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I find it really upsetting, that homosexuality is ok to be openly discussed in public schools, but if you mention the Bible or anything to do with Christianity they want to explell you?

I find it very disturbing because up until the 60's the Bible was considered a text book in schools, and prayer in schools was not only accepted but encouraged, and since both were taken out of public schools, things have gone down hill since.

2006-09-28 15:21:51 · 26 answers · asked by Bryan M 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

26 answers

I agree with you wholeheartedly!! God is in the pledge of allegiance (one nation under God), God is on our money (in God we trust). If it weren't for God, none of us would be here, there would be no world, no existence. I think the government needs to step back and quit trying to play God and let the real God rule the world again. The Bible says 'spare the rod spoil the child'. The government says spanking children is child abuse. Look at where that has gotten us. More violence in our schools.

2006-09-28 15:31:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Prayer is allowed in school, at least by federal law. It is organized prayer, led by public school employees that is outlawed. Schools are too afraid of lawyers sometimes. Students have been expelled for private prayer, but it's not supported by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Bible is easily the most influential work of history, and literature (not to mention revelation) in all of western civilization. Even the views of most atheists are significantly influenced by the Bible indirectly.

The Bible is a well-researched and very ancient source of historical information relied on by academic historians. Much literature cannot be understood without knowing its references to the Holy Bible. It is entirely suitable for study in public school without religious overtones, though the undertones are essential to understanding much history and literature.

Homosexuality is a fact of life in this world. There are facts that can be shared with appropriately aged children, but they must clearly be separated from opinions and political agendas. Of course, it should not be promoted. And, the rights of parents must be respected to some degree if public schools wish to stay open.

Just my $0.02

PS The constitution says nothing about "separation of church and state." This is a quote taken from an old Supreme Court decision that is easily reversible by that court in a future decision. It has chipped away at this separation on a few occasions.

2006-09-28 23:57:54 · answer #2 · answered by Nick â?  5 · 2 1

you obvioulsy have never read the US Constitution. You have the freedom of religion just not in the school system. The US constitution and Declaration of Independance was written based on the writings of Hobbs and Locke (both athiests). The school system is not allowed to promote Christianity or any other religion. How would you respond to Muslims wanting the Koran taught during second period right after first period Bible history. You wouldn't like it, because then you would argue the state is promoting or supporting Islam, furthermore you wouldn't want "your tax dollars" paying for it. believe me I was raised Christian and follow some of the teachings as principle, so if you want religion at school then enroll in one of the fine "Christian Schools" out there that are privately funded or go to a "Christian college" and make a difference in the LAW's that stand today.

2006-09-29 00:08:24 · answer #3 · answered by the420highway2001 2 · 1 2

No, I don't think it's wrong. In a biology or sociology or psychology class it is appropriate to cover human sexuality - and homosexuality is part of that, like it or not. I understand you probably object because you don't accept it as part of the human condition. Your view on that stems from religious belief and you refuse to look at it from a purely educational status.

I say hurray for even the small advances in education in this area. As it becomes a regular part of the curriculum it becomes more readily accepted, and it should be. Perhaps it will help to stop the thousands of suicides by kids who feel ostracized and depressed by harrassment because they cannot help being who they are. It isn't as if homosexuality will rise because of some imagined promotion. The same number of children will be born either straight and gay, and no class in school simply pointing out that fact is going to change a child's sexual orientation, but it may help children to stop tormenting their classmates for being gay.

The teaching of a specific religious denomination does not belong in public school. If the fact that your child can pray to himself quietly isn't good enough for you then send him to a Christian school. I don't know where you get the idea Bibles were handed out like textbooks in public schools before the 60's - that is simply not true. Public schools did no such thing. I went to public school in the 50's and 60's and that never happened. Even my mother, 71 years old, can report that never happened when she went to school in the 40's.

2006-09-28 22:45:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The Liberal education system will always focus on a issue to dissolve core moral values in the Christian family.

Even as a Christian, I do not agree with religious teachings in public schools. However religions in general should be openly discussed. Ignorance breeds fear. That is why there are so many people afraid of Christians today.

2006-09-28 22:28:01 · answer #5 · answered by Eldude 6 · 5 1

I'd say that your premise is wrong. It's OK to talk about either homosexuality or Christianity in schools, but it's not OK for teachers or schools (at least publicly funded ones) to advocate either one.

Regarding your reference to what was true in the past ("up until the 60's"). This is just an example of humans (and this country) advancing as a species, stopping practices that we now know to have been wrong: We've eliminated witch burning (e.g. in the Catholic Church's "Spanish Inquisition"), slavery, and now practicing or advocating religion in public schools. It's all good!

2006-09-28 22:30:42 · answer #6 · answered by pollux 4 · 3 3

christianity is not allowed in public schools due to the separation of church from government. basically the anti bible thumpers got their way. homosexuality is not a religion more of a statement of fact. i do not feel that public schools went down because of the lack of prayer and bible. its the lack of funds, restricted curriculum, lack of after school programs and extracurricular programs is what brought down the public education system

2006-09-28 23:03:23 · answer #7 · answered by mole 4 · 2 2

There is nothing wrong in discussing Homosexuality in any
educational forum.
The problem is that in all 3 of the world's monotheistic religions
it is considered a sin to practice this type of sex and it is considered deeply offensive to call it a "normal lifestyle".
Even in the natural arena without any given set of moral values,
homosexulality could eventually wind up destroying humanity
since the procreation of the species would be endangered.

Hey look, I'm a straight Christian, but if 2 guys or 2 girls want to
have same sex relations, I don't much care. That's their business and that's between them and God.

But please don't ever try to tell me that same sex relations is
a normal type of life style. It just won't fly. And teaching young
children the ins and out of same sex hanky panky is just intollerable and Arnold had no business signing that piece of crap into legislature. We need to have the basics like Reading, writing, arithmetic, PE, music, art etc. And they need to be taught about good citizenship, history, politics, business, and the industrial arts.

They do not need any instruction on genital, anal or oral sex.
They will learn that soon enough without any help from the
horny school teachers, God bless them.

I Corinthians 13;8a, Love never fails!!!!!

2006-09-28 22:43:27 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 2 5

This argument is irrational. The two issues are not related, but for the sake of discussion I will address you question. Christianity is discussed constantly in history class and often in English and sometimes even in science. Dose this mean people read the bible and pray, no, our government is secular. But when students learn about slavery they don't have to actively take part in it. As far as homosexuality it is rarely discussed in school, except in very modern history and English, this despite the fact that people have been gay throughout history, like Abe Lincoln. Are schools accepting of religious belief, yes. Do they actively push one religion as the right one, no. Are schools accepting of students sexuality, yes. Do they actively teach students to be gay, no thats impossible.

2006-09-28 22:33:23 · answer #9 · answered by Aaron S 2 · 2 4

It's people like you who are closed minded. I don't really care for homosexuality, but I don't care if they talk about it.Church and state are seperate If you want Christ to be taught, they have a place for that, It's called Sunday School, or you can have prayer in private schools. Not everybody belives in YOUR god. I don't think public schools have gone down hill because lack of prayer, I think the standards have been lowered to push those kids though who don't care or are too stupid. Heres an idea, open your mind and shut your mouth.

2006-09-28 22:26:25 · answer #10 · answered by All I have to do is dream... 4 · 1 5

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