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My dad is out in iraq. I support the troops more then many repubs can say. I help bring hundreds of dollars worth of food for the troops with only the money i make. I love the troops and what they do for us. They go into harms way to fight for us and are freedom. I just don't want them dying for something i believe is unjust. So why do you think i hate the troops? I believe I support the troops, its not like veitnam where we have ppl spitting at the troops calling them baby killers.

2006-09-28 05:54:07 · 26 answers · asked by Dk2432 2 in Politics & Government Politics

Demoralizing? Im demoralizing the leaders that send our troops over there.

2006-09-28 05:57:39 · update #1

God, you repubs are the same. Either its your way or its the wrong way you arrogent bastards.

2006-09-28 06:01:34 · update #2

I want my father and many more of the troops to come back home safe. My dad knows what i stand for even though he is repub and supports Bush, he is still ok with my opinion and knows that i care for the troops over there.

2006-09-28 06:04:31 · update #3

Namsaev: Wheres your sources prove it to me.

2006-09-28 06:06:29 · update #4

Namsaev: you said that you were in the military back in veitnam? You sound like a female and as far as i know females weren't the ones going out there to fight in vietnam. Oh yeah what about the troops that go into iraq willing to fight but coming back and going against the war?

2006-09-28 06:13:01 · update #5

Mark S: Thank you. Im glad to see that there are still good ppl out there.

2006-09-28 06:17:57 · update #6

juandos: I don't agree with that one bit. Maybe you should understand that all because one person says something that vage, does not mean, and i will repeat my self does not mean that we all believe that.

2006-09-28 06:21:02 · update #7

26 answers

I think what you are doing is absolutly right. Those brave people over there did not vote for this war and choose to sign up for the army. Granted I am for us in Iraq but many who view this war as unjust take it out on those unable to defend themselves. It becomes a fine line of supporting troops and yet declaring the war unjust. Many people, labeled Democrates, cross that line even though they say they support the troops. But their actions give true meaning! I think your actions speak highly about you. I too have over a dozen soldiers that I send care packages to. Most are my friends and a couple were recommended by friends saying they needed a lift. You know what you stand for and what you believe so don't let others make you think differently. At the same time "Republicans" are calling you a "horrible Democrat" and labeling you please don't make the mistake and label all "Republicans" think all Democrats hate troops. I am a Republican and I believe most people have reasons for their beliefs and are intitled to them. I am sorry for the actions of other Republicans in making you feel that way. They obviously do not know the true you.

2006-09-28 06:13:38 · answer #1 · answered by Mark S 3 · 2 2


Some (a very few) do not like the idea of America projecting its power at all. Some, like Chrissie Hynde, openly stated that she hopes America loses. A college professor said he hopes for "a thousand" Blackhawk Down incidents. They are movitated by a hostility to America but of course our troops would die if they had their wish.

Far more, of course, suppoort our soldiers but think the war is wrong. They are in a difficult spot. On the one hand, they have the right and the DUTY in our republic to speak out - citizen involvement keeps our government on track. We ARE the government!

On the other hand, especially in a conflict where the enemy cannot defeat our military and relies in part on asymmetrical warfare and "demoralizing" the troops and the civilian population in the US, dissent is seen as an encouraging sign to our enemies. There's no way around it. Look up General Giap and what he said about how war protesters were essential to North VietNam's eventual triumph. It's not the one who can inflict the most casualties who wins, it's the one who can WITHSTAND the most casualties before throwing in the towel that wins.

Whether it's intended to or not (and in the overwhelming cases it's not so intended), news of dissention has the EFFECT of encouraging the enemy to keep trying. I would think American soldiers would be happier if they knew they had more support at home.

But that begs the question - "why are we there in the first place?" I know that. Perhaps the troops would be happiest if they were BACK HOME themselves!

I guess it depends on whether you think protests stop the war or lose the war.

Yes, I have gone in circles and not given an answer. That's what often happens when you try to THINK about a problem, rather than hurl insults - which I'm sure others are doing.

PS GOD BLESS your Dad and all the troops. They are America's best! I work to support them and pray for them daily.

There are MANY reputable charities and other services where one can give money, send items, or just write letters to the troops. No matter what one thinks about the war, it's still pretty easy to get involved.

2006-09-28 12:55:36 · answer #2 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 1 2

When the troops are in the field, all this garbage about "Bush lied" (he didn't) or "War for Oil" or "Loose Brains 9/11 Conspiracy theories" or whatever all actually ends up supporting our enemies. It supports their rantings that our war is illegal, that Bush is the devil, etc.

