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It seems like nowadays everyones getting pregnant younger and younger...Just out of curiosity....My dad lived with us the whole time my parents divorced when i was about 7 or 8 but they lived together anyways I got pregnant when i was 16...I dont remember one time my dad every telling me or my sister he loves us....Not that that was my excuse on my pregnancy but when i did get pregnant it was the first guy who ever told me he loved me and hugged me{my dad never hugged me either} do you think girls are getting pregnant younger and younger because there fathers dont play an active roll? yes it was because we werent using protection and were careless but the father figure what do you think?

2006-09-28 15:52:04 · 16 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

16 answers

Careless, and uneducated about sex. I think PARENTS need to talk to they're kids (mom talk to girl, dad to boy) about sex. I never had that and I wished I had because I would have waited for the right guy but my mother was too busy drinking to give a sh1t. I never got pregant but I wish I had waited. Kids are more inclined to listen to a parent more than a teacher talk about sex. A parent they trust more.

2006-09-28 15:55:42 · answer #1 · answered by All I have to do is dream... 4 · 1 0

I think a Fathers treatment of his wife and daughter set a deep president with his family, including his sons, how a woman is treated. We all know that to lead by example leaves a deep impression. So if your father had shown the proper love and respect for your mom, and that filtered down to you and your siblings, THEN, YES, your self esteem would have been high enough to tell some guy, NO, not until I am married!
But for you and millions of other girls, the momentary acceptance by a male, something you never had, well it might seem worth it. I think, what a father teaches about your worth is of GREAT importance!!!
My dad wasn't A hugger, but, we did everything together, mow the lawn, fix tires, ride horses, go fishing. I knew I had WORTH!
That is vital I believe, and my kids are next generation proof, and my grand kids are ADORED by both sides of the family, even if their dad, my daughters husband is a little lacking in the hug area, the WHOLE family,both sides make up the difference!

2006-09-28 23:19:49 · answer #2 · answered by bugsie 7 · 0 0

No, I think it's the parents fault, b/c they never take the time out
to talk to their children and let them know the dangers of sex, std's, and pregnancy. Every kid just blows it off when a teacher talks about, b/c they think they dont have to listen to anyone, but their friends. also, they do it b./c of peer pressure, or the saying if you dont do it ur not kool, that also plays a majoe part, but last but not least its the hormones. Once they start kickin', it's never gonna stop! I think all fathers should play an active roll in every kids life, b/c sumtimes the father has more of an impact rather than the mother. My dad has alwayz been in my life, but when i got pregnant at 15, it wasn't b/c of my parents it was b/c of me being careless, and not caring what happened, but now that i realize what happens, i am deffinently more careful!

2006-09-28 23:13:45 · answer #3 · answered by *Proud Mommy Of 2* 4 · 0 0

You are so right. There are so many fathers who are pushed out, run out or were never there once g.f. said "pregnant." It is the same for the boys who do not have a strong father to educate them on values, morals and how to be a man. Lost in all of this is the belief that girls only need a mother - I believe girls need a father far more than do boys. Boys can easily find a substitute if they want to before their bad boy peers get to them and introduce them to booze, drugs and sex. Girls look and listen to other girls who are pg and, even though their b.f. is gone or treating them like crap, they brag about the wonders of motherhood, welfare and their exciting stud. When no father or grandfather or even an uncle takes a personal, non-exploitive, interest in the girl(s), girls, who think with their heart, while boys think with a different part, will fall in "love" with the first boy or man to pay attention to them. The man can leave, the mother can't because of the mothering instinct and the realization that she is the only one between the baby and death through neglect. This is a tragedy so large that you would think schools would be mandated to teach H.S. students the real facts of life. Political Correctness Paralysis is again the perpetrator as schools continue to turn out teens incapable of taking their place in society.
You are wise and I hope you and your child are well. I hope that the father is involved but there is a 3 out of 10 chances that he is. If he is, give him my thanks.
P.S. ALL you girls and women out there: Guys ALWAYS tell the girl he loves her because that is guaranteed to get him what he wants. Love happens only over a long time, two years or more of a growing, maturing like that morphs as love.

2006-09-28 23:11:14 · answer #4 · answered by ALWAYS GOTTA KNOW 5 · 0 0

I think girls are getting pregnant younger and younger because we let them. We have hundreds of movies out there that talk about how good sex feels. Curiosity takes the better of most people.

I think that some girls might have sex earlier due to peer pressure, others maybe because they are looking for attention or even love. Maybe they feel neglected by either parent and feel that having a baby means that they will always have someone to love them.

I can't say that I agree with teen pregnancies...having a baby is hard. I think that maybe if we as parents and adults talked more about being cautious and waiting until later in life even to try having sex, maybe teen pregnancies wouldn't happen as often. Though I am not sure there is anything we can do to eliminate it completely.

My little sister is 13 and has already confided in me that she is experimenting with sex. Even after seeing me struggle to raise my son by myself. I am in my early 20's and a single mom...my sister just became a teenage and thinks being a mom would be cool. Mostly because she thinks she would receive alot of attention and because so many T.V. shows say that it is okay.

Again, I don't really agree with it, and I hope that everything works out for any teenage mother. I know it is not easy and I hope that maybe with good parenting and lots of attention we can prevent our own children from becoming teen parents.

2006-09-28 23:07:14 · answer #5 · answered by krazysexyeyes 2 · 2 0

My three daughters were raised in a loving household with both parents. My husband and I never had a fight or argument or anything. We raised three daughters all in the same house. They all had the same rules and the same set of parents.

