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I am sixteen weeks pregnant. I know I have awhile to go before labor but I am really terrified of it...Is it normal to have some serious anxiety over labor? I mean I am not even that sure what scares me so bad...if its just not knowing or what..I know its gonna hurt and all and I dont really think thats what it is but I dunno.. is it normal to be real scared about it? Does the anxiety go awhile the more the pregnancy progresses? Thanks for your answers in advance. (first pregnancy)

2006-09-28 19:39:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

If you are not gonna give good comforting advice and just be rude...then plz dont waste your time answering..cuz I dont wanna hear what you have to say!

2006-09-28 19:45:57 · update #1

19 answers

First off, congrats on the new bundle coming!! Sorry you've gotten some rude answers. Gotta expect that one here though I suppose...

So, I think you are totally *normal* in your fears. Of course, normal is a relative thing too...LOL!!! hey...i have delivered 5 children, and am currently pregnant...tomorrow completes week 12. I am scared too. Silly? Maybe...

So I delivered all but one child vaginally..one over 9 pounds with no meds (not by choice mind you!!) I won't tell you it doesn't hurt, but I have been with my sister when she had a baby and she never cried or made a sound until pushing. Do you have a huigh pain tolerance?? I'm kind of in between. However, my fear is, I haven't really delivered/labored *naturally* since my second...the 9+ pounder. The other 3 were all inductions, which in my opinion...hurt a whole lot more.

I got something called Nubaine...I think they use Stadol too?? Anyway, something like Nubaine. Takes the edge off without drugging you out, and without totally making it pain free. Not too bad with a natural labor. There is an epidural too girlldid you forget that?? I told my doc to sign me up already!! LOL!!! I wanna go totally PAIN FREE!!! however, the odds of me delivering early are high, and the odds of me having a baby over 7 pounds are not that high, so I might choose to go with a natural labor.

relax...you have time to decide. Research all your options. Your are a normal first timer, and everything will work out for you!!!
Good luck!!

2006-09-29 04:37:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I remember my first pregnancy. This woman came up to me and explained in detail just how horribly painful it was going to be. After that I was totally freaked out dreading that day. I ended up being induced (which makes it a bit more painful) and I got through it. Funny thing is when you're actually going through the pain, it doesn't matter, you are not thinking about it. If you get a block, there really isn't much pain. But by the time you are 9 months, you are so uncomfortable with being pregnant, that you want to go through it. Just keep your mind on getting ready for the baby, and those thoughts will diminish. Don't let anyone tell you anything (even me!) cuse it's different for everyone!

2006-09-29 02:52:04 · answer #2 · answered by yiqqahah 4 · 1 0

I like the 2 answers before mine. I have three kids and each time I was scared. Labor hurts, and quite frankly the whole process of becoming a parent is terrifying. I had natural labor the first time and convinced my doctor to give me a c-section the second time because I thought it would be easier. I changed doctors twice and asked at the local hospital if there were doctors who tended to give c-sections more than others. Boy was that dumb! Labor hurts and you get over it but a surgery is a lot harder to heal from, and not very fun when your especially while trying to care for a newborn.
For me Lamaze and the movies they showed made me more anxious. I think the best therapy for me was seeing other babies, shopping for adorable baby stuff, smelling baby shampoo and baby lotion, and just trying to focus on the joy a baby brings and trying not to think about the labor.
By the way, my babies were all worth it, and the love-rush you will feel when you fall for your baby will fade all those painful memories away.
Good luck, focus on the positive.

2006-09-29 02:46:06 · answer #3 · answered by theinfalliblenena 4 · 2 2

yes this is very normal i was very afraid of labor just kepp in mind your baby hasn't done this before either so you can go through the first time together i would take labor classes if you are really worried just so you know more on what to expect and maybe even get a doola they are great assistants during and after the birth for me without meds it was like extremly intense cramps and pressure don't get to stressed you will do fine get some support it will help

2006-09-29 03:44:36 · answer #4 · answered by arianna3at 3 · 0 0

I couldn't even talk about pregnancy. I had to leave the room. I just couldn't think about the anatomical aspect of the whole thing. I loved the life I had inside of me, but I couldn't even think of labor. So, just by asking the question you are better off than I was. By the way, the worst my labor was was annoying. The placenta is a good thing.

I didn't have anything no birhting classes no drugs.

2006-09-29 02:49:48 · answer #5 · answered by Alice W 2 · 0 0

I was 16 during my first pregnancy. I was terrified of labor and delivery. I have two children now. My best advice is this. 1. find a doctor you really like and trust. 2. know your options for pain. 3. decide whether to have a doctor or midwife delivery. Good luck, and God bless. And remeber what I said. I was terrified, but I went on to have a second child. It is painful, but once you see and hold that baby, it's all worth it!!

2006-09-29 02:45:56 · answer #6 · answered by There can only be one - (ANSWER) 4 · 3 0

Yes,darlin it is normal 2 b scared w/ the 1st pregnancy. I know I was and I was the same age as u w/ my 1st pregnancy.I now have 4 beautiful kids.Yes it will get better the more u think of the baby and feel the baby move and think of holding him/her for the first time the thought of fear won't enter ur mind.and the further along u get ; u'll jus b ready 2 get it over w/. Ihope i've hepled ease ur mind Good luck and congrats 2 ya! By the way please feel free to add me to ur im my email is wwgd04@yahoo.com hope 2 hear from ya.

2006-09-29 02:50:41 · answer #7 · answered by liv2praz 1 · 1 0

It is completely normal, because it is an experience which nobody can describe and you cannot fully understand until you have been through it! With my first one I was pretty nervous but it was awesome. With my second one I couldn't wait to go into labour - I was excited instead of nervous and as weird as this sounds I really enjoyed my labour! You will never be given more than you can handle. Start relaxing and just enjoy your pregnancy because I guarantee you that at the end of it all, its worth it to hold that beautiful baby in your arms. Good Luck!

2006-09-29 02:47:47 · answer #8 · answered by Slk 3 · 3 0

it is very normal. i was 16 w/my first child and scared to death. but after they hand you your beautiful baby...there is not a thought of pain on your mind. it is worth it 100 percent! i have 5 children and went through 4 pregnacies. all natural except for the twins..which were c-section. i would have a natural birth over a c-section any day.
congrats on your baby! dont worry it will all be okay...just think not too long and you'll have a beautiful baby to love and care for.

2006-09-29 03:56:30 · answer #9 · answered by ARMYWIFE 2 · 0 0

yes, it's totally normal. when i was pregnant with my daughter that's all i could think about!! and the bigger my stomach got, the more freaked out i was. i just kept looking in the mirror at my GIGANTIC belly and thinking to myself THIS is going to come out WHERE?!?!?! but try not to worry... it'll be over before you know it, and you forget the pain almost instantly. the drugs really helped me, the drip and the epidural (sp?)
anyway, you'll do great!! women do it everyday, and some women do it more than once!! seriously, it's not that bad. good luck!!

2006-09-29 03:06:41 · answer #10 · answered by anonymous 4 · 0 0

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