I call it "chi".
The way I currently understand it (continually evolving as well!), chi follows the blood flow, but extends beyond it. The nervous system functions with a variety of electrical impulses to stimulate muscles and to cause movement as well as feeling different stimuli. This is what I believe to be the physical manifestation of chi.
Whether or not this can be extended beyond the physical body is questionable, although I do tend to get shocked on arid days when touching metal!
I know that there are practices such as Reiki which claim to accomplish this. However, if Reiki uses the transfer of chi to heal, shouldn't the opposite be true? Still, I have yet to experience somebody throwing a fireball!
2006-09-29 11:13:28
answer #1
answered by Steel 7
It is preference. Some Chinese and Americans call it Qi while some Japanese and some Americans (and others) call it Ki and still others call it Chi.
Chi or Qi means a lot of things. In practical terms it means to me breath control. If I was better at it I would be more efficient at absorbing blowsing using my breathe or the lack there of. You also use your breathe to strike harder.
Chi or Qi also means the flow of energy. Using Tai Chi and an understanding pressure points (to be generic) I can hit good and bad points on people and use that to assist my grappling or strikes (or both).
If you ever visit a good accupuncturist (and I encourage you to do so), they will also demonstrate chi/qi on you which will feel like energy, eletricity, or a force depending.
2006-09-29 08:57:01
answer #2
answered by calmman7 2
I wish I could answer your question, but my understanding of ki/qi/chi is continually evolving.
2006-09-29 10:21:29
answer #3
answered by The Roo 3
If you believe that chi is some magical concept then you are an idiot. If your teacher is telling you you can project your chi and shoot fireballs or create force fields (yellow bamboo frauds) or "throw people with thier chi" or have no touch hits with chi (george dillman fraud) then they are themselves a fraud.
There is no uniform definition of chi or ki. some people refer to it as adrenalin, some as better structure, technique or power or blood circulation (which would give better health benefits and mean you are in better shape hence give you better conditioning), all of these things are scientific though it is when you step into the "magical" quick fix realm is when you are experienceing bullshido.
2006-09-29 08:56:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It brings to mind my personal energy... The energy that drives me and helps me to do what I want. It changes intensity with my mood. Perhaps it is my breathing? This from a Texan girl... I don't really do training, however I do meditate on a regular basis. My 'ki' is what I concentrate on and keeps me focused.
2006-09-29 08:56:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
2017-02-19 15:46:33
answer #6
answered by Annie 4
Applie? As in chi? Or Apply Appley as in CIDER!!!!
2006-09-29 08:56:35
answer #7
answered by kittyfreek 5
It depends entirely on the language of origin, (Chinese, Japanese, Korean...) and the method of Romanisation. The character (if you have Japanese fonts installed) is 気
2006-10-01 03:47:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous