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36 answers

In a stern voice say I would appreciate more respect and if that is impossible send me a letter so I don't have to heard those names. Then smile real big.

2006-09-28 13:59:27 · answer #1 · answered by Krinta 7 · 0 0

I'm sorry but that is so wrong of him, and that has to hurt you so deeply. I am sure you probably told him to stop, and he has not. I don't think it is very respectful of him to do to you, and he is disrespecting your daughter as well. If you are able to get him to stop, he might for a bit, but trust me it will only happen again. Whatever you do, don't sink to his level and call him names back. One it wouldn't be fair to your daughter. Two you would just be doing it out of anger, and probably intise him to do it even more to you. Don't give him a reason to retaliate against you. Which in turn, would hurt you some more. He probably calls you names when your daughter is not around in addition to doing it when she is around too. Frankly, he should not to do it period. It is abuse, and it is abuse to your daughter as well. He is emotionaly and mentally abusing you and her. These kinds of abuses can hurt just as bad and physical abuse, and the effects from these kinds of abuses last a lot longer, and do more damage then physical abuse. Plus what is to say since he doesn't respect you, that it won't turn into physical abuse. You need to decided if you are going to stay or leave. I am sure you will know that answer when you have had enough. I wish you didn't have to go through this, and same goes for your daughter. You really need to think about your children first. Even before your own happiness, no matter how hard it is to do that. Remember no one can change another person, and I there is no real way anyone can make this stop. Good luck to you and your daughter.

2006-09-28 14:11:44 · answer #2 · answered by Evie 2 · 1 0

This is very serious. You two need to get into marriage counseling and sort this out before it gets any worse. That is a form of abuse and if you don't heal it, it will stay with your daughter all of her life and continue to erode your own happiness and hope. So take a deep breath and make a commitment to positive change. Set your goal on emotional health in the family and start moving toward it, no matter what. You are a good woman. You have been putting up with this long enough. You need to act.

2006-09-28 13:59:57 · answer #3 · answered by Isis 7 · 0 0

For the longest I easily have questioned why as a paying telephone invoice customer why i'm not allowed to be certain blocked calls or constrained calls. As a paying customer, why do not I easily have this real? If the police can hint when I whinge, why can't I easily have the quantity available to me as quickly as I pay the invoice. i've got faith the only way this situation would be eradicated is writing the telephone corporation and soliciting for the innovations. notwithstanding, i don't think of the telephone corporation might provide me somebody's call, i could be pleased with an address or the call of the region the call got here from. attempt it and then come back and positioned up the outcomes here. stable luck with that...

2016-10-18 04:08:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i sent my ex-wife a letter in the mail " notice of intent " if she and her family did not stop insulting me in front of the kids i expected one of two reaction (a) she would see what she was doing and fix the problems her and her family are doing or(b) she would continue and i would have been forced to see her in court.
i do believe she and her family are still insulting me and my new wife but my kids are not talking about it so with out a proof im stuck. if your ex has a tendacy to write letters or emails they are great in court as all you need is a proponderance of evidence to get the judge to make him go to a parenting class. a strategically placed camers catching him doing it works as well. although this will only cause him to be more coy about it when he does it in the future the fact that he is more coy is better then blatant and when he allows himself to act like this again you can take him back again and again eventually he will understand your not going to let this continue... doing it with out court would be more along the lines of setting up the pick up drop off scene with strategic planns always have someone bigger then him there or someone he is intimadated by, never engage a conversation outside of your duaghter and whats in her best intrest, and also employ the same thing you would tell your daughter if a school kids picked on her..... ignore him never let this man see you sweat anything he says and explain to your ex husband that when he does do it that you will have a talk to her about how bad daddy is talking and why from your prespective why he acts like this.. but always maintain control no matter how much you want to yell back at him he says these things to tug on your strings and when he learns he cant he losses.....

2006-09-28 14:11:32 · answer #5 · answered by joe 4 · 0 0

First off let me let you know that is unexceptable for you and your daughter to deal with. Ask him how he would feel if your daughter had a husband who called her bad names. Ask him is his mama those things. Don't threaten him with the courts. Show his *** to the courts and take some action. Tell them you will not tolerate that and he needs to be ordered to some type of counseling or anger management in order for you and your daughter to feel a little more comfortable when he is around. He sounds like he has problem and they don't take things lightly anymore. Make yourself heard and demand that something is done otherwise your daughter will think it ok for women to be called those names.

2006-09-28 14:09:39 · answer #6 · answered by Miss T 2 · 0 0

Well I would say keep talk time between you and your ex limited to hi and bye. Try your best to make sure his visits are in the best interest of the child.

Seems like there's some hurt there with the name calling. Seriously try meeting in public places where your ex does not want to be embarrassed.

2006-09-28 14:49:20 · answer #7 · answered by partknit 2 · 0 0

If he starts talking to you like that in front of your daughter again, pitch the bum out but not before telling him first that if he does not stop he will not see his daughter. That is emotional abuse not being disrespectful. If he continues go talk to child protective services and tell them what he does, and while you're at it, have a tape recorder handy for when he does this.

2006-09-28 14:00:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can't make him, but you can inform him about the consequences if he continues his bad behavior.

Tell him the following, and give him a written copy:
- this name-calling is verbally abusive.
- you are telling him to stop abusing you and your daughter immediately
- it reflects extremely poorly on him, from your daughter's view. Is that how he wants to be remembered by his daughter?
- if he has anger issues dealing with the divorce, his work or due to other causes, he needs to deal with it. He needs to acknowledge his anger and probably get professional help.
- if he continues to verbally abuse you or your daughter, tell him that you will contact your lawyer and insist on a restraining order and request a change in visitation arrangements.

The ball is in his court - it is up to him to change.

Good luck to you and your daughter.

2006-09-28 15:00:24 · answer #9 · answered by Tom-SJ 6 · 0 0

You can take him back to court and review the child custody order you now have, or you can have the court order supervised visitation. If his behavior doesn't change after that, get a restraining order. LOL. DIVORCE SUCKS!!!! I'm glad I don't have that drama! My ex. and I are best friends, but we just can't live together.

2006-09-28 14:32:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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