Our middle daughter got pregnant at 15. We found out the week after she turned 16 that she was expecting. She had her son who is now 8. She graduated with the rest of her class and we helped her every step of the way. She is now expecting child number 3. She has a 2 year old daughter and is married to the nicest man I could ever hope for one of my girls to meet. We just love him.

Our other two girls waited until they were older and married and out of the house before they started a family.

We don't hold it against our daughter that she had a child at 16 and she does not blame us either. It just happened. She was young and wasn't thinking with the correct part of her body.

Our children knew about babies and sex and safe sex and everything else you can teach your child. Sometimes their little immature bodies take over and they don't think of the consequences.

2006-09-28 23:08:23 · answer #6 · answered by nana4dakids 7 · 3 0

I was reading your other questions and bio the first thing I wonder is...

Are you marrying the father of your 3 year old or is it a different guy.

If it's NOT the father, then how is she ever going to know love from the father. If not the father what's the competition going to be like between step and real.

These factors are important because you're presenting a reasonable thesis on father+daughter+love = daughter+boy+love = baby/no baby.

I know if father is or isn't a factor. It could be. Stern points out in his show that most girls who dance at strip clubs didn't have a father or had an abusive father or were abused when they were young. It's a common correltation he makes with the dozens and dozens he interviewed.

There are, in any event, always exceptions to the rules.

What I think the main cause if it is growing up or wanting to grow up.

Since childhood you adopted a dualistic life. That at home, your parents way. That outside, with your friends. The two only meet in passing or on rare occasions.

As you get older you crave to grow up and live life YOUR way, not their way.

You do things that make you have fun. Things you think are part of growing up. Going to parties, driving cars, going to movies alone, drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade, doing a beer bong, kiss, hugging, finding "Mr. Right" (on the case of a guy, getting lucky), parading around school an to parties with them.

What doesn't get nearly as much attention is the hard side or reality and life. Working a full time job (how many teens here with babies have ever worked -- I am fully opposed to welfare, you wanted a baby, you had one, you couldn't pay for it, so the tax payers pick up the bill, well I'd like a car, will the tax payers buy it for me, cause I can't afford it), doing homeworking, doing extra credit.

Now if I'm off base her and your boyfriend is making $50K a year, please feel free to let me have it in both eyes. If your parents are wealthy, ditto.

Who is paying for this new baby. Who is picking up the Doctor bills. Who is paying for the delivery room. You're what 19, 20. No college. Making what 20K a year. What kind of a health plan does the boy have, does it cover materinity. What's copay, what's deductable or is it WELFARE.

Is the reason I can't buy a car because I'm being hit with 25% taxes to finance wars in Iraq and babies.

Trust me I know the truth. About $35 of my yearly taxes probably goes to Welfare, which won't buy me a tank of gas. But it is a point I'm making.

It's about teenees growing up before they move out of home, before they gets jobs, before they get health insurance, before they have $5,000 in a savings account.

I don't want to find you you teenie girls are on welfare, food stamps housing stamps and have cars (I don't have one) big screen TV or HDTV and cable (I don't have cable, I can't afford it yet).

It's all about growing up or acting grown up before you actually do.

And a lot of you are making the rest of us pick up the bill, which is wrong. Your parents should pick up all the bills, the boy who gets your pregnant should pick up all the bills.

It's not about assigning blame. Daddy did it. Daddy didn't do it. About it's being responsible.

Teenage pregnacies are irresponsible, unless you're rich. PEople who can't afford babies, cars, house, should go after those things until they can afford them.

I'm not being harsh. I'm simply stating a different point of view.

Was mommy and daddy to blame. Yeah. They were too easy on you. They did discipline enough. They didn't supervise enough. The didn't educate enough. They let you go off and play adult evenings and weekends.

Please tell me you're not a part of that $35 I pay a year! There's 120 million or more of us out there paying it and they want to take our Social Security away from us, while still finacing teen babies for 15 years.

It is unfair for a country to do that. To make people who worked 40 not be able to retire, while we finance people who never work at anything but make babies.

Tell me your rich, the father's rich, you have MVP and you're fully covered.

But I still think you went and played adult a little too soon and a little to serioiusly.

2006-09-28 23:57:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think you have an interesting theory. I never knew my father until I was 19 and I got pregnant at 14. No I can't explain why I had sex at such a young age because I did not enjoy myself one bit. But I think it was companionship and acceptance that I wanted. My boyfriend was a football player and very popular so as long as I did what he wanted he would keep me around. I wasn't willing to lose him if that makes any sense. I lost him when I found out I was pregnant though. But you make a good point.

2006-09-28 23:08:26 · answer #8 · answered by momofthreemiracles 5 · 2 0

not really. I just think its hormones and not thinking about consequences. I know that I did have unprotected sex when I was younger and had a big scare, that made me open up my eyes and start using protection. However, not everyone is perfect. But I dont think girls have sex because they dont have a good father figure. Just pressure and hormones, and who knows maybe they think that they actually love that person. You never know.

2006-09-28 22:56:48 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My dad was involved with me. I got pregnant when I lived outside my house at seventeen. I wanted children at that age. I had graduated early, moved out, traveled to wonderful places, and met the guy of my dreams.

2006-09-28 22:57:06 · answer #10 · answered by .vato. 6 · 0 0

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