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I was flying to Scotland on an Easy Jet flight from Stanstead, An old lady got up and went to go into the loo, and as she went in she came straight back out shouting down the aircraft to the busy hostesses I cannot use your loo as the window wont close.
Who the hell is going to see her bum Jesus?

2006-09-29 10:13:34 · 25 answers · asked by DIAMOND_GEEZER_56 4 in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

25 answers

Windows in plane toilets? whatever next, outside loo's too?

2006-09-29 10:24:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm an Aircraft engineer and as someone rightly said Loo's don't have windows.
We take out the Plastic window and fit an aluminium one in it's place.
Sometimes though you may still have a shutter there just like at a window seat but you won't be able to open this.
Next time you get on an aircraft look down the outside and you'll see the window blanks fitted (not on all aircraft, as some toilets aren't located in a window area)
Generally though, the toilet comes as a cubicle removable in one piece ( like on 747's and MD11) but others are taken apart bit by bit. Some cubicles are removed all together and an extra couple of seat rows are fitted, just to get a little more money.

The Toilet bowl itself can be removed without dismantling everything though, as if there is a fault it can be changed quickly with the smallest delay possible 20 min to 1/2 hour probably.
Some of these bowls have there own tank under the seat, inside the tank they put chemicals which break down the waste, paper towels don't breakdown as don't your lady mice these are caught in a filter which can get blocked flooding the toilet eventually.
So ladies use the little bag and stick it in the bin not in the loo.
Somebody has to unblock it during maintenance and it might be me!!!!!Yuk
On larger aircraft there are two central tanks which can get blocked on long trips but the crew have tank level indicators.

An Aeroplane has to have a percentage of toilets working for the amount of passengers on board. Two toilets not working on a large aircraft full of passengers won't go anywhere, no matter how many people say "But i'll hold it in"
All because people put paper towels and Tampons down there.
Special toilet paper is used that does break down, looks just like the real stuff.

Oh! and there's still no windows in the toilet.......

2006-09-29 17:46:06 · answer #2 · answered by Karhu100 2 · 5 0

Interesting. I've been flying for decades and have logged many millions of miles on most airlines (including on Easy Jet) on virtually every commercial airliner ever made in the last 50 years and have never seen a window in a loo on an aircraft.

I've encountered quite a few with empty loo rolls, but never one with a loo window.

2006-09-29 17:20:00 · answer #3 · answered by Bostonian In MO 7 · 3 0

Now that smoking is not allowed inside aircraft, us smokers have to stand out on a wing to have a cigarette.

Luckily, most airlines supply blankets, so one has to get a few extra and wrap up well to protect against the cold. The biggest problem is using a lighter in a 600 mph wind.

I always sit down and lean against the aircraft body so I don’t look in the windows. The trouble is that when walking back to the door, one often has to pass the toilet window.

I expect the lady saw a smoker pass by and got embarrassed.

2006-09-29 18:39:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

if the window was open de pressurisation could have taken place resulting in said ol woman being sucked out of the aircraft, bare bum showing, somewhere over Lincoln. Nasty.

2006-09-29 17:27:16 · answer #5 · answered by keefer 4 · 0 0

You don't get windows in plane loos in the same way you always ge t frosted glass on the windows on trains!

2006-09-29 17:24:07 · answer #6 · answered by Yagowra Shakaboom 2 · 0 0

I've never seen a window in the bathroom of an airliner. Who knows... maybe Superman is a Peeping Tom.

2006-09-29 17:21:19 · answer #7 · answered by j H 6 · 0 0

have you even been in the loo of an aircraft? there are no windows in the loo of an aircraft.

2006-09-29 17:23:12 · answer #8 · answered by taurusbella 2 · 0 0

Doubt if ANY windows would open on an aircraft,you would get sucked out at that altitude.

2006-09-29 17:24:25 · answer #9 · answered by sweynseye 4 · 1 0

dont think I've ever been on a plane with loo windows lol! Sure you didnt mis-hear and she said loo rolls??!

2006-09-29 17:22:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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