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Thou shalt not kill ????

2006-09-28 12:10:57 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

27 answers

When you joined Yahoo Answers did you ever READ the rules and guidelines?? Cause it seems like you didn't. Yahoo Answers is a questions and answers place designed just for that asking questions and answering them with the first hand knowledge or researched knowledge that you have to provide. However you are using this wonderful place as your soap box to put down other people. I am a God fearing person who reads the bible and the last time I read it, it DIDN'T say that Elizabeth Sweeny was an apostle or was God to cast judgment on people. My church preaches forgiveness and not to judge people for God is the only true judge. Also God gave us free will, what we do with it is determined right or wrong when He judges us, not you. Go back to Church and get saved, your hate is what God will judge you for. God bless!!

2006-09-29 11:08:16 · answer #1 · answered by I hate hyprocrites!! 2 · 3 3

Unfortunately women find the need to kill there innocent unborn child. Even though everyone will tell you that it is their choice it is not. They had a choice already and that choice was to have sex or not, to use a condom or not, to give it up for adoption to a family that wants a child and can't have one. What this is, is a women murdering another human. Which I don't understand with all the programs them have available. You can drop an unwanted child off at a hospital with NO questions asked. These people are what you call murders. The people that do believe in abortion "pro-choice" whatever how many of you believe that if a mugger was to kill a women that was caring a child should not only go to jail for the women's life but the unborn child's as well. MURDER IS MURDER. LIFE IS LIFE. GOD WILL JUDGE THESE PEOPLE WHEN THEIR TIME COMES!!!!

2006-09-28 12:26:43 · answer #2 · answered by marie_amanda2003 1 · 2 2

I think it retarded that poeple can say it's not murder but if someone happens to hit pregnant woman in a car and kills her then they gets charged for two murders(which i think is right) I just think our government and some people are really hypocritical. I mean there are other ways like birth control and condoms(which are very effective if used together and both are given out freely at health departments) I mean it's liek they are trying to avoid the consequences of a mistake the they made-like cheating life. The only way i would even understand is if there was rape involved or if the was an endagerment to the mother or baby

2006-09-28 12:22:51 · answer #3 · answered by Short 2 · 2 2

For someone that can post this one their personal profile

"About Me: I believe that anyone that has an abortion should never be allowed to have children agian. They have already murdered one child , they should not be given a second chance with another. Abortion is a sin. It is my goal to help people to realize that children are a gift from Our Heavenly Father , and should not be murdered. May God help all of you that support abortion.

Mother of our beautiful 3 year old daughter and another cutie on the way."

Shouldn't be talking about Heavnly Father and then yelling, picking and swearing on this.

2006-09-28 12:42:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

First of all...i am pro life. When you ask questions like the ones you ask, do you actually think that you are going to convince someone not to have an abortion? No, you aren't. All you are doing is making people mad with you attacks and bitter comments and your vulgarity. You are showing your immaturity. Trying to change someone from pro choice to pro life consists of more than slamming them and harassing them. Abortion is wrong....It is a sin. Enough said. Everyone knows your opinion.

2006-09-28 12:19:34 · answer #5 · answered by #3ontheway! 4 · 2 1

Ever hear of this. Thou shalt not say anything if thou'st has nothing nice to say?

By the way, you are giving Pro lifers a bad name. It's insulting.

2006-09-28 12:46:17 · answer #6 · answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6 · 2 2

The birth of a baby is a beautiful thing, especially when the baby has both parents in love and ready to handle the responsibility of parenthood, both financially and emotionally.
This is not always the case for rape victims and teens/preteens who weren't mature enough to realize the responsibility of having sex. This is a situation you would be putting your child through for the rest of it's life. A helpless life should not be put into irresponsible hands. If you are thinking about the baby's quality of life to begin with, this is not wrong.

2006-09-28 12:22:18 · answer #7 · answered by Amy Rie 1 · 0 2

I am pro-choice

it is each person's individual choice and I don't think others have the right to challenge another person in this decision. If someone thinks it's murder, then it's fine and dandy-go ahead and have an opinion, but don't except the entire world to roll over and do nothing but accommodate your views of "life".

We are each different and will live different lives, we make decisions everyday. I don't think you can really condemn a person without knowing them and you cannot generalize the entire population of women that have chosen to abort a child as "a s.lut who didn't use birth control"

If you don't believe in abortion then just don't have one, but REMEMBER THIS birth control is never 100% effective 100% of the time.

As for the people who suggest adoption, let me suggest this nice piece of literature that you can read and re-evaluate your claim. It was written by a 3rd Generation Adoptee and it will defiantly open those sleepy eyes of yours.


The Girls Who Went Away The Hidden History of Women who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe Vs. Wade by Ann Fessler

You really need to educate yourself and the first step is to read this book and stop reproducing you jaded religious crazy christian lady.

See ya in hell!!

Peace out!!

2006-09-28 12:12:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

You know women have a hard enough time after an abortion without women like you judging them, did you know that it is more likey that a woman will kill herself after an abortion than any other time? It's not like most women get pregnant and say hey I know I'll just get an abortion cuz that sounds like fun! It's a choice... one that haunts a woman the rest of her life. I got an abortion when I was 17 because I was raped and my mom pressured me into it... It kills me inside... without women like you judging me... I have a baby now and I know I know I read your profile you think a woman like me shouldn't be a loud a child but I'm a great mother... I have made my peace with God. He's forgiven me... I'm learning to forgive myself... And when I stand before Him at the end of my life he won't judge me because I don't judge others for their sins... Will He judge you for being so cold hearted? Will He forgive you for hating me, His child and the other women who are also His children? You may not like it but that doesn't entitle you to judge those who par-take in it.

2006-09-29 08:29:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

You know America wants everyone to think that it's "normal" to kill a baby. America also wants us to think that it is "normal" for two men or two women to get married, or for everyone to have the "heroin sheek" look. But killing, excuse me-an abortion, a baby is no different than murdering someone. America and the selfish women(not to mention the doctors)that have abortions will find every excuse that they can to convence themselves that what they did was ok. But in the end(when they die)they will answer for it.

2006-09-28 14:37:06 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 1 2

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