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I am 55 years old, married with one son, aged 25, employed and living separately.

I wake up at 6 in the morning. At 6:30, I am out with my bicycle for a 45 minutes vigorous ride to the beach and back home. I cover 15 kilometers or 9.30 miles

At 8, I have the second cup of tea of the day and go through two newspapers.

I have my shower at 8:45 and breakfast at 9:00.

I work from home, and I am at my desk at 9:15

At 1:00 I have my lunch and lie down for 30 minutes reading news paper. A short while later, I doze off.

After a half hour siesta, I have my tea and am back at my desk at 3:00 PM.

I work until 6:00 and then I go to a near by swimming pool for an hour of vigorous swim (40 numbers 25 metre laps.)

At 7:30 in the evening, I begin to have my whisky on my bedroom balcony. My wife and I talk about the day’s days events during that time. I also make a few phone calls to my friends.

By 10:00, I have had 240 ml of whisky (0.89 UK Pint, 0.5 US Pint, or a little over 8 fluix ounces) , I am reasonably tipsy and have my dinner. At 10.30, I am off to sleep. Thanks to the whisky, the moment I put my head on the pillow, I go off to sleep.

(For those of you who may think my alcohol consumption is excessive, I have my LFT – liver function test – done every six months and my liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT, GGT, etc;) are within normal range. I am not diabetic, my BP is normal, I am not overweight and I am in great physical shape. I eat a very healthy diet consisting of a variety of vegetable and fruits, fish and moderate amount of carbohydrate. I avoid red meat, eat very little chicken and our consumption of cooking oil (fat) is minimal. Alcohol is my only vice, but it makes me happy, relieves my stress and gives me a general feeling of well being. I don’t smoke)

I seldom watch TV.

On Wednesdays, I go to my Rotary Club meeting. After the meeting, I drink with my fellow Rotarians and discuss current evens.

Once a week, I meet my friends – one is a doctor and other is a professor - over drinks again, and come back home in time to go to sleep.

I used to go to my club twice a week, but now I don’t go much because I do not find the conversation there interesting. I find being with my wife more enjoyable.

I do not like travelling.

I have a beautiful home and lovely garden, and gardening is my hobby. It gives me great happiness.

I enjoy good health.

Now, what would you call this sort of lifestyle, boring or interesting?

Thank you for taking the time off to read this long post.

2006-09-28 17:00:29 · 19 answers · asked by Inquisitive 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

19 answers

I think your life sounds Beautiful! You and your wife seem to have what so many people spend a lifetime trying to achive, which is time together, interesting hobbies and a realxing enviorment and lifestyle. I hope in similar shoes at your age. If I knew you I'd give you a big hug and tell you that I am Proud of you because you have made your life a success it sounds like. Congratulations on your happines. God Bless You and Your Family :)

2006-09-28 17:07:07 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Shortie♥ 5 · 0 0

My first thought was, that you are braggin. That you are proud of your life style and good fortune. There is some reason that you are drinking so much in the evening. You are not happy and you are hiding behind the liquor. Sooner or later your wife will get fed up with your drinking and she will be gone. Your life style is boring to me, because you have the same old schedule. You know from hour to hour what you will be doing. I guess I am more laid back and take things as they happen. I like the spure of the moment decsions. But if this make you happy then so be it. You sound like a nice man.

2006-09-28 17:08:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, for all that it's worth, you are writing about your life this way (on Yahoo) for one of 3 reasons...
1. You are seeking confirmation or validation for the fact that your alcohol consumption "isn't" excessive, by mentioning that you get a checkup regularly and by reiterating the fact that you exercise and live fairly healthy in every "other" section of your life... (which says to me that you KNOW there IS a problem with the alcohol because you go to those checkups , know the names of those tests/chemicals that most of us have never heard of and you seem to obsess a bit about the fact that your'e healthy.

2. You aren't happy about your life and you are using this forum to seek answers about whether or not you should keep this lifestyle...I wonder what would happen if the majority of the answerers said "no" your lifestyle is unsafe and you should quit the drinking...if you would even take the advice and curb the consumption of whiskey "just because" strangers told you to...and I find it interesting that you just RECENTLY discovered that being with your wife is more interesting than your Rotary club meetings....Some priority problems there. (Unless she is one of the factors that play a part in your alcohol consumption)...don't know.
3. Your story is completely false, you were bored and decided to create and paint a completely different life of your own and put it out to answerers, just for kicks and to see what we would say about it, as you seem to be BRAGGING a bit about your assets....you have everything down to times and "almost" exact science regarding your daily activities....I noticed immediately some flaws in your story...
...in your introduction , you mentioned you and your son (not your wife, until later)
...at your second cup of tea, you said you go through (not one) but, two newspapers, yet in only 45 minutes.
... you are able to shower in 15 minutes, eat breakfast in 15 minutes.
....you "doze off" at 100pm (for what you said 30 min.)you lost an hour of free time in there, because you are back to work at 3.
... there are others but no need to mention...
...maybe you are just fishing for compliments on your lifestyle?

** There is obviously something going on to have layed your life out to us in this question... Ihope you find what it is you are looking for and do not make any decisions based solely on the answers given here today...
good luck...and spend some more "quality time" with your wife and your son, ....OFF of schedule, you may be happier and find you won't need whiskey to numb yourself if you get to know them better and appreciate them.

2006-10-01 04:55:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In a way it is ok, BUT the time schedule is a little out of the ordinary.... to be honest it sounds daycare-ish.

Its an ok lifestyle for your age, but it sounds like you are unhappy eventhough you have an "ideal" lifestyle. Also, you mentioned sleep more than once. Since you enjoy time with your wife, try getting out of the house and the both of you go out and do something spontaneous.

2006-09-28 18:06:40 · answer #4 · answered by itsme 3 · 0 0

Overall, your life sounds very nice. But, I would wonder about how regimented it all seems. You seem to be on a very tight schedule most of the time. Perhaps if you broke out of that mold, you might not need quite so much alcohol.

2006-09-28 17:06:14 · answer #5 · answered by Karla R 5 · 0 0

to me {being 16} it sounds kind of boring... and I also learned in school, doing the same things every single day at about the same time can lead to alzheimer's {sp?}

anyway, if you're happy keep up with the good work, you seem to have a healthy lifestyle.

2006-09-28 17:07:06 · answer #6 · answered by Pipski 2 · 0 0

it sounds lovely being near the beach and spending quality time with your wife, working from home. Idyllic. I am concerned about the alcohol, though--daily. You have posted this querie many times.

2006-09-28 17:04:40 · answer #7 · answered by winkcat 7 · 0 0

if my life is not comparable to that when I'm your age.. ill shoot myself.. since i am a very driven person.. give me 55 years to create a wonderful life and i certainly will.. hell, after 55 years, ill be a millionaire.

and maybe you are not really happy or satisfied.... maybe you need to see if other people will view that as being a happy and satisfying life just to make you feel better...ya never know

2006-09-28 17:03:31 · answer #8 · answered by hey 3 · 0 0

Sounds like you have a pretty good life and horay for you, thinking conversation and time spent with your wife is more interesting. I wouldn't change a thing.

2006-09-28 17:04:50 · answer #9 · answered by Tamara 4 · 0 0

What is important is .......... does it make YOU happy?

It is too structured for me but I have a chaotic creative personality. I choose to live a life that I would bet would sound just as odd to you as yours does to me. That is the beauty of freedom of choice I can live a life that makes me happy and you can too.

2006-09-28 17:29:20 · answer #10 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 0 0

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