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Does anyone know any natural ways to get rid of a migraine? I have been suffering from them about once a week since I was a child. I have built up a resistance to most painkillers so the doctors keep having to up the dosage that they give me. I have taken enough drugs in my life to fill a house and I'm only 23!!! I have tried different things to prevent them too, but nothing ever helps. The doctors are stumped! Any suggestions?

2006-09-28 20:00:47 · 16 answers · asked by glitz_and_glitter 3 in Health Alternative Medicine

I have head MRI's and about 20 other tests done and they find nothing.

2006-09-28 20:11:50 · update #1

16 answers

check with your doctor if you are able to take imitrex, but ensure you do not have any problem with your heart, blood pressure and i think some kidney cause it will complicate the effect.

that is the powerful medicine that i have taken and i know the effect is 100% within under an hour. usually i need to go to emergency or urgent care if i have an attack, all they do is injected it on me cause i suffer with migraine bad. when i suffer from it, it practically attack my wave of thoughts, sights and my whole being is unable to function.

but im warning you ahead of time, that pill is quite expensive and the insurance only pay for 6 tablets in a month. i hope you will find this as the best solution to your illness. i know i got cured by it. i've suffered longer years than you have and i am 42...

2006-09-28 20:18:21 · answer #1 · answered by salome 5 · 0 0

I have suffered from migraines since I was 10 years old-I am now 50 so I have had 40 years experience. I do know a bit about them. First, you can have a migraine at any time. There is no set pattern-I have gone months and even years without having a single migraine. There are many migraine triggers. Hormones play a big part. That is why women suffer from migraines 3 times more than men. A week before your period is the worst time. I found that birth control pills helped me. Also, sinus problems and allergies as well as hot weather can trigger migraines. Certain foods can also be a trigger-chocolate and sugar are the number 1 offenders. Cheese can also do it. Watch your stress level too. Ask your Doctor about the triptan drugs such as imitrex and maxalt. These are very effective-they are expensive though. I have found that 2 regular excedrin works pretty good most of the time-the trick is to take medicine before your headache gets to bad. Good luck.

2016-03-18 02:36:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is an herb called feverfew that you can take to help prevent migraines. It won't get rid of them once they start, but if you take it every day after a few months you should see a reduction in migraines. I used to get them (I was in the hospital about 6 years ago with one) and as long as I remember to take my feverfew I get them *very* rarely now, and they are usually triggered by my allergies when I do.

Make sure that the feverfew you get contains at least .7% parthenolides, and that it is standardized. You can take one or two capsules a day, and it has no known side effects.

Good luck! Migraines suck, I know.

2006-09-29 06:01:51 · answer #3 · answered by EvilBunny 3 · 0 0

That is all dr's will do, I have been there, done that. I had bad migraines myself for years and had MRI's, CT Scans, and numerous other tests, and the same thing....nothing was found...
they only gave me meds and told me to try them and see if it helped. They only made me feel worse then I did already. Dr's do not believe in natural remedies and do not want to, because they will not make any money off recommending them. And if they cure you, you wont come back for more help. By keeping you sick, you keep coming back and making them more money. sounds harsh, but 90% of the time, its true. I finally cured my own migraines after doing months of research on different natural remedies. This worked 100% for me and I have not had a migraine now for over a year since doing this. Its worth a try, I promise. The MAIN thing I did, was a 5 day ORGANIC JUICE FAST. I only drank pure water and Organic Juices for 5 whole days. no food. It is hard to do, but at the end of the five days, the pressure was gone from my head and no more headaches. I did take one herb supplement called Feverfew I got from GNC. This herb has been studied for years in Europe and shown in many studies to reduce migraines. I have only had 1 or 2 miles headaches since doing this over a year ago. Please try it, it works! REduce your stress as much as possible as well. Stress is a main cause of migraines. hope this helps you!

2006-09-29 02:33:15 · answer #4 · answered by nickelbn1 2 · 0 0

One recommendation is to see a pain clinic. Anyone with any kind of chronic pain problem should consider pain clinic management. You also can find a neurologist who is a headache specialist. Don't give up although I know this is frustrating. Pain clinics often use innovative and wholistic approaches including acupuncture, biofeedback, and hypnosis.

One perfectly natural method that will abort many migraines when they are first starting is to have an orgasm. You can do this with help from another or do it yourself, if you know what I mean. It's free and harmless.

Feverfew is an herb that works for many people, but you need to take it every day to prevent migraines. It doesn't work well to treat one.

2006-09-28 20:54:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Migraines are not the same as a regular headaches, as I am sure you well know.
First you need to identify your triggers. Once you have done that, you need to work on eliminating them from your life. They can be almost anything, emotional, hormonal, dietary etc....Identifying your triggers can greatly reduce the amount of mirgaines that you suffer.

