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Ok, we did all the research, got a big enough cage and got 2 small female rats...one cream/white the other brown/white. The cream one was sneezing on the way home, the brown was not. Took the cream back the next day and got cream#2. Brown started sneezing and died only a week after we got her. Got brown#2. C2 started sneezing the same day that we got B2 (B2 did not meet C2) took both B2 and C2 back to petstore-bleached out cage and waited for a week. Got B3 and B4 (no creams in this batch). Again one rat started sneezing (did not open the boxes in the car so I don't know when the B4 started sneezing B3 was not sneezing at all)we have had them for almost a week, and both rats are sneezing (B4 sounds congested). We do not spray any deoderizers in my daughters room. We vac with a rainbow V. this can't be allergies! I think the breeder is sending sick rats to this store. Any thing from home that I can do? I will not spend $30 on a $3 rat. I WILL take it back to the store though. Any suggs?

2006-09-28 04:39:52 · 12 answers · asked by Suzie Q 4 in Pets Other - Pets

The store takes the sick rats to the vet. I will not let them die because I am not going to spend the money on them, that is cruel...I have spent over $500.00 on my Great Dane in the last 6 months, but we paid alot for him. I just need to know if anyone else has gone through this many rats, and what can I do to keep from getting a sick rat. We just get them to where we can handle them, then we end up with new ones and have to start over. Please help!

2006-09-28 04:46:27 · update #1

Asked my vet about the dog (rats have upper resp. inf.)..he said not likely that anyone would get sick from it.

2006-09-28 04:48:19 · update #2

Karin: as I said, I will take them back to the petstore before I let them die. I have contacted the local vet that cares for them, so yes the petstore does take their animals to the vet!

2006-09-28 04:59:36 · update #3

Please read the full question. I am not going to let the rats die. that is not the point of the question. I want to know if there is anything that the experienced rat owners have done to get the rats sick. I BOUGHT the rat sick, not a healthy rat that developed this several months later! I will take the rats back to the petstore so they can foot the bill. The major problem with this is that we don't get the same (now well) rat. We end up with another untaimed sick rat. Those who think I would let one of GODs creatures die are totally wrong. I was sad that we lost the one rat, and would have taken it back before it died, but did not know how sick it was. I was told that it was an allergy to something in its cage by the employee. That is why I don't believe it is allergies! Now no more "I can't believe you are going to let the poor rat die"!

2006-09-28 07:07:53 · update #4

sorry (sick rats well)

2006-09-28 07:08:50 · update #5

Ok, let me clarify my statement. It is not that I am unwilling to spend the money on the rats, its like buying a dog/cat for $300 and it haveing parvo or something and spending $3000 on it only a week after you get it. If it was neglect on my part that caused it to get sick, then as a responsible owner, I would take it to the vet. I take great care of my pets. I even called my vet over this problem, but he does not see rats. I have even asked the store to allow me to take them to their vet and they pay for it, they said all they can do is exchange it for a new one. I am tired of exchanging for new SICK rats.

2006-09-28 12:20:43 · update #6

Last post from me on this. Thanks to everyone who answered without thinking I am cruel for not wanting to spend (called the vet for prices) $80 per rat in the first week I got them!

We took the two newest ones back, and found out from the manager that the vendor had beed sending sick rats. They are in the process of quarintee(sp?) the ones we have and contacting the vendor on the matter (the store had sent several of their rats to the vet for the same problem I am having).

2006-09-30 04:56:51 · update #7

12 answers

It amazes me that there people out there that has the IQ of a snail when it comes to rodents. Maybe I can shed some light on this for you. Being an owner of many rats and having one as I write, I have ran into this my self and this is my opinion of your dilemma...I believe that certain pet shops, even top shelf ones do buy sick rats from rat farms and or breeders. even if unintentional, they do get sick rats. I bought one a while back and it was sneezing in the box before I got it home. Taking a better look I noticed that there was blood spots in the box from the sneezing. I took the rat back as well but made sure that the shop worker put the rat in the back and not in circulation for re-sale. Rat get serious respiratory ailments, pneumonia and spreadable infections that can wipe a whole cage. My suggestion is to take the rat back, advise corporate of your experience and shop another store. The call to corporate could start an investigation and maybe uncover issues that need to be addressed with the breeder. I hope this was what you were looking for. good luck and feel free to e-mail if you need to.

2006-09-28 09:19:36 · answer #1 · answered by dhwilson58 4 · 1 0

I remember reading on a rat rescue site just how common respiratory infections are in rats- both from breeders and pet stores. There is an organism that most pet rats carry called mycoplasma that can cause respiratory problems in rats that become stressed or have compromised immune systems. Here is a website with some information: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=1437 If you choose to return any rats that you currently have to this store, I would not bring anymore home from there and look at what type of quarantine period your house and cages need before considering bringing home more. I also would not be purchasing rats from any place where they were already not being socialized and used to handling to some degree. Being a little shy in new surroundings is normal, but much beyond that I would be extremely concerned.

