Because most men have small penises and have to compensate by purchasing 500hp cars.
2006-09-29 19:47:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I've lost count as to the amount of times this question has been asked,a dn if I may be quite frank, a rather silly question at that. Put simply, if your car was restricted to 70MPH by the gearbox, could you really bear the noise of your car's engine running at 7000RPM on a motorway? What abou the fuel economy? And how long would it last? At motorway cruising speed in top gear, a typical car's engine barely works over 2000RPM, if that. This uses hardly any fuel, and it's quite a walk in the park for an engine.
And if you're into going to race tracks to push your car to the limit, how much fun would a constant 70 be on a track where you could safely accelerate over 100, and then some?
If your car was restricted by gearing, or electronical tat, It'd be rather like having some patronising health and safety nazi at your school telling you not to play conkers in case you get hurt.
Oh, and as Clarkson, and someone else here has said: "My watch can go 100m underwater. Now I'm never going to do that, but it's nice to know it'll be ok if I drop it in the sink".
If you want to drive everywhere slower than what is frankly necessary, please get on the bus, and out of my way. Cheers.
2006-09-29 20:31:41
answer #2
answered by mr_carburettor 3
It's a little thing called freedom. If someone has worked for the money and wants a nice car that can do over twice the speed limit then why the hell not?
If they drive like a loon then natural selection will quickly take care of that. I hate all these pc thugs going around telling people what they can and can't do. Just chill and live and let live.
By the way i earn about £16k a year and i have a Toyota Supra that'll thwap along quite nicely at 155mph and i believe my penis is about average sized with a slight bend to the left.
2006-09-30 12:40:33
answer #3
answered by dave p 1
Theorectically cars should be speed limited, at least thats what Government legislation has been moving towards; including a less than successful trial in the Leeds area (I know at least 50 people who've been stuck behind the trial cars doing spot on the speed limit on a wide open road!).
Soon (20 years) only the police and government assigned vehicles will be allowed over 70 mph. Car manufacturers build cars with impressive performance, to keep regenerating the industry as anyone can provide a car to work well within the limits of normal driving. People feel priviledge to own such pieces of machinery and suddenly become reluctant to give it up...
2006-09-29 18:23:46
answer #4
answered by plcorg 1
1) Bragging Rights
2) Some People Have Money To Burn
3) Say, you want a VERY good looking, Hot/Sleek/Slim/Exotic Car, wouldn't it kind of be retarded for it to have the same engine as the original VW beetle?
4) If we didn't need to improve anything except for efficiency on engines, then MANY people would lose thier jobs in the auto industry.
5) If you are trying to escape from a school of ninjas because you accidently ran over their master, you WILL need a fast car, the stig from top gear, maverick from top gun, master cheif as well as 20 SPARTANS from HALO, Jet Li, the master sword from zelda, the ocarina of time, Optimus Prime, The ninja turtles, a ghost trapper thingy from ghostbusters, and jackie chan. Oh yeah, and a LOT of 1UP mushrooms.
6) On private property, race tracks, the autobahn highway in GErmany, and the "Isle of Man" ion Britain there are no speed limits.
2006-09-29 17:37:01
answer #5
answered by bks 2
Well, there are plenty of places where there are no speed limits. Montana during daylight hours, for example. German autobahns. Race tracks. Private property. Test tracks. And 70 isn't the highest posted limit in the US, 80 is.
There are plenty of times when speed above the legal limit is needed, and it's up to the driver to justify what he or she was doing. I got a 132 MPH ticket tossed in TX as I was rushing my son to the hospital following a drug overdose. Waiting for the paramedics wasn't an option as they were busy with another high-priority call. The ER doc said that if we'd been 5 minutes later, he would not have survived. The judge agreed and dismissed the charges.
2006-09-29 17:34:10
answer #6
answered by Bostonian In MO 7
Well leaving engines aside, cars these days can pul a "g" on turns and pull you to 60 in less than 5 seconds and are factory equipped with 600 watt stereos, thats right 600 watts! These are all factors of a very saturated and highly competitive industry. Automobiles are built to exceed normal driving conditions but possess that appeal which can pull in teenagers, oldies, yuppies or the enthusiast. Considering all buyers to be sane and responsible drivers, car limits are often not tested neither are they recommended. Its an advantage carmakers build into their cars to edge over other cars.
2006-09-29 17:42:51
answer #7
answered by BankWithMe 2
Several reasons. My watch is water resistant to 100metres, now I'm never going to take i down to that depth, but it's nice to know that its going to be ok when I drop it in the sink. Second, if you jusp in front of a Ford Anglia with a top speed of 70MPH, chances are if you jump in front of it when it's doing 60MPH, you will be killed as it's not designed to deal with circumstances out of that range, yet if you fell in front of a 208MPH Maclaren Mercedes doing 120MPH, it's stopping distance is shorter than the Anglia's at 60. And finally, you can do these rediculous speeds, on track days. I have done a couple of track days with my car and you can drive at stupid speeds perfectly legally, and get the same adreneline rush you get anywhere else, only difference is you won't kill anyone there, they are equipped to deal with issues.
But the real reason is that you don't have a view to improving yourself do you? I don't mean to sound insulting, but if you have no intention of trying to improve yyourself, to push the abilities of current technology then we would never improve as a race. Unless you take the so-called impossible and do it, we can't advance and develop. We all learn by our mistakes, unless we make mistakes and develop reasons to exceerd what we already can do, then what is the point in living?
2006-09-29 20:02:57
answer #8
answered by Bealzebub 4
Speed limit here in UK is 70mph, not everywhere else in the world!
Besides, you may have a car capable of 200mph and never go above 70mph; but I'll bet that you will use the acceleration that comes with that car every day!
Engines are generally developed to be more and more efficient (given that the internal combustion engine is REALLY inefficient), to save fuel, reduce emissions etc etc etc, sometimes a side effect is high top speeds; manufacturers assume that drivers are bright enough to drive with-in their own limits.
But yes, I would agree that many (so called) drivers should have their cars restricted to 50mph or less!
2006-09-29 17:37:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I dont know what people are talking about when they say people who buy fast cars are dumb. I guess they have only lived in the US. go to europe or japan and you find TONS of racetracks and private roads (not to mention the autobahn) that you can buy track time and race on. Drive around london, paris or tokyo and all you see are insane cars and ferrari's blowing past you on the road. There is a higher standard for cars outside of the US and it just so happens that the US imports and makes these cars made to go fast. I understand that some people just dont like cars, but for the people that do, fast cars are the way to go.
2006-09-30 14:19:34
answer #10
answered by ME 2
because there are private racing tracks, abandoned airfield strips, German Autobahns,...
besides the fun of having such a car is usually not in the top speed but in the torque it has and the handling in the curbs. That's what defines the fun factor in a car. e.g. The ideal terrain for a super sports car is mountainous terrain like you have around the area of nice and monaco
there's a lot of short strips and sharp turns so you can't really do dramatic speeding but it allows you to really test the chassis, brakes handling...
2006-09-29 17:29:03
answer #11
answered by peter gunn 7