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Why is this such a debate? why is adoption such an unacceptable alternative to killing a human being? Okay, I'll even give this to you if it will make you happy; not yet human, but a "would-be" human being.

2006-09-28 12:57:57 · 21 answers · asked by grenworthshero 3 in Politics & Government Politics

Just to make it clear, I'm not trying to tell *anyone* how to live their life, or what to do, or how to choose; I'm just asking a simple question.

2006-09-28 13:10:19 · update #1

21 answers

It's not quite as simple as you make it sound.

First of all, a pregnant woman WILL suffer some negative physical consequences from being pregnant, and many of them are long-term if not permanent. Childbirth can wreck parts of your reproductive system. It is likely to give you stretch marks and cause you to gain weight. It is almost certain to change your breast size. And it may even kill you. Even in America.

Second of all, a pregnant woman is not really herself. Hormones zipping all over the place change behaviour. Lugging around an unborn child is difficult work. Internal organs are pushed out of the way and hampered in their operation by an ever-growing fetus. And perhaps most frightening of all, many mothers develop a bond with their baby, even one they don't want to have and which will screw up their lives. They know this. It is MUCH harder to give away an actual independant baby than it is to prevent it from being born (not that this is not hard too!).

Lastly (and I know this is going to sound weird), there is a responsibility issue. If a child is given up for adoption, it is entirely out of the mother's control. What if its new parents are abusive? What if something really bad happens to it? What if the child comes back some day for a reckoning? These are not unreal possibilities - we hear about them happening every day.

I don't think you'd have many abortions at all if you had a way to extract an unborn child from its mother without any ill effects to either. But the simple fact of the matter is that a baby will CERTAINLY interfere with even a normal lifestyle for months, will ALMOST CERTAINLY produce problems for years afterwards, and will possibly kill the mother or return later to spew hatred and accusations. An abortion, in all honesty, will do some of these things too, but I hope you can see how to some mothers the very known risks of abortion seem quite tame compared to the massive unknowns and even long-term known problems with childbirth.

The question an anti-abortionist has to answer to those who are pro-abortion is why any person should be made a slave to another, especially an unborn parasite. Why should a mother play Russian roulette and take all the risks to salve YOUR conscience?

Likewise, I don't know if you've toured the foster care system lately, but there really are thousands and thousands of children who have not been adopted and in all likelihood never will be. The idea that all babies are adopted and given homes is simply a myth. The truth is really far more sad, either way, really.

In the mean time, peace out! We all have our differences, but that doesn't mean mean we can't be civil! ( :

2006-09-28 13:17:45 · answer #1 · answered by Doctor Why 7 · 1 0

Well- there's nothing technically wrong with adoption. That is ONE choice in a pro-choice set of options. But what many of you don't understand is that there are many other factors in the decision. Health of mother and fetus/embryo/etc.

The mother may not be able to go full term
She may have been raped by family or some nut-job
She may not be in any condition to carry a baby-- e.g. mental state, family situation, age, neonatal care etc. And of course, you right-wingers won't want to have social programs to care for somebody in that situation.

You're also assuming somebody will actually make the choice to put child up for adoption. What if they don't and that child lives a life of hell in poverty or abuse.

And just like drugs, if somebody wants do drugs or have an abortion, they will. Outlawing wont stop abortion.

I am personally pro-life-- I would not want to see somebody have an abortion. But I also have a clue about life and that there are times when they need to be available. And, I'm not going to impose my postion on other people. I guess, I'm really pro-choice but hope that the choice, for the right reasons, is life. (hmmm, just like Rush used to say huh?_)

2006-09-28 20:03:49 · answer #2 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 4 0

