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I am pregnant with my second child and I am trying to decide whether I want pain killers this time around or not. With my first, they had to induce me (they say labor pains are worse when they induce) with Pitocin, then they gave me Demerol and then an Epidural and I could still feel the peaks of the contractions. This time around, I'm kinda curious about what a natural birth feels like. Any stories from mom's who have experienced both types of births? Which did you prefer? Any major difference, aside from pain?

I heard that with a "natural" birth, you feel a kind of euphoria once the baby passes through the birth canal. Is this true?


2006-09-28 17:15:49 · 22 answers · asked by tiger_lilly33186 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

22 answers

i had my 1st one natural and it hurt, i won't lie about that. after the birth i felt so good. i didn't feel anything, i don't know what was said to me or done after words, i just laid back and watched what they was going to my baby. i don't do drugs but i swear that i was as high as you could get on any kind of drug. it was pretty cool. i was up walking to the nursery within an hour after words.

with my 2nd i was induced and it hurt so bad i was out of my mind. it hurt so bad i thought i was going to die. i yelled and cryed for them to give me something for the pain. and after the birth i still hurt very bad. from my waist to my toes felt like someone had beat me badly it took about 1 to 2 days befor i felt well enough to walk to the bathroom.

i am pregnant with number 3 now and i told my doctor if he has to induce me again then he was to give me a epidural right away.
if i have a choose in the matter i won't be induce again. to tell you the truth the pain from being induced was so bad i cry every time i think about it cause i can remember the pain. the natural one i don't remember the pain of it, once it was over.

after a natural birth when the baby is out there is no more pain it is almost like you are floating on cloud 9. the pain is gone and you feel almost like you are high. you are not yourself for awhile you are just there and the world could explode and you wouldn't care. i personal think natural birth is less painful. i don't want to scare you but that is my story i hope it helps you out in what ever way you go.

2006-09-28 17:41:09 · answer #1 · answered by deener1977 3 · 0 0

I have only had one child but I did give birth completely naturally and found the experience to be very empowering. I did feel a sort of natural high as soon as my son was born... I felt no pain... could move around as I pleased and felt joyous, alert and wholly present in the moment. Plus... during the labor I was not tied to a monitor the entire time and could move around as much as I wanted. I think being up and able to walk around really helped everything progress well. Plus... with an induction or epidural the chances of c-section are very high (like 1 in 3!)... although even with a natural birth there is a chance of complications.

I have friends who have delivered both ways... one went natural with her first (even after a shot of pitocin!) and had a horrible experience and opted to have an epidural with her second (which she loved!) and she said she would never give birth naturally again. The other had an epidural with the first and had a home birth in a tub with the second... and is planning on doing the same with the third that is on the way... and just raves about how powerful she felt giving birth naturally and how it wasn't nearly as bad as she'd imagined it would be.

To each her own! But I would advise you give it a try... they say the oxytocin levels are at the highest they will ever be after the natural vaginal birth of a child... I have nothing to compare it too... but my experience was a profoundly beautiful one... and I wouldn't change a thing. It wasn't nearly as painful as women made it out to be! I didn't tear and my son was 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 22.5 inches long with a BIG head. I think when you can FEEL it... it gives you more control.

2006-09-28 17:36:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had my son with no meds. Yes, it was painful... and at some point I almost regretted turning down the epidural. But I'm glad I was drug free... and the pushing and birth were the best parts. I don't know if I'd call it euphoria... but it was great. The pushing was the least painful for me... though I begged them to cut me... which they did.
I'll be induced with my second... in a few months... and I'm a bit nervous (I heard it was more painful... though I can't imagine worst pain). I intend to have this one meds free as well. Yes, the pain is unlike anything I've felt... but it passes.
If I had to describe the pain... it would have to be the absolute worst cramps you could possibly imagine... and nearing the birth... the most uncontrollable urge to push (like you have to take a poop and you have no say so with your body). Obviously you can't push... and that's the torture you feel because you think you'll explode if you don't. All the breathing went right out the window for me... and I nearly broke my husband's wrist... but I say it's all worth it not to have a dopey baby from the Demerol... or numb from the epi.
My first labor was so fast (under 4 hours from water breaking to giving birth)... I would imagine that's what induction would feel like. I went from 3 cm to 10 in 2 hours... and very hard contractions. I still say drug free is the way to go. Give it a try. You won't regret it.

2006-09-28 17:28:54 · answer #3 · answered by VixenMom 3 · 0 0

I had my first born and had an epidural. I had a lot of problems afterwords. I vowed then I would never go through that again. I had a lot of really bad headaches afterwards. I had 2 more children after that and had both naturally. To me there was pain but it was not like the pain you would have if someone hit you. Sure at the peak of the contractions it hurt but it was not anything I could not bear and get through. To me trying to describe this to you is almost impossible, it is kind of one of those things you just have to experience for yourself. About the feeling of euphoria after the birth, I do not know if I would call it that or not. It is kind of hard for me to describe, but in my case I just had the most incredible feeling in the whole wide world because in my arms I was now holding someone I had carried inside of me for nine months. I was just so amazed to think that I had had a part in creating the new and tiny life. Who knows maybe it was euphoria.However, whatever you decide to choose I wish you and your new child have a very happy life.

