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21 answers

Mr. Clinton doesn't seem to get the same respect that is afforded other past presidents. Maybe it is because instead of throwing out baseballs at the World Series, he is still active in doing things that really matter to people around the world and not just in the USA. Beside having a brain that can work overtime and out think the press he can also look back on a Presidency where he as President was attacked more by the Republican party than any other President in History all in their attempt to win the Whitehouse. After seeing the failures that they have committed over the last 6 years is it any wonder that they are getting him back on the hotseat as the one to blame for all the problems they were not prepared for. I wonder how many times Mr. Clinton was summoned to the Whitehouse by the incoming President to ask him for his advice on the security of America. It is easy to blame someone else for your shortcomings but when you assume control you do just that. Mr. Clinton was dragged and hounded by the Press and the Republican party to get out of the Whitehouse and when he left, he left, it was now their responsibility, one which the Republicans just were not prepared for, what a pity that they didn't need his input or even ask for it.

2006-09-28 23:23:35 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. PDQ 4 · 2 3

It was a good question. The 911 attacks were not totally planned in the 8 months that BUSH was president. An attack of this magnitude took several years to plan. So when Clinton was asked the question, he simply blew up because he didn't have a good answer. Lets face it, the Liberal Left don't know how to use the military for means of protecting this country. As a matter of fact, they loathe the military. During Clinton's 8 years in office, he cut military spending by 50%. Military retirement benefits were cut, forcing military personnel to retire or non-retain. The military was also scattered all over the world doing police actions or simply waiting around in foreign countries to act on Bill's wag the dog every time he was in trouble. The terrorist saw this and new that we were vulnerable. Bill Clinton was scared of war. He still had the Vietnam era embedded in his head, and he was afraid of this blowing up in front of him, thus ruining his LEGACY! For this, I must conclude that Bill Clinton is one of the worst presidents this country has ever had. His lack of leadership in this area left this country completely vulnerable, and 3000 people lost their lives for it. Bill rocks? Yea, that's what the World Trade Centers was dwindle down to. ROCKS!!!!

2006-09-29 01:40:01 · answer #2 · answered by Conservative 3 · 1 1

I am. Thanks for asking this. As usual, we get the same garbage from folks who think it is unforgivable to get a bj, but are perfectly ok with going to a pointless war, causing uncountable deaths, causing civil war in another country, running our national debt (once balanced by the Clinton administration)... into the next century need I go on.

Clinton, of course, had his faults (like NAFTA) but wasn't it great to hear a prez talk in complete sentences?

2006-09-28 23:51:41 · answer #3 · answered by tarro 3 · 1 0

To paraphrase an old lawyer joke: How do you tell when Bill or Hillary Clinton is lying? Their lips are moving.

I have no political affiliation so don't say this is just a republican talking. I think most politicians (no matter which party they belong to) are liars and don't have the public interest at heart. However, just like Nixon, Bill and Hillary Clinton seem to take lying to another level.

2006-09-28 23:08:10 · answer #4 · answered by Spiritual but not religious 4 · 2 2

Well, first of all you misframe the issue. In order to 'fight back' you would need to have someone 'fighting toward' you in the first place. Wallace was not fighting Clinton, he was interviewing him. I don't know that 'proud' would describe how I feel about Clinton's childish reaction. Yea, definitely not 'proud'.

2006-09-28 23:04:10 · answer #5 · answered by robertbdiver 3 · 5 2

he did 'nothing"!
Well, if this question needs to be asked, and it does, the answer is plain to see. Nothing! If the Clinton administration actually had done something about terrorism in its term we’d have heard them bragging about the particulars every day of the year for the rest of eternity. Since we haven’t, it just goes to show that he continues to be the most despicable, self-serving, money grubbing, finger wagging liar this country has ever seen and his administration the most thoroughly corrupt in the history of United States of America and continues to live up to his true legacy as a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, pants-dropping, masturbating, wife-cheating liar, thief and con man that was convicted of perjury, impeached, disbarred and ultimately stands as our nation’s biggest embarrassment!

2006-09-29 01:21:53 · answer #6 · answered by bushfan88 5 · 2 1

I enjoyed it.
Everyone could see that Clinton was putting on a show and was lying through his teeth.
He must feel some guilt for maybe causing 9/11.
The Democrats didn't even defend him, because he embarrassed them so much with his lying.

2006-09-29 01:24:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why would you be proud of a lying , philandering man. Clinton is both of these things. His tirade reminded me of nothing more than his I did not have sex with that woman speech. I did not believe him then and I do not believe him now.

2006-09-28 23:34:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I agree 100% bill is great . wish wallace would ask bush the same question

2006-09-28 23:02:26 · answer #9 · answered by learningnewthings 4 · 1 3

He looked exactly the same in his famous " I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman" What a self centered, smug, egotistical, compulsive liar. Good politician though, at least as far as saying what people want to hear. Could have at least called her Monica, not that woman. A little decency please.

2006-09-28 23:30:58 · answer #10 · answered by mark g 6 · 3 2

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