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Ok so my house is haunted and I'm the only one who experiences things and my family thinks I'm crazy for it. Just yesterday night I heard what sounded like someone stomping on the floor in the living room which my back was to as I was on the other side of the room. There was no one there as my family had gone to bed a couple hours earlier. It sounded more like someone pounding from under the floor in ways and about 30-40 mins later there was a knocking noise under the floor almost right under me. Tonight, about 10 mins ago, I was in the bathroom upstairs when I heard what sounded like the attic door. It is in the bathroom kind of next to the bathroom door. Well i then heard the bathroom door open and when I peaked around the little wall from the toilet where I was I saw it closing rather slowly. When I got up it wasnt fully closed just resting against the frame. My mom and sister were downstairs at the time. Other stuff has happened too quite often. I feel so alone. What should I do??

2006-09-28 13:10:55 · 31 answers · asked by all_for.an_alibi 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

I cant move obviously. And I cant get any specialists in to check it out either. Someone please help me out. I've been having some pretty serious panic attacks from it all. In the past I used to see a white figure walk past a kitchen doorway at 11pm everynight and I would hear stuff from the attic through the bathroom vent. There was even one time in bed I woke up and rolled over and opened my eyes to see a black figure standing over me. I jumped and closed my eyes and it was gone when I finally looked again. *sigh*

2006-09-28 13:15:16 · update #1

I have a digital camera. If I set it up on video will it truly reveal energy forms and spirits and what not? How about setting up a recorder to do the noise test in an empty room?

2006-09-28 13:20:36 · update #2

How would I do research on my house? My parents wouldnt exactly allow me to get any kind of records on it. Can it be done online anywhere?

2006-09-28 13:27:01 · update #3

31 answers


2006-09-28 13:11:54 · answer #1 · answered by josh 1 · 0 2

I believe you. My house is haunted and usually only I have experienced anything. I contacted the previous owner who had one-two incidents. Mine are many. I am looking for children of the previous owners now. The previous owners are passed away-one died within days or months after selling this house. I had a ghosttrackers group come in. They verified. Digital camera will pick up images (but why take the pics-who you need to prove to?NO ONE!)Digital voice recorders will pick up voices but again,you will get voices and it will just bother you more. You know and dont need to prove to anyone. If you are being harrassed, people that dont believe you will just add to your sense of helplessness. I have been living in this house like this for 17 years but really just got the truth about it about 6 years ago. You can overcome. Pay no attention to Sylvia Brown-she accepts these things. And well meaning people saying to rebuke in the name of Jesus-if that doesnt work for you there is particular reason. Dont talk to 'them'-the Bible says not to talk to the dead. I asked all my Christian friends and I also asked for help through the Catholic and another church that refused to help me. My Christian friends had no answer,other than maybe it was my fault. I prayed with a thousand questions for a long time, finally the ONLY answer I got was to the question "Is this good?" The answer was "NO" If you want a Christian perspective and help to reduce the activity, email me. I am currently working on the "who" in my case in my home, I think is the biggest key to my resolution of the problem..
You can find the history of your home by going to county property tax office. It may well help. But, you need the whole story before you can really get rid of the problem. What you say, I have been through. Like I said, I'm still working on the problem, most agressively the last month or so. When I talk about it in my home, the activity increases, so try to limit what you say on phone etc and save for when you are with someone if you find this to be true for you also. Email me. This isnt good but you neednt be afraid, but you have to learn WHY you neednt be afraid so you wont be afraid. I hope you will email so that you wont accept it and at the same time you will be able to reduce activity. And the harrassment you are experiencing will reduce to nothing with maybe some peaks and valleys, depending on a few factors.But you'll be able to handle it. Please tell me your age, how long you have lived in house, how old is house, how many previous owners of house if you know. God Bless you sweetie, my heart goes out to you.

2006-09-29 18:27:32 · answer #2 · answered by baghmom 4 · 2 0

It sounds like you are fairly young and have no say in the matter of moving. There are more things on this Earth than we can ever hope to understand. Some people are more open to these experiences than others. Unless something amazing happens in plain view of your family they will probably continue to disbelieve. Even IF they do witness something, they will try to rationalize it away. It sounds like for now, you're on your own.

Don't get involved in the occult. Messing with what you don't understand will do more harm than good.

Do you feel threatened and in danger by these happenings, or mainly frightened by the uunknown? Try these sites...



You are obviously very scared by whatever is happening, pray for protection for you and your family. Even if you have never considered yourself religious or spiritual, now is the time to ask for help. There will be many more times in your life when you are terrified and unsure of what to do, where to go, who to turn to.
Thought and prayer ARE powerful tools that will help you for the rest of your life. I say 'thought' because prayer isn't just about spewing out the words like an incantation. You must think about what you are saying with your prayer. By asking God for help, you are allowing yourself to accept the existence of a higher power. An important step in a young persons life!

