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I think its stupid to think you can have reverse racism because of something that happened 150 years ago. Racism is wrong no matter what color your skin is. No offence, but there is not a black person alive today that went through slavery. I would just like them to stop acting like they did. Of course there is racism in the world today, but accept the fact that it is nothing like 1850. I am tired of everything being racist if something is not in a black mans favor. REAL CASE: I told someone I could not accept their card because it was not the same name on their D.L, "Yea I bet you would if I were white", and I catch two black girls trying to take money from a 12 year old white boy, , I stop them and they claim to the police that I was just being racist because I was keeping an eye on them when it happened. STOP PLAYING THE RACE CARD!. What does everyone else think, about anything to do with this. No, "We deserve to be, because of slavery", or reponces like whites are keeping us down.

2006-09-28 11:23:07 · 20 answers · asked by E3_Army 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

20 answers

Old saying: Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle "BLACK".

The "nigglets" are taught by their parents about being "oppressed".

2006-10-03 09:06:42 · answer #1 · answered by grumpyfiend 5 · 1 1

I think you're right mate. I'm a white man married to a black woman and she is really irritated when some black people blame any hiccup in their lives upon something that happened 150 years ago. There have been many forms of slavery practised by all races (Romans, Greeks, Arabs inter alia) but you don't hear their victims excusing their own failings by blaming everyone else for their problems. No-one should racially slur anyone. Shave off the skin and we're all the same underneath, and we all have to share this planet. We only get 75 years or so each of life, so we should try not to spend them squabbling over trivialities. Red blue and orange Smarties all look different. But they are still smarties, and they still taste the same. (That's if they sell them where you are, of course!!)

2016-03-26 21:52:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let me say that I dont use racial slurs when Im around white people or when they are not around. I grew up in an all black neighborhood and went to an all black school most of my life. My best loyal friend is white. I dont pull the race card, I feel that everyone should be treated the same. Yeah I know that black people went through slavery but this is a new generation. So just because you may have seen a couple of black folks using the race card dont asume that we all do. Also I dont use the "N" word myself because I know what the true meaning of it is and how it is only you to make us feel like nothing.

2006-09-28 11:31:25 · answer #3 · answered by Chocolate Kisses 3 · 1 1

OK so you had an unfortunate incident that is not good is it?. But dont generalise people you are only encouraging hate between different races. I find the use of words like "blacks", or "whites" downright annoying to say the least.

How far have we come from 1850 you ask? Yeah we improved a lot didnt we? I mean look at the ethnic cleansing, not only from the second world war but also Cambodia and also Africa. Its not a case of them against us or us against them.

You are tierd of everything being racisit, what do you think you are encouraging by writing your "question"? You should not point the finger at other races being the problem when you are not helping the situation you feel you are in!

2006-09-28 11:47:21 · answer #4 · answered by missie 2 · 1 1

OK you have posted this question over 3 times. Why are you harping on it? Please stop the generalizations. Not all black people sit around and talk about how white people are holding them down. A lot of us actually get off our *** and do something with ourselves. Not all black people want to call white people honkeys and crackers and other slurs. Why do people keep asking this question? Do you want to use the n-word? And to address the rest of your question, no, no one alive today was apart of slavery, but there are people alive that were apart of Jim Crow. Should we use this as an excuse? No. The way I use this history is as a stepping stone and a way to grow and make myself a better person. As most of the people I know. So PLEASE PLEASE stop lumping all black people in a category with the ghetto *** hoodrats that you have had the misfortune to run into. Thanks

2006-09-29 10:00:36 · answer #5 · answered by Microbiology.girl 5 · 2 0

im black.
i dont call anyone anything else except their name.

please dont generalize and say blacks. it wouldve been better if you said "some blacks OR some people".

i think that we all are discriminated against, no matter what race you are. in the story you just told you showed an example of discrimination AGAINST you and FROM you.

everyone wants to make everything into a black white issue, but like someone said in another thread, why not just make it into a CLASS issue and spot the problem there?!

2006-09-28 11:29:13 · answer #6 · answered by Denise 2 · 4 1

well being native American i think that if any one should be playing the raciest card its us our land was taken,wife's raped and killed,children had there heads smashed in with boot heels,and then got forced on to reservations,and then they tried to take our religion but do you see us pulling that **** like racism no we just except the past as just that the past like you said there is no one still alive that was around back then so it should just be let go especially by most blacks i mean if some one sneezes in there direction they claim racism it is bull **** they should stop worrying about what happened in the past and think of the future cuz all they are doing by playing that card is making people think less of them its self destructive GET OVER IT.!!!!!!!

2006-09-28 11:41:50 · answer #7 · answered by joker 1 · 2 1

Well, we have a Canadian politician who is playing the race card, saying he's discriminated against, because he's Italian of all things.

Instead of answering for his misjudgement and mistakes, he's saying its beacause its he's Italian. Never mind his Party stole millions of dollars. But hey, its so much easier to play the race card, but in this case it make you look like a fool.

2006-09-28 11:39:19 · answer #8 · answered by Rockford 7 · 2 0

I agree to a certain extent. I've been called all kinds of names because I am of mixed race. I find 'cracker' or 'honkey' just as offensive as 'wet back'or '*** ger'. People resort to name calling because they are simple minded. Also, slavery exsisted in every culture, not just African Americans; and in some cultures, it still exsists.

2006-09-28 11:38:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There will be racism til the end of time. Yes there are some whites that still can't let the past go. Probably because theKu Klux Klan, skinheads, etc. are influencjn

2006-09-28 12:53:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The fact that you took so much time to post this but never thought once that not all people act this way " that maybe you had the bad luck of meaetiong alot of dumb people" leads me to belive you sir would notnunderstand the complexitys of living in our current world where we are tuaght through film and music to fear the young black male.

your actions " in print" also lead me to belive you do not a answer to your question but wnated to rally other fearfull rascist in to a online bashing or mine forums rally for your right to use bad words.

Why dont you ask a black man por woman to there face this question?

it is clear you dont wnat to learn about differing races but only wnat to stir the pot.

get over it.

2006-09-28 11:33:54 · answer #11 · answered by illogicalbeats 2 · 1 1

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