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35 answers

You need to tell them. I dont know what your parents are like, But at your age, your health is at risk. You need to tell them so you can see a doctor to ensure everything is alright. They have to know edventually, and its best to tell them as soon as possible. Good Luck <3

2006-09-28 12:31:06 · answer #1 · answered by Ms.B 2 · 1 0

Tell them RIGHT AWAY!!!

As a "new and expectant Mother" you will need prenatal care for the child. You need vitamins to sustain both the child and yourself!!

(I have seen children literally suck the calcium out of thier Mother's teeth, because they didnt get the vitamins they needed and the teeth had to be extracted after the baby was born!).

You need regular visits to your OBGYN...

Now, the hard part is telling them ...who the Father is! Well, you and your boyfriend made the decision to have sex, and now, you have to be grown up about it and deal with this child...

It "wont" go away, even if you wish and pray hard about it, so, tell your Parents, the sooner the better...

Yes, there will be yelling, dissapointment, and all kinds of accusations flying around if your parents are the loving kind, because they will have felt that they "failed you"...

Also, if that "boyfriend" is over 18...he maybe in more trouble than you are he realizes, because its statutory rape! So, let them know and I will pray for you...

I wish you well..


2006-09-28 12:35:45 · answer #2 · answered by x 7 · 0 0

Tell your parents,they know whats the best for you!!! My opinion is that you are too young to rase a child.Come on,you are stil a child and you have a lot of things to do before you have a children.The life is in front of you!!! The world is an amazing place and you must see a lot of it! If it's possible you can stay with your boyfriend and later,after a few years you can have a child when you will be old enough to take care ot it.

2006-09-28 12:41:21 · answer #3 · answered by sandra* 2 · 0 0

I am not going to deny anything that has happened in my life. When I was 13 years old I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't know what I was going to do or if my daughter's father was going to be there for me. Luckily my parents told me that they would be there for me no matter what I had decided to do with the baby. I don't believe in abortion so that was out of the question right away. My boyfriend and I had decided to give the baby up for adoption. So my pregnancy continued and no one had known it but I would take to the baby, read to the baby, and I desperately wanted to keep my child. I talked to my boyfriend and told him that I wanted to keep the baby. We got out parents together and told him them what we had decided to do. They were supportive. Almost five years later we are still together have two daughters and are getting married next June. I never regretted either of my daughters, but if I could go back in time I would have waited until I was older. My children mean the world to me and there is nothing I wouldn't do for them.

2006-09-28 12:33:39 · answer #4 · answered by luvurbabyegrl 2 · 3 0

I got pregnant when I was 14, and now im 15. I suggest if you don't want to tell your parents go to your counsler.. or find out if you have any pregnancy programs. For example mine is called PEP and there is a pregnancy counsler
here is what I did.

Sombody asked me if i was pregnant and isaid yes and they took me to the head counsler of PEP (Precgnany education Parenting) and I told her i was 4 1/2 months and still had yet to tell anybody but my boyfriend. She at first told me to tell and i said okay then at the end asked her to do it for me.. It was nerve wrecking.. My mom was emotinal butim 5 months now fixing to be a mommy to a baby girl..I would tell them sooner though.. becuase the longet you get help the better! Belive me I have been there and its sooo hard.. But it will be okay. belive me!
You can contact me at jill71691@yahoo.com

2006-09-28 13:21:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am not sure what your relationship with your parents are, but whomever you are closer to, you need to have a day out with them and just let them know what is going on. Ask them how they feel about it, then break the news to the other parent. They will find out sooner or later, if they do not already suspect something. If they are upset at you, they will only be upset for a little bit, at least until their grandchild is born. Then, they may be very understanding about it, too. Take your chances and just let them know what is going on.

2006-09-28 12:47:30 · answer #6 · answered by pits_me1 3 · 0 0

I've been in your shoes, except I was 17. You need to find someone to talk to. You don't have to tell your parents if you don't choose to just yet , But you do need to decide what YOU want to do. I suggest going to a local free clinic like planned parenthood or whatever it's called where your at. They will have the facts you need to decide what your going to do. They will also help you to tell your parents if you decide to keep the baby. Federal laws state you don't have to tell your parents. I suggest that you tell whoever you are closes too. It's nice to have the support of family. I know it's scary. good luck and feel free to email me.

2006-09-28 13:04:17 · answer #7 · answered by Me M 1 · 0 0

Pick the parent you are most comfortable talking with and tell them. There is no easy way to do this. You just have to suck in and do it. You will not feel great doing it--but afterwards you will feel better than you do now.

You might also wish to visit this website to learn some more about the situation and your options and how to approach it: www.OptionLine.org

2006-09-28 12:34:07 · answer #8 · answered by beckychr007 6 · 1 0

My mom has always given me the advice of just tell me, face the fire, and it'll be over that much quicker. She has also told me that sometimes, if it's too scary to say it out loud, write a letter and then the person can come to you and you are over the hardest part.

2006-09-28 12:39:48 · answer #9 · answered by janinenc2002 3 · 0 0

I know it is hard, but you have to tell them Sweetness! You need prenatal care, etc., and to make the choice that YOU want to make, NOT your parents. I would suggest getting a 3rd party involved that you trust if you are scared to tell them yourself, like a school counselor, social worker (myself!), or an older family member that would be on your side! GOOD LUCK! I would love to know how it turns out!

2006-09-28 12:50:13 · answer #10 · answered by pitbull lover 5 · 0 0

Get the nerve up and tell them. They will find out anyway. The sooner you share the news, the sooner they will start to adapt and they will help you as much as possible. You can't change the past, only the future & you will need all the help and support that you can get.

2006-09-28 12:33:07 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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