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This is my first website, not even completed yet. I created it using HTML, which I learned in about 3 days, so it isn't that good. Please give me constructive criticism about how it is for my FIRST website.

Yes, it is about an online game called Runescape. Don't tell me anything about Runescape. I just want to know what you think about the layout, banner, etc.

2006-09-28 11:58:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

7 answers

First of all, why'd you set your table width so small? I have to scroll down for a long ways for a 4 in wide table. The minimum screen size in use today is 800 pixels. Or you could just use nested tables and percentages to get the menu and the content to together take up the whole screen.
2: Change the color of your links. The default blue link color is hard to read over your blue background.
3: Keep the alignment the same between your title banner and your content.
4: Don't make your page infinitely long. Maybe have the last 5 or 10 updates on the home page, then have an archive. This could be done with some complicated server-side scripting if you feel up to it. Look it up. Or you could do it manually.
5: You include your email address. Try changing your code to this "your@email.com
6: For the hell of it, you could have your menu links change colors on mouse over. Look it up.
7: My first webpage had a Google search too. But essentially all it is is a Look-what-I-can-do feature that isn't going to be used by anyone (except for maybe you).
8: I generally hate busy background images.
9: Nice forums page!!! :-P
10: Guides page - Your page is at least going to be as wide as the widest image (the banner in this case), so your content can match that. Why not make 2 columns?
11: That's quite a layout change for FAQ's. I mean, it can change, but not so drastically.
12: That's quite a roundabout way to get to the skill guides.
13: Money making tips: There's something called an anchor in HTML that would benefit this page. Look it up.
14: For some reason that I can't put my finger on, this site seems so static. I mean, more so than a static page. It might be the solid white text on the strange background. Play around with it and find what is the most appealing.

The verdict: The most important aspect of a website is to have and effectively fulfill a purpose. Your purpose is to inform and guide people in the world of Runescape. You know your stuff. You have a LOT of information, and you update regularly. This is great. There's something to be lacked in your design, but it has excellent potential. Great job on your first effort.

BTW, in the past I've given advice to people regarding websites and have received whining in reply. Yeah, I know it's your first site, but please don't use that as an excuse to keep from improving. Best of luck to you.

2006-09-28 12:31:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Lookin good, player! :) One more vote for the background change, it's a legibility issue. You lose contrast where the BG whites blend with the white text.

And, I'd try to avoid the long scroll, and opt for more links. All research says long scrolling causes shorter visits to a site.

As for the banner, the interlaced look is a nice technique and I totally get it, but could use different implementation. On the dark background the banner becomes somewhat obscured. It needs to be 'punched' off the page a little bit. Perhaps a border, or a faux monitor frame. In Photoshop I might try adding Bevel & Emboss upping the Bevel Size to 49 px and Bevel Depth to about 33-50% to create a convex look to simulate the curvature of a monitor screen. ~or something :) This should be done before adding the text. And, try to use even numbers when setting you image sizes.

With the banners text style 'as-is', I think it should be centered at the bottom of the image to maintain the centered layout. Or, made smaller so it only extends 2/3 across the image. Otherwise, research the 'Rule of Thirds" before going too deep into design. :)

2006-09-28 18:47:12 · answer #2 · answered by zenowing 3 · 0 0

Your background is too busy.. you need to make it easy on the eyes.. it is hard to focus on print when there is so much visual noise.. look at other websites, most have a nice plain clean background on which the layouts are placed. Right now it reads like a column..you need to move your articles about.. have a menu to click on etc.. doing research by checking out sucessful companies online..check out what they are doing.

Added note.. I just took another look, and because of the background, I didn't even notice the menu at first glance.
Good luck and keep trying.

2006-09-28 12:09:35 · answer #3 · answered by oneblondepilgrim 6 · 0 0

Not a bad looking site but seriously consider loosing the background and white fonts, it becomes difficult to read very quickly. Your use of absolute positioning is leading to a great amount of "whitespace" or unused background area. Consider using CSS for exclusively for formatting and trash the tags. Also your google ads are covering your content when windows are narrowed, another consequence of the absolute positioning. Also consider not using a table for your main content as it is limiting your options to use the space.

2006-09-28 12:25:19 · answer #4 · answered by Interested Dude 7 · 0 0

That's a very good start for 3 days of HTML! Nice organization too.

2006-09-28 12:07:00 · answer #5 · answered by Derek 4 · 0 0

Not bad at all, but seriously... that background needs to go.

2006-09-28 16:13:16 · answer #6 · answered by eeeeeeeeclipse 4 · 0 0

Lose the background
Check your mail

2006-09-28 12:09:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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