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Ten points to the answer with the longest list of likely whining, crybaby, complaining nonsense we can expect to hear on Nov. 8th.

2006-09-28 04:41:50 · 18 answers · asked by Walter Ridgeley 5 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

Whines we will hear:

1. Republicans disenfrancised all minorities
2. Republicans rigged the voting
3. Republicans told liberals that voting day changed to Wednesday
4. Republicans lied
5. Republicans skewed the polls
6. Republicans only gave dougnuts and coffee to the conservatives at the polling places
7. Republicans are racist
8. Republicans are sexist
9. Republicans are fundamentalists who want to do away with our freedoms
10. Republicans made the voting machines too hard to use
11. Republicans made the ballots too hard to understand
12. Republicans made it too hard to register to vote
13. Republicans made people prove their citizenship and/or place of residency so they disenfranchised voters
14. Republicans won't let illegal immigrants vote
15. Republicans tampered with the weather and that effected voter turn-out

But none of their whining will matter because we will still win, fair and square and they will just have to live with it. Or move to Canada. ;-)

2006-09-28 04:46:49 · answer #1 · answered by Leah 6 · 2 2

Why, are the Republican's plotting against the will of the people of the United States again? There's no way they'll get away with it a third time. Electoral votes be damned, they can't keep losing the popular elections time and again, and still justify them as "victories", or claim "political capital". Why is it that they still call themselves Republicans? I thought Republican Ideals were smaller government, not the massive blundering beauracracies of Homeland Security dropped squarely on top of all the other massively blundering beauracracies. Isn't a balanced budget a Republican Ideal? Why are these clowns running the defecit back up? How about some National Security, as opposed to creating a rallying point where our scattered enemies can unify? The fools in office now are not Republicans the way Reagan used the word. Watching this election is like watching two prison queens fight over you. No matter who wins, you lose.

2006-09-28 05:08:45 · answer #2 · answered by Beardog 7 · 2 0

i'd likely suspect your twnety something--in no way been contained in the military--and spout what you hear out of your own little particular team of malcontents. Oil breeds funds that's authentic--and countless very anti-american persons have an incredible style of oil. This oil funds is used contained in terms of Iran to assist advance a nuke, besides as to fund terrorist operations and destabilization of the middle east. to no longer understand that any western democracy must know what takes position contained in the middle east and invervene from time to time is juvenille. You obiviously don't realize that the middle east mainly merely respects ability--been that way for hundreds of years. if you're considered as apologist or intransigent on issues that ensue--you're considered as weak. With the middle east--weak spot is exploited. Why do you imagine the towers fell in lengthy island? even as Clinton ran from Somalia--it confirmed al queda that u . s . a . do not have the choose the incredible plan of action is to allow those persons comprehend they in the adventure that they attack or in the adventure that they threaten--quite than be a buddy u . s . a . will be an enemy-and they comprehend that to our enemies we are able to make warfare with each and every of the fad and anger we may be able to. Make an party--bombing the iranian nuke facility lower back to the stone age is frequently the merely plan of action to stay away from an israeli iranian nuclear warfare. yet then you honestly'd quite sing kumbaya.

2016-12-06 07:42:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. My crack pipe had a crack in it.
2. I overslept.
3. Geez...did I miss ANOTHER election?
4. I was busy getting an abortion.
5. My chad was hanging to the right...
6. The democrat's voter van wouldn't come in my neighborhood.
7. I was in jail...again.
8. Meth made me do it.
9. I was exercising my right to not vote to make a statement.
10. I was chained to a tree.
11. I was out sick from eating rancid bean curd.
12. I was in line all day at the welfare office getting WHAT I DESERVE.
13. I was observing the mating rituals of the spotted stink beetle...time got away from me.
14. The Republicans are scary, they made me stay in my room.
15. Mother grounded me.
16. I watched a special on E! The Michael Moore Story - and got all hot and bothered.
17. I was busy on Yahoo! Answers puking up parroted anti-Bush "questions".
18. I was busy on yet another conspiracy theory website that my friend Poindexter the tinfoil hat wearing mouth breather created.
19. I was busy pissing my pants over a rumor I heard that G. W. Bush was running for a third term. (this, was an actual post taken from an actual YA user, btw).
20. I couldn't get my Vespa started.
21. I couldn't get my vegetable oil-powered car to run.
22. I was knuckles-deep in anal glory.
23. I was busy doing the knuckle shuffle on my piss pump.
24. I was engrossed in a deep discussion (chat room) with some misunderstood radical Islamic "freedom fighters".
25. I was making Kool-aid.
26. I was attending a gay marriage in Key West.
27. I was threatened by a Republican not to show up.
28. My dead mother's voter registration card was challenged by the election judge.
29. Thanks to eight years of Bush, the ozone layer was incredibly depleted that day, didn't have any sun screen.
30. We didn't have a viable candidate.
31. The aliens (Roswell sort) are responsible - some kind of mind control.
32. If aliens (illegal sort) were allowed to vote, we'd have won hands down!
33. Ran out of anti-psychotic medication. Felt poorly.
34. Dirty diaper...'nuff said.
35. You have to be 18 to vote?
36. Well, I had second thoughts when I got in the booth...I realized you Republicans were right all the long.

Whew...sorry, all I can think of.

