It's a waste of time you rarely get any genuinely insightful answers. If it's not something blindingly obvious that can be looked up on Google, or a standard teenage dating question, no one posts any good answers. They usually misunderstand what you're getting at or just post something irrelevant or stupid. If you're trying to find out something that's actually obscure, yo hardly ever get any specialists answering who know what theyre talking about. You need Google Answers for that.
Also, a lot of people on here have had complete irony bypasses.
However, there *are* a handful of f**king funny people on here.
2006-09-28 04:10:44
answer #1
answered by DS 4
I little of both actually. I pass the time at work so it is entertainment but there are some questions and answers that give me a great deal of knowledge about something I am unfamiliar with. I know I have given people some information they were unaware about. I know this because they have emailed back to me and ask for more details. It does help sometimes but I think most of the time it is just entertainment.
2006-09-28 04:17:46
answer #2
answered by Nelly 4
I sometimes learn something new. Mostly when I read an answer that point out something I didn't know and I have to look it up and read more about it. So, it can't be a total waste of time.
2006-09-28 04:17:07
answer #3
answered by *duh* 5
It depends on what category you frequent. In the likes of Automotive or Do-It-Yourself, there's some pretty good info. In most of the rest, it's probably no more a waste of time than a Mike Myers movie. Personally, I look at it as a source of a little fun and go on.
2006-09-28 04:19:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Once in awhile I find something that is beneficial, but I think asking questions is really the only way to find that. Just looking around is kind of like nosing into other peoples business - even though they are putting it up here to be nosed into lol.
I think it calls to peoples interest in other peoples business, calls to the busibodies and anyone who feels the need to share their opinion.
So it serves a purpose, but really, I think it is a time waster lol. Its really good for when you are doing nothing else.
2006-09-28 04:10:01
answer #5
answered by saintlyinnocents 3
Depends if you call baiting suckers with insane questions a waste of time or not.
Personally, I have had such a laugh reading repsonses to questions on this site that I actually think it may be one of the funnest things I've ever done.
You do the math.
2006-09-28 04:11:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It really depends on the questions being asked.
I wouldn't say it's a total waste of time yet, but it's getting there.
2006-09-28 04:12:17
answer #7
answered by Ghostman 2
You have to read a lot to get to the good stuff.
2006-09-28 04:45:57
answer #8
answered by RayRay 5
It is when hate-filled bigots like you are asking "questions."
2006-09-28 07:36:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous