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My son is 5yrs old, and since he started yr 1 at school, He has been Attacked, beaten up, Pinned to the ground having his head and stomach kicked ((BRUTALLY)) and basically been victimised.. Remeber he's only 5. The children involved are all in his classroom, so Do you think i should get him moved class? or try and get him to STICK up for himself more?? he is involved in Dancing classes, and LOVES to sing (another thing he gets Bullied for) And i don't want him to give up his activities to save face?
I'm torn as to what to do, I have a meeting with the HEAD of school, and need helpful ideas?

What do you all suggest??

2006-09-28 02:44:50 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Primary & Secondary Education

25 answers

You have to stand up for your son and be very clear that you are on his side. How did your boy get on in the Reception class (or in nursery and playschool)? Is this a new thing with new kids? Do you have any names?

The class teacher should be your first contact. See her today - at picking up time or in the morning before school. Insist, politely.

Do not hurl abuse at the teacher; you'll get into trouble. Remember, she's only had this class for a month and will only just have sussed her kids out. Just ask her whether she has seen this incident and ask her to instruct playground supervisors to keep a special eye out. Also ask how your son gets on in class. Do not expect her to divulge any information about other children in the class. She isn't allowed.

Her responses will give you more information to take to the Head. Schools are obliged to keep their pupils safe and should have and operate an active anti-bullying policy. Ask the Head to give you a copy and ask what happens in practice. If there is any racial abuse, the school must record this in a register. If there is any injury requiring intervention, this is also recorded.

If you are not satisfied with the Head's responses, write to the chair of governors. Ultimately, the governing body is resonsible.

But if it gets to that state, or if the situation does not improve, you should go and visit some other schools in your area. Schools are usually quite happy to show you around. Read their Ofsted reports and look at their SATS results. Start your research now.

2006-09-28 03:48:17 · answer #1 · answered by Henk B 1 · 0 0

I always thought 5 year olds were supervised in school yards. This is an utter disgrace and a matter which the school is totally to blame. Dont let the head fob you off which such things as the other kids are only 5 as well, and don't understand the consequences of such actions. Their parents need to be brought it to see the Head as well. If any child of mine attacked another child there'd be hell to pay and I'd move my child not the bullied child from the class.

Of course your son should not give up what he loves, but teaching him to stand up for himself is also something to consider. However before you do consider all your options, wait until you hear what the Head has to say, and of course, I'm sure you're more than well aware, don't let this situation lie. Go in with all guns blazing!!

Best of luck to you and your son.

2006-09-28 02:58:13 · answer #2 · answered by starla_o0 4 · 1 0

Do you really want your child at this school? Ask yourself that before you got to this meeting.
If you do, then you need to know what the Head intends to do about these children (bear in mind they might have special needs like ADHD autism etc)
You also need to get him to stick up for himself definitely, he needs to do some kicking back because at the minute he's become the class punchbag.
No why should he give up his activities?

If it was me, I would be looking for another school, maybe a smaller one and one that encourages drama and stuff cos he might be a budding Billy Elliot. In the meantime, I would not stand for him being bullied and if you get no joy from the Head I would not hesitate to get vocal in the playground with the mothers cos no-one wants their child to be a bully, maybe you would need support from some of the mums who are your friends to do this.
I would make sure you definitely make clear to the Head that your child is as entitled to an education as is any other child. But don't be surprised if the Head says there is no bullying in their school
Good luck, let us know how you got on

2006-09-28 02:52:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Where is his teacher while all of this is happening to your son? If she cannot control five year olds and keep them from fighting and bullying your son, I would have to say yes the first thing I would do is request a classroom change. If this does not work, or if the school is unwilling to do this, then it would be time for more drastic measures such as meeting with the school board over the matter, and possibly even transferring your child to another school. Your five year old should not have to change, just because other children refuse to accept him for who he is. Also if you know any of the other children's' parents that are bullying and fighting him, maybe you should discuss this with them, and see why their children are continually bothering your son. Also if this does continue you do need to teach your child that it is not right for other children to hit him, bully, or push him around. He needs to tell an adult at school, and you need to tell his teacher that you are not allowing your son to get beat up anymore, and have given him permission to stand up for himself if he is attacked first. Normally, I am against violence in the school but I don't like to see children victimized by classmates at such a young age.

