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Why does everyone blame Bush? Why aren't Muslims mad at Osama Bin Laden for putting their religion in the toilet? Why are all the terrorist acts done by Muslims? When are the Islamic moderates going to FIGHT against their own Islamic fascists? Any pseudo-sophomoric intellectuals want to weigh-in?

2006-09-28 08:57:03 · 25 answers · asked by Number1son 3 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

Because liberals would rather score political points on the domestic front than take on the real bad guys.

You should learn more about Islam. Osama bin Laden is following the teachings of the Koran.

Muslims have been waging war against other cultures since it was founded in 632 AD. Less than 100 years after Muhammad died, Muslims invaded North Africa and stormed their way through Spain.

The more you learn about the truth of Muhammad, the more you will see the religion is about violence.

The point of Islam is to kill non-believers and if you are killed while fighting for Islam you will go to paradise.

2006-09-28 09:01:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 8

I am mad at Bush for:

not having yet caught Bin Ladin

not properly suppling and equipting the military to get the job done and capture Bin Ladin

lying about his intentions for Iraq

for the soldiers that are dying in Iraq in the middle of a civil war

for the innocent people around the world who face the same death and destruction by their own monsters that rule them, but since they don't have any oil, their pleas are ignored by this administration

failed the people of the United States during the Katrina Disaster

continues to tell the nation he runs this contry not the American People

his Medicare bill hurting seniors, causing them to chose between food this week or medication to sustain their life

Those are just a few issues that make me mad at Bush. I could go on......

Not all terrorist acts are done by Muslims, you have ETA in Northern Spain (not Muslim), the Machateros in Puerto Rico (have killed a ton of American Naval Men in the 70's), and a vast non muslim terrorists in South America, Central America, Malaysia, Phillipeens, Africa, Russia, Western Europe.....

What should be bothering you is that the American Special Forces trained and armed these now terrorist organizations for their own agenda, and still are through out South and Central America. Once they are done, and have accomplished what they were set out to do (fullfilled their agenda), they take off and let them do their own thing.

American Special Forces trained Al Quieda to fight the Russians during the cold war and continully supplied them amo and supplies. Once the wall came down, their supply stopped and left Al Quieda to do their own thing...... now look what their doing, fighting the ones who trained them back in the day.

2006-09-28 16:30:55 · answer #2 · answered by Krazee about my pets! 4 · 1 0

Well, heres the thing, If your american you can be mad at Osama all the hell you want, but its Bush u have to be mad at. He allowed things to happen the way they did. Osama didn't put the religion in to the toilet, he actually brought attention because the westerners were tratign it like a toilet. Im not taking any sides here, but I think we as Americans can be mad at anyone we know, and we know Bush not Osama. So teh balme goes to Bush, And osama wouldn't hav ebeen sucessful if it were not for Bush. There won't b a fight between Muslims. Why should there be?

2006-09-28 16:00:34 · answer #3 · answered by scshah123 2 · 3 3

Lots of Muslims are mad at bin Laden; I know a couple of them. The war in Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 until we did exactly what bin Laden wanted: occupied an Arab country. Now it's the best recruiting poster al-Qaida could have hoped for.

2006-09-28 16:01:19 · answer #4 · answered by J C 3 · 6 2

Because we as Americans are ignorant and only know about 25% of what is going on in our government...There is more than one person calling all the shots...One president can not decide to go to war by himself....Its hard to take side when you only know half the story...I have talked to many people in my family about goverment issues...since many have worked for NSA and they tell me we know little about what goes on. The news stations are where we get all our info and anyone who has been interviewd for ANY reason can tell you they edit things the way they want them to be shown...They are ALL BIASED...when FOX news dares to have an evenly balanced broadcast it is seen as being "Pro-Bush"...because all the other stations are not....not to mention the backing of so many democrats in Hollywood, they could not exist showing much love for the Republican party without loosing funding and attention from Hollywood....its all a big show...more emtertainment that anything factual nowadays so thats why Americans are so ignorant to political issues...myself included....If you dare to make a huge judgement and blame an entire war on one person...you are an IDIOT.....you might as well name your self Kanye!

2006-09-28 16:07:47 · answer #5 · answered by rjax79 1 · 1 2

Because nobody can find old Osama Bin Bag to give him an earfull.

2006-09-28 16:22:28 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

You made some excellent points. However, our president has been chosen by the world as the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong - as you I am sure will soon see proof of from all of the crazy, hateful Bush-bashers on this site. Don't worry. There are SOME of us who see things the way you do - with open eyes and just a TOUCH of common sense.

***PLUS - none of them can see that you never mentioned Iraq in your question, but they will dwell on that.....they can't see that terrorists are in more than one country for some reason. Sad, huh?

2006-09-28 16:15:51 · answer #7 · answered by Fortune Favors the Brave 4 · 0 2

For some reason, Bush said that Osama is "not a big deal"
Look at this. IT'S FROM FOX NEWS! LOL
Even FOX NEWS confirmed it.

2006-09-28 16:01:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Bush invaded Iraq instead of taking his war and rage to Osama bin laden and the Taliban,, they are in Pakistan where Bush says he wasn't invited,,, I guess Saddam invited him

2006-09-28 16:00:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

because osama bin ladden has NOTHING to do with this war moron.this war was all about bush helping his buddies in halaburton get rich.its also about bush getting back at saddam for trying to kill his father back in the day.its also about trying to make himself look like a man because he dodged vietnam by joining the gaurd and then not showing up,and yes i can say all this because my son spent 18 months in that **** hole fighting this morons war. its about alot of bul lshit but it aint about no goddamn osama bin laden

2006-09-28 16:04:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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