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Given, if our cars were that loud with blue neon lights rumbling neighborhoods in large groups.. we'd get pulled over like the gumball rally attempting America in thier exotic cars. What makes them legal on thier machines.. some with no suspension? and most with straight pipes going beyond 90 decibals. What a threatening joy (sarcasm) to sit beside, or behind them at a redlight, as most don't hesitate to yell over thier machines' noise "Sh*t, ***, f*ck, p*ss, or c*nt" in ways I never thought possible. That is not America. That is jackasses on bad machinery. If they are claiming to be some kind of pride for thier country, oh so tough... why don't they care for people around them? I hope a "tough guy" harley davidson fan responds with an intelligent quotient legible enough to read and understand. I really want to know... what is your purpose to be so "scary" ? I am a disabled veteran. I have got a problem with you. I just enlisted in my local American Legion post, and I don't like bikers

2006-09-28 15:05:11 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Motorcycles

23 answers

You Sir are then a communist and a traitor.

2006-09-29 07:20:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You have simply had more than one bad experience with outlaw bikers in your area.

All I can say to this posting is. The pipes are loud for only one reason, to keep car drivers from running over them, most drivers never look where they are going. I was run off the road on a motor cycle when I was 16 years old in front of the Nasa Space Center. People drive with their heads up their butts mostly.

I don't care for anyone who thinks it's ok! to yell obscene words in traffic or for that matter anywhere around me.

I do understand your point of view. Harley Davidson, did not make motorcycles, for Americans to become instant Butt-holes, but some have adopted this attitude.

I bought my father a Harley for fathers day this year, he owned one when he was 21 in the 1940's, he's also a veteran, same war as you, he asked for me to make it loud so no one would run over him on the road.

Many bikers give the good ones a bad name, just so you know, it's not the bike you hate, it's a select few, which have changed your view.

If HD riders are smart riders, they only make noise, when needed, only to let other drivers that they are about to run them over.

2006-09-28 15:21:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I get a real kick from the ignorant and discriminatory posts I read here in the motorcycle section of Yahoo Answers. If the anti-motorcycle bigots are so down on bikers and their bikes why do they waste their time in our section dedicated to motorcycles?

As for the excessive noise there are laws to deal with that problem. Not to mention straight pipes will shorten the life of modern HD motors.

As for the bad language many bikers are vets and I am sure you have heard much worst language during your time of service as I know I did in mine.

I bet your American Legion Post has a lot of bikers. I know all the legion posts in my area have plenty of bikers and two even sponsor motorcycle clubs.

2006-09-29 03:11:04 · answer #3 · answered by FastFred Ruddock 2 · 3 0

I don't think bikers try to be scary. We are just free spirits enjoying the freedom people like yourself fought to protect.

Loud pipes saves lives. I have been run off the road many times because I was in a cages blind spot and they did not see or hear me and came into my lane. I try not to ride beside someone because it is dangerous, but cannot be avoided at all times, so loud pipes lets the driver of the cage know I am there.

Some people just have foul mouths and if they are usiing bad language while sitting at a light talking to each other, they are just not thinking about other people being able to hear them. If however you get cussed while running someone off the road, well, you probably met me. LOL.

2006-09-29 01:11:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First most Harley Davidson owners are over forty, have a job, and are completely respectable. The bikes cost way to much money for any asshole to own. Riding a Harley is a way of relaxing and enjoying life, and if you get to ride with some Friends even better. Bikers are not trying to scare anyone. If you want to talk about scary try riding on a little motorcycle next to a redneck in some huge SUV. Motorcycles get much better gas-millage then cars, are easy to repair, and if driven properly just as safe as any car.

2006-09-28 15:20:25 · answer #5 · answered by Aaron S 2 · 5 0

No, I just find them unnecessarily and annoyingly loud. With an antiquated out-of-balance engine design, that should have been fixed decades ago. They say it's some sort of tradition or Harley pride. Well if Ford has the same tradition they'd still be making the model T. And how come all motorcycles have to pass strict noise level requirements. But then any moron can take off the muffler and make the machine as noisy as they want.
It's my guess these poor souls desperately want attention, and this is the only way they are ever going to get it

2006-09-28 15:35:40 · answer #6 · answered by charley128 5 · 1 2

I think that most folks who ride anything that is excessively loud, obnoxiously painted, overly-chromed, over-sub-woofed, or screams its price tag from every custom part/bit/paint trail is saying the same thing. They want attention.

Just like the little kid in class that misbehaves all the time (you know, the ones they label add now), the teacher says he's just screaming out for attention, and doesn't care if it's good or bad.

These aren't necissarily 'bikers', they are just attention-seekers who's current microphone happens to be a Harley. Next year it might be a lifted Mini Cooper, a few years ago they were the guys in the white polyester suit roller-skating down the sidewalk with a 40 lb boom box on their shoulder.