2006-09-28 02:56:16 · answer #4 · answered by Jsess 2 · 2 0

Hi, sorry to hear about your son, unfortunately children can be so cruel which is normally down to bad parenting,

I was bullied at school because my mum had schizophrenia, and most of my friends were bullied, but they've turned out to be the ones better off in life,
my suggestion would be to try and keep fighting the system, maybe try and get your son into self defence lessons like tai kwon do, that way he may gain more confidence and be able to fend off trouble.
Because he's so young you have enough time to toughen him up , if for any reason that fails, or later on his life, you could consider home education,
my fiance, had his fingers broken at school, and was pinned up in the toilets and puched, he has scars all over him, his parents fought the school all the way, even tried moving classes and schools, but in the end they pulled him out and schooled him at home, he was 13 when he left school in favour of home education.
he is now studying for a diploma in hypnotherapy, even though his dad (who taught him) was unwell and had no idea what to teach, he just went to the bookstore and bought syllabus books and varied the education from cooking and art, to day trips, science documentarys etc.

I wish you well with your son

2006-09-28 03:24:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What kind of school allows children to behave like this?

One kid can't stand up against a crowd of ruffians.

I'd drop the matter directly into the lap of the Head of the School and ask what in blazes goes on at that school, and what does s/he intend to do to stop it so that the school is safe for ALL students?

No way should a kid give up what he LIKES to do, because the adults that run the school are lax in enforcing discipline and safety.

Where's their teacher? And what does your son's doctor have to say about his physical condition following these attacks?

I don't know where you write from, but could the matter be reported to the police, or referred to a lawyer as well?

2006-09-28 02:51:29 · answer #6 · answered by AD J 2 · 0 0

That is appalling, and I sympathise with you ,as it is very hard for parents to understand how anyone can treat their children like that.

unfortunately bullying is very real in this day and age, so you will need to find some anti-bullying tactics for him. when my kids were older they had some problems as well. I read up on the Internet about bullying ,which is very helpful. Even now i would let the school know and express my horror. Apparently you should always put this in writing as well,and i have done that before. It does make them co-operate quickly !

if nothing is resolved soon , I would consider moving the child. Always report bullying , as it may help prevent the perpetrators from doing it to someone else.their parents should know what is happening , and I would love to see them try and condone what happened in your case. make sure he is making some friends, and try to socialise out of school with them. good luck

2006-09-28 03:08:31 · answer #7 · answered by saywot? 5 · 0 0

If you intend to discover ways to stop almost any abuse the you will need to have this program of Bruce Perry, Patriot Self Defense , an application that you merely will find it here https://tr.im/F4Z3u
Patriot Self Defense can show you a highly successful self-defense program that's been field-tested in houses, at government events and on a number of the meanest streets on earth against the most questionable, cunning and harmful criminal.
With Patriot Self Defense you will discover out that's easier then you definitely estimated to defend your self because that you do not need to be a professional or have power, you have to learn how to do certain moves, easy actions but deathly.

2016-04-16 08:30:50 · answer #8 · answered by merrill 3 · 0 0

Get the Police involved, as the head has lost control of some of the children in the school.

And move your son to a different school. If the Education Department prove difficult, go to the newspapers and television, they will soon back down.

If you leave him at his present school he will become to scared or terrified to go to school.

2006-09-28 03:43:14 · answer #9 · answered by k 7 · 0 0

Teach him to stand up for himself, get him involved in a big brother program. Maybe put him in Karate. He needs to know how to take up for himself because a person can only take being beaten on for so long until they retaliate on that person beating on them or someone innocent. Its best to fix the problem now then later, maybe you should move him to another class if all else fails

2006-09-28 02:50:46 · answer #10 · answered by Coco Bunny 1 · 0 0

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