As far as treatment goes, like you I have been suffering from them most of my life. Almost nothing works as far as pain medicine goes, and what does work can usually cause a rebound headache which can sometimes be as bad as the migraine itself. I have taken some Triptans with some good results. But like you, I also build up a tolerance for them.
What I do now, and it seems to be the best so far. At least until I build some tolerance to it is this....

At onset of headache I start taking the Triptans. I eat some protein whether it be a piece of chicken or a high concentrated protein shake. NO PROCESS meat such as lunch meat- but diet is one of my triggers ( you may have different results). I lie down and "try" to sleep in a dark room, if headache hasn't subsided within 30 minutes I take more triptans. At that point I am usually able to fall asleep and sleep away the pain.

For me, once I was able to identify what triggers I have, I was able to control the much more. I used to have them quite frequently and since I have started steering clear of my triggers, this month was the first I have had in almost a year. Good luck to you!

2006-09-28 20:38:13 · answer #6 · answered by jmlmmlmll 3 · 0 0

Migraines are mainly caused from stress. Yes even as a kid growing up you can have bad Migraines. My Sister Died from bad Migraines at the age of 46. She would never go to the doctor to get them checked out . All along she had a leaky Vein in her head
causing the pain and it finally let go ..... You really need to know how to talk to your doctor and get a MRI done . Early Detection would have saved my Sister.

2006-09-28 20:09:44 · answer #7 · answered by marshoberg55 4 · 1 0

Why don't you give herbal supplements a try. They work to cure the cause of the migraine instead of just masking the pain with painkillers. This site has some great info. Good Luck !

2006-09-29 16:13:46 · answer #8 · answered by oilman11977 5 · 0 0

Feverfew is supposed be good.

Failing that sitting in a dark room with a hot water bottle on the problem area

2006-09-28 20:09:15 · answer #9 · answered by bazzabagsure 3 · 1 0

Migraine relief using Grapes
Migraine relief can be obtained from the juice of ripe grapes and is an effective home remedy. It is said that King Jamshed of Persia, who was very fond of grapes, once stored the juice of grapes well packed in bottles and made it public that the bottles contained strong poison so as to prevent others from taking it. It so happened that the king\'s wife was struck with migraine and having obtained no relief from any treatment, decided to end her life by taking this so-called ‘poison’. She took it several times in small doses and contrary to her expectations, it gave her great relief instead of killing her.

Migraine relief using Niacin
Niacin has proved helpful in relieving migraine pain. Valuable sources of this vitamin are yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver, and fish. Vitamin I complex tablets containing 100 mg of niacin can be taken for the same purpose.

Relieving Migraine using Cabbage Leaf Compress
An ancient folk remedy for relieving the pain of migraine is a cabbage leaf compress. A few leaves of the vegetable should be crushed, and then placed in a cloth and bound on the forehead at bedtime, or when convenient during the day. The Compress should be renewed when the leaves dry out.

Migraine treatment using Lemon Crust
The crusts of lemon have also been found beneficial in the treatment of migraine. These crusts should be included into a fine paste in a mortar. The paste should be applied, it plaster on the forehead. It will provide great relief.

Natural Migraine headache treatment using Vegetable Juices
Carrot juice, in combination with spinach like, or beet and cucumber juices, has been found beneficial in the treatment of migraine. In the first combination, 200 ml of spinach juice may be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of the combined juices. In the second combination, 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices may be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice.

Migraine relief diet
Fasting on orange juice and water
It is essential to undertake a thorough cleansing of the system and adopt vitality-building measures. To begin with, the patient should resort to fasting on orange juice and water for two or three days. If the orange juice does not agree with the patient, juices of vegetables such as carrots, cucumber, and celery may be taken.

Avoid foods like white flour products, sugar, tinned or preserved foods, etc
Foods which should be avoided are white flour products, sugar, confectionery, rich cakes, pastries, sweets, refined cereals, greasy foods, tinned or preserved foods, pickles, condiments, and sauces.

All-fruit diet
After the short juice fast, the patient may adopt an all-fruit diet for about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits.

Well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts etc.
Thereafter the patient should follow a well-balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. This diet should be supplemented with milk, yoghurt, buttermilk, vegetable oils, and honey. Further short periods of the all-fruit diet may be necessary at intervals of a month or two, according to the requirement of the case.

Eat frequent small meals, Copious drinking of water is essential.
The patient should eat frequent small meals rather than a few large ones. Overeating should be avoided. Copious drinking of water is recommended.

Other migraine treatment
Take warm-water enema to cleanse bowels
During the initial two or three days of the juice fast, a warm water enema may be taken daily to cleanse the bowels.

Hot bath, cold compress applied to head
A hot fool bath, fomentation over the stomach and spine, cold compress (4.5\JC to 15.6\JC) applied to the head, and towels wrung out of very hot water and frequently applied to the neck will go a long way in relieving migraine headaches.

Plenty of exercise and walk in fresh air is essential
The patient should also take plenty of exercise and walk in the fresh air.

2006-09-29 04:42:18 · answer #10 · answered by BookLovr5 5 · 0 0

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