2006-09-28 05:04:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Perhaps it wouldn't be if a voting system that hasn't been proven to be fraudulent is used. If we could have clean elections without people being turned away from the polls, election machines made by people that promised Bush the election, etc, I believe we would all accept the decision of the American People. I think it's interesting that Republicans just want to win, and don't care about Democracy! After all, Bush was never elected the first time, but was appointed by the Supreme Court (every justice that voted for Bush in the case of Bush v. Gore was appointed by Reagan and Bush I). Upon completion of the recount, it was shown that Gore won.

All we want is clean elections and Democracy in this country. I know that you Republicans battle Democracy at every opportunity, but you have to realize that the people of this country DO want a democracy. The people of this country want their votes to be counted. The people of this country want a rightfully elected President, not a dictator appointed by his father's cronies, or false elections like the ones Stalin was so proud of!

Noone is whining because we lost. We didn't lose. We won both elections...but those results were skewed and ignored, and we ended up with a dictator who has broken almost every US law, as pertains to foreign policy and war, that is on the books! He tramples on the Constitution (hello...search and seizure? Even Bush's Supreme Court agrees that the whole warrantless wiretapping thing is unconstitutional, and against other laws and statutes) without paying a second thought.

Every point that Conservatives make about why they like the "president" is uninformed. Let's look at the points:

Economy - When you know what numbers they are using, you will see that the economy in this nation is only getting better for the top 0.1% richest people and corporations. Fact is, we are deeper in debt since this usurper took over the country than under every US president combined!!!

Taxes - People love to scream about lower taxes, but don't realize that the only real beneficiaries to any of Bush's tax cuts only help the top 1% richest people and corporations. The tax cut for the lower and middle classes was largish for the first year, and drops each subsequent year, ending up with lower and middle classes paying more in taxes than they were. Bush only stands for the rich elites in this country.

Abortion - Abortion rates dropped by 1/2 during the two terms of Clinton. Abortion rates have TRIPLED since Bush came into office. If the Bushies really wanted abortion to be illegal, they could have made a law against it at any time. With the couple of pro-life Dems, they could even pass a constitutional ammendment banning abortions. But they haven't even tried. What they have done is raised health-care costs, made more people uninsured (43 million Americans have no health insurance), attempted to remove proper sex-education from schools, instituted "abstinence only" programs that have been proven to result in more unwanted pregnancies, more abortions, and more STDs. Everything they have done creates an environment where abortion rates will go up. Providing proper sex-ed and universal health care would virtually eliminate abortions. Dems want abortions to be legal, safe, and RARE.

War on Terror - anyone read the latest intelligence reports? The NIC is saying that the war in Iraq has increased the number of terrorists and terrorist attacks worldwide, including on US interests! We are primarily torturing and killing innocent civilians over there...many times more civilians than "terrorists"!

I'd go on, but those are the main Republican arguments for supporting the Usurper...the "Decision Maker"...Bush.

You people must open your eyes and look at the facts!!! This man does not have America's best interests at heart! He only has his own interests at heart, and the interests of his fellow elites.

If you are Republican and believe in Democracy, you should be screaming for voter-verified, paper-trail leaving election machines...if nothing else, just so the Dems can't talk!

2006-09-28 05:18:52 · answer #5 · answered by corwynwulfhund 3 · 0 1

Of course!!! Absolutely!!!

It hilarious how a Republican victory means that the election was rigged.
If a filthy Democrat wins an election (once in a blue moon) then they claim "the people have spoken"....

They forget that Kerry's staff was rigging exit polls by insider tips and sending all the filthy hippie flag burning baby killers out to "coincidentally" vote at just that moment when polls were conducted. (Actually, I'm sure they didn't forget, they are just in a perpetual state of denial...)

Screw the Lefties....

2006-09-28 04:51:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Why a long list, you know them Dems are going to say what they always say:
voter tampering (people were harassed at the poles)
Demand recounts because the Republicans "fixed" the count
not every one got to vote
the illegals did not get a vote because they were afraid of INS deportment.
New vote machines were "broken" or "tampered with"
voters did not have enough notice, or could not get out on account of bad weather...
you name it, the libs will use it!

2006-09-28 04:49:10 · answer #7 · answered by CrazyCatLady 4 · 1 1

Hugo Chavez reflected poorly on us when he stole our thunder at the UN. The religious right had god print up phony ballots. The electronic vote machines are programed by halliburton. Nancy pelosi is not a weirdo... shes not. Being a rudderless political party IS a good thing.. it makes us flexible! The republicans use fear to make people vote... oh what? Nineteen guys with box cutters obliterated Manhattan, set fire to the pentagon and cost this countries economy billions of dollars? Yeah.. but should we really be AFRAID? Sheep.... America is full of sheep.

Soylent green is people! IT'S PEOPLE!!!

2006-09-28 04:50:16 · answer #8 · answered by claymore 3 · 2 2

If the Dems get killed on 11/7 - I'll just chalk it up to the fact that more morons showed up to the polls that day. If you vote for a Republican after everything that is out there now - then you are a stupid human being. That's all there is to say.

2006-09-28 05:27:20 · answer #9 · answered by captain2man 3 · 1 2

They will definitely say that there was a conspiracy and the elections were rigged. There will be minorities that were not allowed to vote in given areas because of one reason or another. " It was all due to that lying, back-stabbing, good-for-nothing, murdering, child-raping, ape-looking, OBL loving, GW Bush"

2006-09-28 04:52:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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