They're an embarassment to the rest of us folks, who were taught that we should draw attention by the good things that we do, not by the bad things that we wear/say/showoff.

Unfortunately, due to too much open time on Discovery channel, some screamers now have an outlet to show how 'cool' they are to the world. Makes more local 'screamers' join the bandwagon and jump on a loud bike.

It always makes me laugh - 'I own a Harley with loud pipes, ride around wearing black leather and a skull-cap, because I'm different' - yea, just like the other 9 million 'different' folks out there.

I'd like to see them do something really different, buy a Vespa and put straight pipes on it. Or chrome out an old Yamaha SR500.

If their only response is 'loud pipes save lives' that's just sad. Oncoming traffic will NOT hear your pipes. Your #1 most likely accident is having someone perform left-hand turn into you as you're coming towards them. Anyway - a smart rider relies on all their skills and heads-up attitude - then on their safety gear if the first fails. Since most of those folks touting 'loud pipes save lives' are the ones who think a plastic beanie, leather vest, and levi's are ok riding gear, then they're obviously not making riding decisions based on safety.

I agree with you, these folks should go out and get a personality of their own, and quit borrowing everyone elses!

2006-09-28 17:16:44 · answer #7 · answered by ducatisti 5 · 2 3

Sir, first I would like to thank you for serving our country.....that is a very honorable thing. However I do believe you are mistaken. Much like life all aspects of bikers vary......I will tell you that most of them are wonderful people, and have like you served their time in the armed forces, and are proud of the fact...

what is it that makes bikers scary to you? The wild hair they get from the freedom of driving down the highway at 70 miles per hour making it windblown.....the dirt / grime off the road.....the leather? Well that is not to make us a "tough guy", as you so eloquently put it, the leather is for protection.....protection from the weather, the road and debris..

My husband is a member of the American Legion, he is also an American Legion Rider......He is very proud he spent time in the marines.....I am a member of the Auxillary, and and Auxillary Rider, (I ride my own)

check out a group called....Patriot Guard or Patriot Guard Riders
this is a group of bikers that honors fallen heros.....present and past.....I am a proud member....and it is an honor to be doing what we do.....

ask the riders in your area..... I bet they raise money for MDA, Toys for Tots, Senior Centers, Abused children, the disabled and Veterans.....

Do not be afraid of that which you do not know

2006-09-29 09:44:40 · answer #8 · answered by *Chick*Norris* 3 · 2 0

No, I'm not.
Are you afraid of the Harleys or the people who ride them? You shouldn't be afraid of either. Not all are as you describe them. Myself, for example. My sister too. Since I got out of the Navy, I've ridden a lot of bikes, mostly Hondas. And the new Harley is quieter than all the others. The leather is for the wind, not the looks. If it's not to your liking you can always turn your head.
Bully for you, joining a Post.
Alcohol and old Sailors don't go together well, so you won't see me there. It's unfortunate that you feel the need to strike out. You need to open your horizons a little. You have begun by picking on a name brand instead of the group of people you are really mad at. In doing so, you have lumped in a lot of others. Some who who actually ride Yamahas! I don't have a problem with YOU, just people who think and act in the same way.

And I don't like old people in white cars, but you don't see me picking on Fords, do you?

2006-09-28 15:52:24 · answer #9 · answered by Firecracker . 7 · 6 1

i exploit to own eastern cruiser motorcycles. Then i offered a Harley. The Harley has given me lots extra amusement whilst using than any of the eastern motorcycles ever did. I would desire to have offered one years in the previous. Mine is a 2002. people who say Harleys require lots of upkeep, don't have a clue what they're conversing approximately. besides common upkeep (oil transformations, new tires, and so on.) the only component that has required extra desirable than common upkeep is I had to change the headlight bulb as quickly as. That would desire to be considered intense upkeep via some, yet not me. It would not leak oil, starts on the 1st attempt everytime (inclusive of after wintry climate storage) and has in no way left me stranded on the component of the line. i will sit down in the saddle for hours upon hours and not sense in the slightest degree uncomfortable. in case you desire to race with the crotch rockets down the line, don't get the Harley. it is not a race bike and wasn't meant for that objective. only like the race motorcycles weren't designed for convenience and long rides. in case you like a snug bike with little or no upkeep and one that keeps its fee, get a Harley.

2016-10-18 04:14:31 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Please do everyone a favor by not lumping all motorcyclists into the same group. My bike is rarely heard, and my neighbors appreciate it.

The bikers that make sure their rides are as impractical as possible most likely have a lifted Tahoe with spinners in their garage as well. They're just a bunch of overpaid, mid-life-crisis suffering doctors, lawyers and corporate whores that honestly believe that the cost of their toys means they know how to use them.

We all know that helmets, not loud pipes, save lives. Perhaps their greying ponytails are pulled back too tightly and they don't realize what posers they are. Motorcycles are meant to LEAN, Bubba!

2006-09-29 02:07:11 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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