I'm not a religious fanatic or a 'bible-thumper', I'm just someone who has had some really rough times in life (like many others) and found that a little faith can help you survive and rise above some terrible times.

I truly hope that you find some advice or someone to help you with your fearful situation.

2006-09-29 06:45:26 · answer #3 · answered by kitty-mama 4 · 1 1

Okay...calm down baby....The noises in the attic and under the floor could just be rats, raccoons or possums. I know raccoons are really smart and can open doors...I know this because one scared me half to death. It pushed open the door to my garage and actually turned off the light. I was freaked.
I'm not saying you didn't see anything, I'm just trying to give you a possible rational answer. One thing you can do..... when you are alone, get a white sage bundle, light it, blow out the fire so it is smoking..... go around the house getting the smoke in every corner - say something like "only good energy is welcome here, I banish evil hate and fear" Sage is an American Indian way of warding off evil. I hope this has calmed you some and helps.
Oh, you can get the sage bundles on-line or find a store in your area on-line also.

2006-09-28 15:37:33 · answer #4 · answered by angel 6 · 0 3

Most of the time what scares people about 'haunted houses' is that they do not expect to see 'figures' and they are worried that these 'figures' are hostile.
It may be that you have a gift, the ability to see into other worlds, and with it may come the ability to talk to them as well.
Sometimes a simple "I see you" or "You startled me" begins the communication. Some entities can communicate, others can not. Many have no desire to harm you, but may be seeking attention.
It's OK to talk to them, it's OK to ask them who they are, and what they are looking for. Many times they are looking for a loved one, and do not know they are dead.
I have lived in places where there are 'unquiet dead' for years, and once you get used to them, the worst the ones I've met have done is scared the guests.
It runs in my family to see into the other worlds, and we have a few simple 'traps' and 'ghost chasers' that seem to help.
They may seem silly, but they've worked for several generations.
1) fill a clear glass bowl with salt water and put it under your bed at night. The salt water purifies the room and helps keep things away from your bed. Flush it down the toilet int he morning.
2) This is an old traditional ghost chaser- take a head of garlic. Stick pins, nails, toothpicks and things like that into it. Make a 'web' with bright colored thread that goes from pin or nail to the other pins, so the head of garlic looks like a spider has spun a (disorganised) web on it. Hnad a few bright colored beads from this and hang it up in a corner of your room. The Beads are to attract the spirits, the thread is to tangle them, the nails are to hold them in place, and the garlic is to send them on to a better place, and clean the room.

2006-09-28 13:46:48 · answer #5 · answered by Dr. Max 4 · 1 2

Try to ignore it. I have had many things happen too. Some were very frightful and I just screamed for them to show themselves or to stop. I told the demons to leave or whatever they were and that I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ. I announced that I was not scared of them finally. It has calmed down since then, but weird things happen now and then.
When I was younger, my parents did not believe my stories either, until they saw for themselves. This includes:
All lights being on in the house when you come home, knocking on inside room doors,
foot steps,
doors slamming behind you,
fans and radios coming on by themselves,
pounding underneath the bed,

2006-09-28 13:17:57 · answer #6 · answered by just julie 6 · 2 0

Ok, so one dont be scared! take it in and enjoy it. pretend your klike a ghost buster or buffy or something. amke it into a game. if whatever is haunting your house thinks your scared it is probably enjoying the torment. You could also maybe research your house. try to find out about the previous owners or something. If you have the facts, maybe more people will see your point. Just dont be afraid of it and hey, maybe find a hot perosn and just be liek, "hey you want to go ghost hunting?" lol it will get rid of the haunted house and maybe get you a girl/guy :)

2006-09-28 13:17:20 · answer #7 · answered by mm 2 · 0 2

Just don't panic. Ghosts do not usually hurt people. It could also be a parallel dimension you are seeing. A website that can give you some very helpful information on this and help you learn to live with this is ghostweb.com . You will find free and informative articles that will help you understand this.

2006-09-28 15:38:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You are not going to get anyone to believe you, because most people are Ignorant. they will refuse to believe anything that is outside their comfort zone. As of late I have seen 3 entites. 1. Gabriel( Archangel) 2.A demon which Gabriel took care of and I am still confused by this. 3. A native american wearing deer skin. What bothers me is I told my family and they laughed at me, and I heard comments like you need your head examined. And these same people would expect you to believe them. Ironic Isn't it?

2006-09-30 04:20:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Have you done any research on your house?
They can not hurt you, but if it is ghosts you need to find out why is it that you are being haunted and not the rest of your family.

2006-09-28 13:23:18 · answer #10 · answered by mysticideas 6 · 2 0

There are people who can come look at your house and they test for negative energies. Maybe sit down and talk to your Mom and try to explain to her that you are NOT going crazy. Try and move. Or if you have no other option, look up spells or ways to keep away demons. Best of luck to you ♥

2006-09-28 13:14:12 · answer #11 · answered by DiVenanzo™ 5 · 1 1

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