I can understand that some people are reluctant to put a lot of money into an animal they just bought if they were told it was healthy. I think it was hard for some to determine from your question though- specifically the comment on not spending money on a $3 rat- if you just meant on a rat you just purchased or an animal that didn’t cost much in general. Hopefully you can clarify this for people wishing to answer, because it is a concern to people if someone isn’t planning to invest any money into an animal just because they didn’t pay much for it. Many responsible owners of small animals know their animals may need vet care, especially if the species does have known health issues like respiratory problems with rats, preventing uterine cancer in rabbits by spaying them or diabetes in dwarf hamsters.

2006-09-28 15:56:09 · answer #2 · answered by the_bad_cats 4 · 1 0

If you're not willing to take a sick rat to the vet, don't get a rat. All pets deserve to be taken care of.

Unfortunately, a lot of pet stores sell sick rats. If you're going to Petco, then join the club. I've gotten sick rats from there before, and have seen some deathly ill ones there. You should try to adopt one from a local shelter or rat rescue organization if that's possible.

The rats you've been getting probably have respiratory infections, which is common in rats. They'll need some medication, which usually clears the infection right up (unless they've had it for a long time and it's gotten really bad). Be prepared to pay over $100 for the vet visit and the medication. Since you don't want to pay even $30, I would recommend returning the rats to the pet store, informing them that they are sick (although they probably won't do anything about it), and buying a pet that's easier to care for. Maybe fish or hermit crabs- something that you don't need to take to a vet. (Rats are very loving animals, and need their owners' love and attention. They definitely need to be taken to a vet when they're sick.)

2006-09-28 11:49:16 · answer #3 · answered by K 4 · 2 0

Try to find a local breeder, chances are these rats are getting sick at the store. It could be the bedding they use or just that once one is sick it will pass to the rest until they just get rid of all their rats and clean the enclosure. Sickness spreads fast in rodents, high metabolisms lead to stuff happening faster in their little bodies.
Personally I don't even like rats or mice other than as a food source for some of my pets, but i hate to see any animal or group of animals suffering. this pet store should be doing everything in their power to prevent sickness in there future rat stock.

You may also just want to wait a while before getting anymore rats in your area, it could be some kind of virus going around.
Also never trust any big chain petstores to tell you all the right stuff you will need to house certain animals, their employees while they may be good people and have hearts of gold are not real animal professionals most of the time. I'm sure this is a rat owner forum out there somewhere that you could get all of the info you need for them.

2006-09-28 13:57:22 · answer #4 · answered by fish lips 3 · 2 0

Tell the pet store immediately so that they can quarantine the rats and not sell anymore untill they can be looked at by the stores vet. Something is obviously wrong and pets do not die from allergies dear. Far worse may be going on there. Get those rats to a vet asap because your daughter may catch whatever they have , because think about it what do the labs use for testing new drugs? Rats okay . I am serious have the rats looked at and have your daughter seen by a dr. I mean this might be something might be nothing better to know what you are dealing with. Good Luck and I hope this helps.

2006-09-28 11:45:54 · answer #5 · answered by Kate T. 7 · 2 0

It does sound like the breeder is selling sick rats. Also, make sure that the litter you use in the cage is good for rats. Do not use cedar. I used rabbit pellets. I would get cheap pellets from Wal-Mart. They absorb moisture and odor very well and the rats tolerate it very well.

You can always go to another pet store and check in to their rats once you take these rats back. You are doing all the right things, by bleaching and waiting. Do the same and go to a different pet store. Make sure they do not use the same breeder.

Good Luck and Take Care

2006-09-28 11:47:45 · answer #6 · answered by escapingmars 4 · 2 0

I'm not a rat owner, but I have worked in a pet store before. Almost all of the rats that are sold in pet shops are sold as "feeders", so for snakes or large lizards. So its unfortunate that these cute little guys are massed bred to be sold at pet stores as food. And since they are bred that way they are not always in the best health.

Your Vet was right in the diagnosis of upper respiratory. That is very common with these little guys. One of the things you can do is change the bedding if you are uses cedar or any other type of wood shavings. Try a bedding called Carefresh. That's what we used in our habitats. Also put cran in their water, whether its cranapple, crangrape, etc. Just make sure that it is clear in color. You want 30% cran to 80% water. I'm not sure what that does but that is what the store vet suggested when it happened to our little guys.

Good Luck!!

2006-09-28 15:57:52 · answer #7 · answered by racha 2 · 0 0


2006-09-28 11:49:30 · answer #8 · answered by Goldenearring59 2 · 1 0

Stop buying rats, get a dog, how may rats will die before you get the message.

2006-09-28 11:43:50 · answer #9 · answered by Mr K 2 · 0 2

It sound like the problem lies in the pet store. Find another one if possible.

2006-09-28 11:49:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anria A 5 · 2 0

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