along, in other words he likes to have more than one woman(plays the field).
2006-09-29 11:35:19
answer #8
answered by allan c 2
because we tend not be very mature for many years to come. we just want to play the field as long as we can until we feel it is time to settle down into a serious relationship.
2006-09-29 11:43:49
answer #9
answered by me 4
becuzz there scared too be with one person so they have to go out and cheat just to see if there really ready for a relationship or not
2006-09-29 11:32:03
answer #10
answered by LifesJourney 3