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Just like they do in most iindustrialized countries. Even though they a lot of taxes, I think more people have a better life there.

2006-09-28 16:50:11 · 16 answers · asked by nsmoilliyt 2 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

There is a better way without raising taxes through the roof. All you need to do is create competition among health care providers. If the government were to initiate social health services where you pay what you can afford on a sliding "Fee" scale as a premium, health care companies would have to lower their prices to stay in business. That creates competition and provides affordable health care for all. Another idea I had was that for people who had no money for health care, let them get services at our Veteran Hospitals. Our tax dollars already pay for those buildings, doctors and supplies. Why not cut the cost of helping the poor and lessen the burden on the tax payer. Oh I forgot, Bush cut benefits for Veterans. So those facilities will need to stay busy taking care of someone?

2006-09-28 17:06:02 · answer #1 · answered by rgbear38 2 · 2 1

Yes...is there any other correct answer?

Sorry but this is like asking....wouldn't be great to have clean air and clean soil every where? Wouldn't it be great if there was world peace. Yes, yes and yes.

I have been to countries with universal health care and it is nice and free. However, at least in Britain and Canada...the waiting time to see a doctor (even in the ER) is very long. Most none critical medical procedure have to occur only after months of waiting after making the appointment...and that's after waiting up to 3 months (at times) to see the doctor to get approval for the operation.

There is a lot involved with Universal Health Care other than everyone gets it for free. At least in those countries.

To PERRY L...the Clinton health plan also failed because it was chaired not by a medical specialist or even a politic an..but the 1st Lady...which anger much of the medical community and the FDA. Also the committee she ran had over 100 people and all there meetings were held in SECRET. Why was that? It failed not because of the Republican. It failed because of a massive lack of trust in the committee by the Congress, medical community and the general public...since they felt they were being treated as too stupid to under stand Hillary's plans. By the way, do you recall the deficit bust cost of her plan?

2006-09-28 23:59:52 · answer #2 · answered by iraq51 7 · 0 1

Yes for many reasons that space will not allow, the biggest reason is that there are 45 million American citizens without access to affordable health care. I wonder how many know that the profit that insurance company's make now on peoples misfortune would pay for up half of the cost of universal health care simply by eliminating the insurance company's

2006-09-28 23:58:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

America is always about the dollars. Just like everything else the best in life is reserved for the rich. Poor saps like me keep rich people in furs and champagne. Its disgusting that in the richest country in the world people have to be drop dead sick before they can get any care. But alas we will never have universal health care because this will cause the health care industry to lose billions. Also these people contribute to political campaigns so these politicians will never vote for the commoner, they will continue to support their cronies. All the while people will continue to die because they don't have preventetive care.

2006-09-28 23:56:40 · answer #4 · answered by anonbealove 3 · 2 1

No, and you wouldn't either, if you actually spent the time to think it through, rather than just reacting emotionally.

First of all that claim that millions don't have ACCESS to healthcare is a deliberate lie. That number refers to the number of Americans without health insurance. Many without insurance can afford to pay for their healthcare out of pocket, and many of them are without insurance by choice, because they are young and healthy, and don't need it.

In addition, All emergency rooms are required to provide care regardless of the ability of the patient to pay. So for the truly needy, they do have access.

Second, single payer systems are unfair and never work in the long run, because they distort the marketplace. They are unfair because they force some to pay for the care of others. They don't work in the long run because eventually, SOMEONE has to pay!

Let's assume that tomorrow the government took over all of healthcare. What do you think would happen next? The Government would TELL Doctors how much they'll get paid, and would TELL the drug companies how much they would pay for the medicines. DO you think the government would pay a fair price? Of course they wouldn't! And as the bills mounted, they might even cut the payments further. Doctors would soon start leaving the profession. (They're bright people, and can make better money elsewhere.) Drug companies would stop developing new drugs. As the Doctor shortage increases, services would have to be rationed, and people would die waiting for care, just like they do in Canada now.

Learn to think beyond the direct effects, to consider the indirect effects as well. Policy doesn't exist in a vacuum, people REACT to changes, usually in an effort to protect their own interests. Politicians who fail to respect human instinct, do so at their peril.

2006-09-29 00:29:27 · answer #5 · answered by Jay S 5 · 0 3

Most definetly, I would gladly have my tax money going toward health care for all, instead of tax breaks for the rich, you know people have to be living better life's. Going to the Dr. when your first sick, unstead of waiting until your so bad that it cost more to take care of you, makes no sense to me. Affordable universal health care should not even be a question, it should already be in affect.

2006-09-29 00:04:50 · answer #6 · answered by Annie Red Head 3 · 1 1

Strangely enough, the U.S. actually spends more per person on health care than does Canada or England. The difference? Insurance companies and drug companies eat up enormous chunks of that here.

Medicare is actually much more efficient than any private insurance - but it doesn't fund any politicians, so the privatizers are trying to dismantle it.

Universal health care wouldn't cost money - it would save money.

2006-09-28 23:59:41 · answer #7 · answered by Steve 6 · 2 1

Dream on we are spending $150,000,000 per DAY in Iraq...there is no money for health care. Besides Clinton tried that in 1993 and the Republicans took over the country and used that and "gays in the military" to block everything else he tried to do as President. The Republican power brokers will never allow universal health care.

2006-09-28 23:56:21 · answer #8 · answered by Perry L 5 · 3 1

Yes. Absolutely.

2006-09-29 00:48:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


2006-09-28 23:53:58 · answer #10 · answered by notme 5 · 3 1

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