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2006-09-28 12:01:08 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Earth Sciences & Geology

31 answers

Because it's a better explanation than any of the others and is backed up by a wealth of evidence from the fossil record; unlike creationism which is backed up by terrorists, the indoctrination of children and is mainly political.

2006-09-28 12:13:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

There simply is no evidence that can refute the theory of evolution.

When scientists use the word "theory" their meaning is much different than most people's definition of the word. When most people use the word "theory" what they actually mean is what scientists would call a "hypothesis", which basically is an educated guess. When a scientist calls something a theory, it means that it is VERY well supported by evidence and observations. For instance, gravity is a theory. Most people support the theory of gravity, don't they? Evidence indicates that when an object is dropped from a building, it will fall to the ground.

Evolution is so basic to science that it is for the most part considered to be scientific fact, just as most people consider gravity to be a fact. If you throw out evolution, you might as well throw out with it the fields of biology, genetics, cosmology, physics, and chemistry.

People who dispute evolution come from a very antiquated school of thought that is not based on facts and evidence but is in fact based solely on the bible, and a strict literal interpretation of the bible, at that.

It is exactly like the days when it was condidered heresay that the earth revolved around the sun. Church leaders were convinced that the earth was the center of the universe, no matter what the actual evidence said. This is EXACTLY THE SAME. There is no factual reason to dispute evolution, just as there is no factual reason to dispute the sun as the center of the solar system.

2006-09-28 12:35:05 · answer #2 · answered by Nick Hahn 2 · 2 0

Can I be honest with you? Your question could quite easily be turned around as "Why do so many people accept the bible story of Genesis?"

If they did that, and you got an unbiased 3rd party in to look at both questions logically and reasonably, they would conclude that evolution had better evidenciary support and was more reasonable to accept.

You don't have to get rid of all your beliefs - why can't God have kicked off the universe with a big bang? Why couldn't He have made it so that evolution is the way things work? (or some other process that is even more reasonable and better, since evolution is still a theory after all;)

You've probably been told the Bible is all true and not to question it. You probably want to start there. Questioning science is very good as so few do it, wrapped up in their own dogmas and ignorance too, but yours appears to be a religious one - and all dogmas are bad.

2006-09-28 12:14:32 · answer #3 · answered by Iain Speed 2 · 2 0

Prehaps a better question should be "why do so many people doubt evolution?" the facts are there, in the rocks, we can and have traced the evolution of a famaily of species from a an early specimin to a latter one; think humans, we can actaully within a lab enviroment view evolution taking place, more scaringly we have viewed eveolution taking place against modern drugs - MRSA; the hosbital "superbug" is an example of this. of course some greater power could be guiding this; but then why would this 'bug' infect good honest Christians?shooting one in ones foot? we have concrete proof of eveolution, it is simply people who cannot accept that there are other forces at work rather than thier beliefs and values which shape this world; after all why would a greater power wait 3 billion years of life and 800 million years of 'complex' life to get to something which may just have an incling to belive in him/her?

2006-09-29 11:02:53 · answer #4 · answered by prof. Jack 3 · 0 0

Evolution is science.

It is based on fact, evidence, proofs and dis-proofs.

Faith is based on dogma (look it up).

Take some geology, especially paleontology and paleobotany courses. Then make up your own mind.

Why is it so hard for you not to accept evolution?

I am a practicing Catholic and a geologist. I accept evolution.

Do some research on how and when the Bible was written, not just King James. Look at the different translations it went through and the difficulties in interpreting what was written. What was the level of understanding of the people when the original texts were written? They had no concept solar time, solar systems, or even that the earth was round.

Seven "days" are not 24-hour days, but much, much longer.

2006-09-28 12:31:37 · answer #5 · answered by Tom-PG 4 · 2 0

Emo kid.......Patheticist? Oh seriously. You taking science and spelling classes in Kansas?

Warms my heart to see so many pro-evolution responses.

To answer the question and probably restate what's already been stated, it's because of the volumes and libraries of evidence from physics, biology, geology, and chemistry shows that this is fact. The question of the existence of evolution is not being debated by scientists. Only the finer points. It's like having a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle and 400 pieces are already together. You don't need all 500 pieces to get a very good idea of the big picture.

religions are not open to contradictory evidence or testable theories, just dogma. What they say is what you believe. No dogging dogma, but it ain't science.

2006-09-28 18:16:51 · answer #6 · answered by jazznsax 2 · 1 0

Because it has lots of verifiable scientific evidence backing it up. We've observed evolution in bacteria over 40 years---antibiotics are less effective now because the resistant strains of bacteria survived and reproduced. This is the cornerstone of evolution.

I have a question for you:? Why do so many people not accept evolution? Just because it conflicts with your beliefs? Never mind logic, let's just believe whatever we want without reason!

2006-09-28 12:09:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

It's the only answer that comes from science. If you are a scientific minded person, you would tend to drift toward evolution. Creationism (and similar explanations) come from religion. If you are a religious minded person, then you would drift toward that.

And so you know, in 2002, 47% of the US population said they believe the world is 6,000 - 10,000 years old. This falls under the creationism explanation.

2006-09-29 05:08:27 · answer #8 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 0 0

God created the day and the light and the night and the firmament .
Well this statement alone proves the bib;r is bogus .Because at that time they did not know that the earth spun around its own axis and it was orbiting the sun which gave it its night and day ," A god "did not create them ,also the bible does not mention dinosaurs ,as they did nto know much in those days only yo control people with a deity.
So I would say to you dont teach your kids the bullshite your parents taught you.

2006-09-30 00:22:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


a book written thousands of years ago, and censored a few hundred years ago, does not constitute as fact. it was written with only one view and as many historians and scientists know, you need at least three pieces of data to come to a true conclusion. and don't say the Torah, Bible and Koran count as separate books which all back up the same ideas, because we all know that these three books all derive from an early Hebrew book. the bits that all agree with each other obviously would, because they've all copied these passages from the original book.

2006-09-28 12:14:30 · answer #10 · answered by Dazza 3 · 2 0

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