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I love writing! I want to write a good book my parents can be proud of--they aren't very hard to please. i'd rather it be a fiction book.

2006-09-28 11:19:49 · 12 answers · asked by fombellgirl 2 in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

to the first lady, dear, I was on the newspaper staff in fact i was the editor, and now im currently on yearbook staff!

2006-09-28 11:25:28 · update #1

thank you scottie that helped

2006-09-28 11:26:41 · update #2

in the question it is supposed to say write about--guess i lost my head for a minute

2006-09-28 11:28:34 · update #3

12 answers

If you haven't read them yet, check out these books for help in your writing:

1) "On Writing Well" by William Zinsser-- This is an excellent reference for any kind of writing. It will make your emails, essays, stories, and other writing clearer. I recommend this to everyone who wants to improve their writing skills.

2) "Bird By Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life" by Anne Lamott-- This is slightly more geared towards fiction writing, but can be helpful when you are attacking ANY large project in your life. Definitely a must for creative writers, students, or people who are looking for an entertaining book on writing.

3) "Writing Down the Bones" by Natalie Goldberg. You didn't mention if you want to improve your writing for school, work, or if you are a creative writer. This definitely targets creative writing, and focuses on the practice of writing. I write a lot of poetry and am working on a novel, and this is incredibly motivational to me.

These will really help you get into the practice of creative writing. Like any other skill, it's something you need to work on every day to improve. Read as much as possible in the genres that you are interested in writing. This will allow you to see how those stories work as well as to see what has already been done.

Check out the website http://www.nanowrimo.org for a great novel-writing challenge! The idea is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. It's a tough goal, but the support is amazing. I think it is very important to have a support group of writers when you are attempting a novel.

Another great site is http://www.hollylisle.com/fm/ which has a ton of resources and articles to help you every step of the way. If you are stuck on just about anything, Holly Lisle has something there to help.

Writing a novel is hard work. You will hit walls. You will begin to hate your characters. You will occasionally wonder if you have any talent at all. People always seem to think it would be a fun project, and then get about 20 pages in and quit. I think you can do it if you put your mind to it, but be warned it is a HUGE undertaking.

You didn't mention if you are interested in being a published author, but that is even more difficult. Being a writer means being rejected. A lot. But all those rejections make the acceptance letters even better!

I can't really help you with any story ideas or anything, because you need to write about what YOU are passionate about. If you try to write other people's ideas, or write to please others, your writing will be flat. What excites you? What types of books do you love to read? What is your story?

Happy writing!

2006-09-29 03:15:25 · answer #1 · answered by Obi_San 6 · 0 0

Writing for a living has always been what I wanted to do with my life. There will be lots of advice sent your way from friends, family, editors, etc. Some advice will be good, so listen to it; the rest will be not so good. Right now my first book has gone through a rigorous critiquing process, two edits and is now 'on the block' for sale. Needless to say I am very happy. But it was long process getting to this point. I think that you need to take this basic advice, advice from Stephen King in his book, On Writing: Read. Read everything you can get your hands on. I was taking that advice long before Mr. King penned it, and it has served me well. Listen to the rhythm of the writer, the voices of his characters, the dialect in his dialogue. But most of all, HAVE FUN. It's a gas when you're sitting at the machine and the Muse takes over and hours later you come back to the here and now looking at the words you just finished, wondering how they got there, and where all those details came from. Did I do that? Cool!Write what you know, and find an agent you are comfortable working with. I hope one day you will feel what I feel right now; the thrill of seeing that first book leaving you for the world. WOW!

2006-09-28 14:25:31 · answer #2 · answered by The Mystic One 4 · 0 0

There are probably hundreds of books on writing, the craft, grammar, formatting your manuscript, and how to develop plot, character, subplots, dialog, backstory/foreshadowing, genres, publishing, etc.
You need to keep a few points in mind, such as how to:
* create a powerful and sweeping sense of time and place
* develop larger-than-life characters
* sustain a high degree of narrative tension from start to finish
* weave sub-plots into the main action
* explore universal themes that will interest a large audience of readers

There are also many classes, both online and in colleges that will teach you the basics. Barnes & Nobles often runs free online courses in writing.
I'm sure your parents will be proud of whatever you write, as long as your commit yourself to writing the best book you can. Good luck.