This is why communist Vietnam has a War Museum that has an exhibit that honors the US anti-war movement, including special mention for John Kerry. It was General Giap, NVA commander, that said that after Tet, they were defeated and demoralized. But they were subsequently inspired by the anti-war movement, and it gave them hope to carry on - they knew America's committment to the freedom of South Vietnam would crumble, and then the US would leave, allowing the communists to subjugate it.

This succor given to them by the anti-war movement had the very tangible result of more US deaths and casualties.

And this is the true and only comparison between Iraq and Vietnam. The irrationality, lies and fanaticism of the antiwar protesters results in more US deaths and casualties. And their success would result in the oppression and murder of millions of people, just as happened in Vietnam.

2006-09-28 13:09:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I find it hard to believe that you are the Child of a Military Person who is Serving His Country in Iraq. If you are, your statement that you believe that what Your Father is doing is unjust, gives Aid and Comfort to the Enemies of His and Your Country. It displays to the Terrorists that even the Family of Our Brave Military are not Supporting Them in Their Mission to prevent further 911 Attacks against All of Us! As a Vietnam Veteran, I thank your Father for his Service, and Pray for his safe Return!

2006-09-28 13:11:47 · answer #4 · answered by Sentinel 5 · 2 1

Because that is what Dubya and Fox News want them to think. I spent six years in the US Navy and eight years in the Army National Guard. I was in Desert Storm on the USS Missouri. We had a reason to be there then, we don't now. Iraq was a mistake from the start, and there are many of our armed forces that are there right now who feel the same way, including my nephews. Contrary to popular(right wing) belief, there are thousands of troops who are in Iraq who don't support the war, but they are there not to judge but to follow orders. That is a soldiers duty, whether they agree with the circumstances or not. Many of them like my nephews won't speak out either, not yet. They know if they did they would be branded traders and terrorist sympathizers, because they see what is happening here with Americans who protest the war. You won't see any of this on FOX, because they don't want you to see. When and if we ever get out of there, just like in Vietnam, you will start to see the numbers of protesting troops will grow.

The biggest difference will be the number of US casualties here at home because of this needless war that has energized the jihadist movement.

All thanks to the RepubliQaedans and Bin Laden Family friend G Dubya.

2006-09-28 13:05:23 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 1 3

MOST Republicans do not think that. I certainly don't. Disapproval of the war and hatred of the troops are two completely different things. As long as you respect our men and women in uniform, I certainly respect your right to your own opinions about the war.

I wish the very best for your Dad, that he stays safe and comes home soon to the thanks of a grateful nation.

2006-09-28 12:57:24 · answer #6 · answered by Leah 6 · 3 0

Ahhh yes, yet another lib-tard that either doesn't pay attention to what's going on or isn't smart enough to understand it...


Sen. Durbin Stands by Guantanamo Remarks

"Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and 159 of her Democrat colleagues voted today in favor of more rights for terrorists,"

2006-09-28 13:15:34 · answer #7 · answered by juandos 3 · 2 0

simple. because they constantly encourage the enemyof these troops. Wars end when one of the fighting sides quits. Dems keep telling the terrorists that if they keep fighting until a Dem gets into power, the US will cut and run.
IMO that's pretty close to treason.
Instead they should repeat the words of JFK. "No sacrifice too great". And win.
Some end up like this mad anti-war woman who ended up having her own son killed. Of course she blames Bush for it, and not the fact that she personally encouraged her sons killers

2006-09-28 13:03:27 · answer #8 · answered by cp_scipiom 7 · 4 1

Because dear, Democrats in Congress give tacit support to terrorists by blocking methods to catch them. Just like LBJ did during Nam. They want to limit what they can do, and Liberal Democrats want to contol to start and end in DC. No difference today than back then. I know I was in the military THEN.

Oh the liberals in here call our troops a lot worse than baby killers. *LOL* Or maybe you just don't read many liberal posts.

2006-09-28 13:03:56 · answer #9 · answered by namsaev 6 · 4 1

screaming eagle hit the nail on the head:

"They don't, Republicans are running a smear campaign.

Sending soldiers into harms way, and cutting their benefits is hardly 'supporting' the troops. Wouldn't wanting to bring them home be the best way to support the troops?

What the repbulicans are really saying is that if you don't agree with our policies, you are, in effect, not supportive of the troops.. There's a breach of logic, of couse, in that thought- but it gets by most people with limited mental capacity, and therefore has been proven to be a very politically astute tag line to their campaigns.

2006-09-28 12:58:57 · answer #10 · answered by Morey000 7 · 2 3

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