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Every top 205 pounder has tried and nobody has been successful. does anyone know a 205 pounder that could beat Chuck Liddell.

2006-09-29 10:23:56 · 11 answers · asked by nathan k 2 in Sports Martial Arts

11 answers

The secrete to beating Chuck is to take away his ability to use his kicks and flurry punches. Chuck relies on his opponents charging him or backing off when he charges them. Any fighter can beat him they just have to stand there ground and wait for him to commit himself and counter punch or kick him. It's about not being afraid to get hit in order to get the win. For this reason I think Forest Griffin would be the man to take the title away from Chuck. Forest is not fearless in the cage but he respects his fear and his opponents so he does not go into a fight cocky or afraid. I think Forest and Rishad Evans should fight next. The winner should either get a title match or fight Babaloo. I think the only thing holding Forest back would be the AW of fighting against a guy like Chuck, thats why he lost against Tito and barely I might add. Rishad I think would see past that but I don't think Rishad is ready for the top yet.
So Forrest after one more match and Rishad if he can beat Forrest.

2006-09-29 10:43:24 · answer #1 · answered by Judoka 5 · 2 0

I don't know where you guys are getting you information but Pride has every intention of coming in and kicking ***. Every time someone asks Liddell about Silva ,like after the Babalu fight for instance, he kinda mutters something and then brings up a fight with Tito Ortiz in December. What about the fight in November. How does he know his next fight will be in Dec. against Ortiz? Watch the tape if you don't believe me. I did because I was trying to understand what he said when asked about Silva. Chuck Liddell is a better fighter than he was when Rampage power slammed him and his corner threw in the towel. That's right, threw in the towel. Rampage did go on to get" beaten like he committed a crime" by Silva later that night. The fact is all these fighters have improved. My personal opinion is that Liddell would love to fight Silva as I think he is a true competitor, but I think it is the UFC that is dodging the issue. I think it will be a great fight and it will happen because they are running out of trilogies!!! Oh yeah you guys download some Pride fights or get some DVDs. Sherdog.com has a couple of 10 minute compilation segments on Silva. Men have beaten Liddell before but he hasn't been beat down. The UFC is going to go silent when they see Chuck hit the canvas and" he's coming"!! Wanderlei Silva that is. He is the Pride Middlewieght Champion and the top 205 fighter in the world.

2006-09-29 16:49:41 · answer #2 · answered by iakobus2000 1 · 1 1

Can Chuck be beat? Anyone can be beat. Will he lose anytime soon? I don't think so. Everyone talking about Wanderlei beating Chuck, forget it. That fight is not going to take place. Silva and Pride have pulled out of the whole thing. Don't look for that anytime soon. Recently, Randy Couture was asked who he thought could beat Lidell. He said Rich Franklin and Tito Ortiz. I think Tito would have a chance if he could get a takedown and use some G&P. BUT, therein lies the problem, who can take Chuck down? Remember Lidell/Couture 3? Randy took Chuck down and I thought he was gonna be able to start working him. NOPE. Chuck popped right back up. Face it, even you Pride lovers and UFC haters, Chuck Lidell is at his peak right now and the guy is absolutely lethal. Be looking for Lidell v. Ortiz in December. That should be a fight if Tito is healthy, but then again, I said that about Lidell/Couture also. Look what happened there. Far as Wanderlei goes, I don't know how much of him will be left after his fight with Crocop.

2016-03-26 23:04:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Chuck Liddell is a much better fighter than when he first went to PRIDE, and even then he was pretty spectacular knocking out Kevin Randleman and Vernon White in UFC. In PRIDE he ko'd Guy Mezger and Alistair Overeem. He then lost to Quinton Jackson, whom he could now crush any day of the week. Not even the Middleweight (205 pounds in PRIDE) champion Wanderlai Silva can outstrike Liddell. Liddell won't lose for quite a while. Mauricio "Shogun" Rua is a good fighter, but Liddell can beat him. Sakuraba is so old and unhealthy from drinking and smoking and Chuck would KO him in a second. Liddell is without a doubt the BEST fighter in the 205 weight class.

2006-09-29 16:06:05 · answer #4 · answered by nonexistentdog 3 · 0 2

Tito Ortiz can. He's gotten over his arrogance and has rededicated himself to fighting rather than being the center of attention. Plus he trains in a good camp while Chuck Liddell does the same sh*t every fight and never changes his approach which I feel is going to lead to his ultimate downfall cause he's too predictable now.

2006-09-30 12:54:23 · answer #5 · answered by scorpion187us 4 · 0 0

Chuck Norris

2006-09-29 13:03:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Chuck Liddell is a better and different fighter now. Most people are going to bring up Pride fighters like Rampage, Silva, and others. Chuck can easily beat those guys if given the chance. Chuck avenged his other losses.

2006-09-29 10:33:47 · answer #7 · answered by ernie_casarez 4 · 1 3

UFC has a major lack of talent in some classes. Also, alot of very closely skilled fighters, which make for good fights. Look at Rich Franklin, he has no major skill as a fighter, he only has cardio. But he wins.

2006-09-29 13:08:14 · answer #8 · answered by jeff a 2 · 1 0

Yes. Have you ever seen PRIDE Fighting Championship? Any one of top 5 or so would crush Chuck Lidell.

Wanderlei Silva, Shogun, "Rampage" Jackson (already whipped Chuck's ***), Sakuraba, etc

2006-09-29 10:30:21 · answer #9 · answered by Edward 5 · 3 1

wish he would fight Silva maybe in the future? If that was to happen id give it to "the axe murderer".

2006-09-29 15:35:57 · answer #10 · answered by DyrtByrd 4 · 0 0

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