Ahem... pro -choice does not necessarily mean "I am a pro-choice person therefore I condone the use of abortion as a proactive means of birth control". Ask most pro-choice people and they will confirm this. Pro-choice means that a person believes in the woman carrying the child having the right to make the choice (and for most a very difficult choice) of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy that would otherwise result in the birth of a child whose entire lifespan would be spent racked with pain due to some awful physiological abnormality and which would ultimately result in a very short and fruitless life culminating in an agonizing death (after all, wouldn't you want to put a creature out of it's misery if it were screaming in front of you racked with agonizing pain - or would you do the "noble" thing and let it suffer?) or that could result in the death of the mother if said pregnancy were to go to term. There is also the question of unplanned, unwanted pregnancies due to sexual assault and rape where the mother would be forced to nurture the result of a horrific attack, where she would be expected to love a child who is borne from the loins of a most despicable person - any hatred directed towards the child would be seen as child abuse and would therefore lead to unnecessary suffering for both the mother who is faced with the constant reminder and the child who will grow knowing that his or her mother never loved them (this could of course be remedied by adoption).

So, in this case I would say that sometimes adoption is not a viable option and that in my humble opinion, a mother has the god given right to make the decision herself. I do however, believe that unplanned pregnancies resulting from irresponsible behavior could be curbed by introducing the need for a license to procreate, after all, in the United States and the UK, one is required to obtain a license to get married (heck in the UK you even need a license to watch TV - see http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk for more info)

2006-09-28 20:15:13 · answer #3 · answered by Greywolf 3 · 1 0

I'm pro-life, but I can answer your question.

It is because when children are born alive, they have 2 parents. A father would take preference over a non-biological couple when it came to adoption.

That would require:
1. Knowing who the father is, and,
2. Being able to find the father, and,
3. Proving he's the father ($500 for DNA testing--who pays)? and
4. A lawyer to draft the papers ($1500.00 or more--who pays)? and,
5. The effort and inconvenience of child-bearing. (can't do much about this one, honeys).

What needs to get out there to these women, is that the adoptive families WILL GLADLY PAY!

Adoptive parents are going outside the US to adopt because it's cheaper (starting at $18k a pop). They would gladly pay the costs associated with finding dad and helping him to sign over his rights.

2006-09-28 20:11:12 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 0 1

people talk about the waiting list, well, what about the waiting list to become alive? I am pretty sure, if given the choice, they would rather be in an orphanage, with a chance of life, than sucked up in a vacuum

2006-09-28 20:07:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Biggest problem is that we already have more babies up for adoption, than couples adopting, and that is with legal abortion. Sure, if the kid is a blond haired, blue eyed, healthy child, he has pretty good odds of being adopted, but there aren't too many people requesting to adopt crack-babies of minority descent. Sure, you're "pro-life", but doubt you have adopted any children...

2006-09-28 20:02:29 · answer #6 · answered by intoxicatedturtle 4 · 5 1

I know I agree with you I am pro life people make me so mad when they act like it is not a human,I will not even call a baby a fetus it never is it is a baby from the moment you conceive a tiny little baby.If they do not want a child or are not ready they should find a suitable home for the baby instead of killing the baby.

2006-09-28 20:02:53 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 2 3

Theres nothing wrong with adoption. but the issue of pregnancy and whether you can/want to have it or not is a complex issue for most. Its not like its a black/white issue. its very gray.

2006-09-28 20:14:46 · answer #8 · answered by Belladonna 4 · 1 0

Pro-choice people want to believe that the only concern is the woman. That's not the case of course...even if you DON'T think the baby is a human, the father is also involved. People forget that.

People who don't believe the 'surprise' baby is a human, will abort it because to them...it's not a matter of life or death, it's a matter of inconvenience, or shame, or it's a link to a guy they don't want etc...Some people would rather have an abortion and never have to see their body change, than to go through pregnancy and birth only to give the child to someone they don't know. Some think there are too many kids waiting to be adopted already.

2006-09-28 20:00:18 · answer #9 · answered by Lisa E 6 · 3 6

Well thats what the whole "choice" thing is about. You Anti-Rights people are the ones who switch the argument to foolishness about when Life begins or not.

Go save a fingernail.

2006-09-28 20:07:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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