If you or anyone is interested in a great webiste for writers to learn, drop me a message and I'll give you the link. I'd post it here, but I've done that before and the site was hit with loads of spam.

2006-09-28 11:34:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is a teen book called "Go Ask Alice" and it's author is simply called "anonymous". So I'd say yes. The most famous example. A series of Unfortunate events. The author writes under the last name "Snicket"..(sorry I can't spell it) but his real name is something common, I can't remember which. But if you ever hear about "Snicket's representation".... that's the author. You can chose a pen name, or find out from your publisher if you can obstain from adding a name. Though, that might hurt you in the end. A lot of the press a book recieves when it is published is via the writer. Interviews, book readings, signings, and the like. If you are anonymous, your book may suffer because you are not out their talking it up.

2016-03-26 21:51:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Writing a novel is hard work. Writing is a craft that takes a long time to learn, as well as patience and determination. You could start out with short stories and post them on a web page. Or check out a site like www.fictionpress.net, which is a site for young writers to post their work and discuss it. You could also try taking a creative writing class in college or adult education, or see if anyone would be interested in starting a writing club at your school. Having people who will tell you what you did wrong and right is incredibly valuable.

2006-09-28 11:29:47 · answer #5 · answered by Rose D 7 · 2 0

Set a certain time to write every day. Your subject will shape itself through the process of writing. It's all about work, work, work and work, and then more work.
Oh, and develop a tough skin. I believe the answer of the editor is meant in some way to prepare you for that. You can spend years working on something to have someone who has never picked up a pen in his life tell you it's a waste of time, pointless and a stupid idea. Water off a duck's back.

2006-09-28 11:30:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

it seems a author starts with something they know about and then use creativity to come up with a story and also do a lot of research into the particulars of place and time to have that "suspension of disbelief" that takes the reader along on the journey of the story.if you can develope a "voice" in your storytelling that grabs the readers interest you are going a long way toward writing,a compelling story will even have readers overlooking lack of technical writing ability.

2006-09-28 14:47:51 · answer #7 · answered by denny 3 · 0 0

One thing I always wanted to do was to write a story about my childhood. Another thing you could do is put alot of old funny family stories into a book. Or go and ask different ppl (mostly elderly) different stories they could tell you. Just go to a nursing homes and talk to them. Then you could change them just a little and put them into a book. I would read that.

Here is a link from answers about book writing:

I do think a really good book would take alto of time. Maybe (like with my story idea) find out info over a course of 5 years or so.

2006-09-28 11:25:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You go for it...I've always wanted to write a book too...but just never have gotten any motivation to do so...

They say to write what you know...

You may want to do some in depth research too...but primarily you should write about things you are familiar with... perhaps a story about a teen age girl who wants to write a book and the obstacles she faces both internally and externally...the pressures to be a social butterfly vs. a burning desire for literary accomplishment.

(And to the first person...don't crush a person's dreams w/negativity...what purpose does that serve?)

2006-09-28 11:30:21 · answer #9 · answered by i_love_my_mp 5 · 2 0

Dear, writing a book is not something you take lightly and just whip out overnight. You need tons of writing experience BEFORE you tackle this task. You must be VERY YOUNG and NAIVE beyond belief at this point. Try writing for the school newspaper first and get a real taste of writing. And dear, if you need to ask US what to write about, then you have A LONG, LONG, LONG way to go with this before you ever try a book. You don't write a book to please your parents. You write because you REALLY feel you have something that needs to be said and in a different and fresh way than it has been said before. Wake up, kid!

2006-09-28 11:23:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

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