2006-09-28 17:40:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I have three children. With the first one, epidural all the way. My second child, they gave me an epidural but it didnt work. They said they administered it late, after they upped the inducing meds. I had to push litterally for 2 hours to get my son out. It got to the point with the pain to where I took my legs down and prayed to god to either take me or him because I was done and couldnt do it anymore. My third was worse of all. They gave me nothing until 15 hours of pure pain. Two epidurals, and this new medicine that is out now, that is administered by injection. This new med is soooooo bad, I pushed when they said, felt all the pain, and my head was so far gone, I felt like I needed to be in a mental ward. Make sure you tell them NO NEW MEDICINE!!! If you decide with a natural birth, and something goes wrong (god forbid) they will probebly give you medicine anyways, so go for the natural. If you dont, you will always wonder.

2006-09-28 17:30:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My mom talks about how delivering my younger sister she went natural, and it really wasn't all that bad at all. I thought i could go naturally with my son, but then about 4 hours after they began to induce, when they upped the dosage for the first time, i decided on the epidural. I plan on trying to go through this one naturally if i can, but am not against getting the drugs if i can't stand the pain,(and it's not too late) I figure that is the best way to go into labor, trying for natural but with an open mind. For me, the epidural really numbed EVERYTHING, right up to mid chest, so who knows if i will be able to handle it... But then again, i waited 4 hours last time, and my active labor was only 8 hours, they say second labors are usually shorter (generally half the time), so who knows if i will be able to get the drugs by the time i am ready? How close are you anyway? Good luck with everything!!

2006-09-28 17:28:28 · answer #6 · answered by Cyndi Storm 4 · 0 0

I gave birth without any pain meds what-so-ever. I'm not trying to brag, because everyone has their own beliefs and right to decide. I am completely for every individual having the best birth experience, whatever way they chose.
I wasn't completely against pain medications and I didn't plan it that way, but having done it, I am so glad that I did. It was hard, and I was COMPLETELY exhausted during the final 3 hours of labor. I just felt like I had nothing left. Then I felt him engage. It took be only 3 pushes. All the pain and exhaustion completely left when they placed him in my arms at 3am. It was instantaneous and I didn't have any of the the lasting effects of the epidural or IV meds.
I lived through it, and many generations before me have lived through birth without pain meds. Having done it once, I would absolutely, without ANY hesitation do it again.
But as I said, this is your decision and you should do what's best for you. May I suggest attempting labor without meds and if you just can't do it, take the pain meds and don't feel guilty about it.

2006-09-28 17:34:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm actually glad that you asked this question. My future mother in law is trying to get me to have my baby with no pain medicine and I'm not sure if I'm ready to do that or not. I'm very interested in the answers that you receive.

My future MIL and my mother(until she had a c-section) had natural births. My mom said that it was painful, but that you forget about the pain after you see your child for the first time. My future MIL had a completely natural birth with my fiance and she tells me how bad it hurt. She had back labor and her husband was out at sea(in the Navy) so she was alone in the hospital. The nurse rubbed her back raw and she said she still has back pain in that spot, but it was all worth it after her son was born.

I guess I like the fact that when I had my daughter I actually was relaxed enough that I could take small naps while I was in labor. I'm definitely leaning more towards having an epidural again, but I am curious.

2006-09-28 17:33:08 · answer #8 · answered by a1dermommy 3 · 0 0

I had an epidural with my first, and I flet a lot too. It took me like a week to be able to walk normally. I don't know if that is normal or not. With my second, I fully planned on an epidural but she came too fast and there wasn't enough time. She was born special needs and had to be transferred to a children's hosp. and I was up and walking miles around that campus the next day. She stayed for 1 month before she could come home, and I walked about 6 miles a day that whole month and never had a pain. With my son, I had decided to go natural since my recovery was so quick the last time. But, he had his cord around his neck and they were afraid I was gonna need a c section. I didn't I had him natural. But, the same thing happened afterward. I had such bad back pain, that I couldn't walk right for like a week! I don't know if this is normal, but that's what happened to me and I hope it helps.

2006-09-28 17:28:52 · answer #9 · answered by glitz_and_glitter 3 · 0 0

Well I've only had natural births but they were two totally different experiences. I do know what you're talking about with the euphoric feeling when I had my son I was so excited and scared but once he started to move I didn't hear a thing, I don't remember any one talking to me or even responding. But there are plenty of stories of things that I said and responded to that I just don't remember. I just remember being focused on him, what he would look like, I even thought about what he might of been thinking on his way out and his thoughts the first time he looks at me. Now when I had my daughter that was a different story I remember screaming to the top of my lungs during that last push, I was uncomfortable all I did was cry and I remember thinking I can't wait for her to get out of my body. I do remember going through a short moment of euphoria with her during the first two pushes. All I thought of was her name and what her nickname would be. I also thought I will never do this again. My daughter was right on time and 9 lbs 7 1/2 oz and 24 in long. My son was 2 1/2 mo early and only 2 lbs 9 oz and 15 1/2 in long. So all in all it may be the size difference but from what my doctor told me every pregnancy and delivery is different. I hope you have that same euphoric feeling that I had with my children. Congrats!
P.S I have heard (from a friend of mine) that it takes longer when you have drugs.

2006-09-28 17:44:03 · answer #10 · answered by EriksSweetheart 3 · 0 0

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