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My adorable 4 mo old boy has developed a flat spot on the back of his head. I started noticing it about 2 weeks ago. I think it began to flatten when he went to daycare last month (who btw, are very good) since they have him on his back for all his naps,and of course he sleeps at night on his back. My husband thought I was making too much of it, but yesterday the first thing the Pediatrician said was "his head is flat". I feel HORRIBLE. Anyone have advice on how-to/how-long it will take to correct this? I've left strict orders for naps to be on his tummy, supervised, b/c at this age he can only do tummy-time for 10-15 minutes before exhausting himself. And what's 15 minutes here and there when babies this age sleep 16hrs a day on their backs?!

2006-09-28 02:17:16 · 21 answers · asked by tish 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

21 answers

Baby flat head syndrome can be very worrying - but it is only cosmetic - so try not to worry too much. Ways to naturally remedy it is to ensure they spend as much time off of the flat spot - sitting on laps, on their bellies etc If it's on one side - get them putting weigt on the other side by moving toys that side so they have to turn to look at these. It can naturally correct itself, but if it doesn't - there are helmets that can be worn to remedy the situation. Before 6 months, however, most doctors will only try natural remedies.

This syndrome is becoming more common since babies lay on the backs to sleep. Remember, however, that this is advice has reduced cot death by about 70% - so a flat spot is probably preferable - just to those who criticise!

2006-09-28 03:25:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I went through the same thing when my son was 4 months old. After a trip for head x-rays and a neurosurgeon for the ped to rule out something more serious we were told to do positional therapy and he was not allowed to lay on his right side. By the time we went back for his 6 month checkup his ped was very happy with the change and we were able to stop the therapy. Now at 8 months you would never know his head was flat.

And by the way, I take very good care of my son and spent plenty of time holding him so a child having a flat head shows nothing about how well a mother takes care of her child.

2006-09-28 13:28:54 · answer #2 · answered by skippygordon 2 · 1 0

In general a flat head on a baby will go away, very rarely (in extreme cases) has there been a baby that needed any extra help to get their head to normal shape. Your babies head will be fine. My baby had the same thing,and she hated being on her belly, so I thought the flat head would be there forever. But once she got a little older she started to like being on her belly and everything just sort of evened out. What I hated the most was that she had no hair on the back of her head. It's all good now, everything will be ok for your little one, just give it some time:)

2006-09-28 09:45:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The person who said it is not correctable is wrong! But it could mean that the daycare has him on his back even when he's not sleeping - check it out. Other than that, when he sleeps it doesn't have to be on his stomach. You can switch his head when he is sleeping from side to side. My son had a mild flat head and we were diligent about repositioning it all the time, and now he is 6m and fine. When they are in adeep sleep they don't notice you moving their head to one side or another. My son only had it on his left side, so we just kept turning it the other way. I would be careful about telling daycare to have him sleep on his tummy - no matter how good they are, you never know.

2006-09-28 10:11:25 · answer #4 · answered by In Luv w/ 2 B, 1 G + 1 3 · 0 0

It is not a sign of neglect come on dont listen to that ok...look babies are strange little things sometimes I know I have had 4 of them... my kids had perfect little round heads when they were born then they had flat spots on the back because thats how they slept on their back... they are fine now when they are old enough to roll around ( yours soon should be starting if not already ) it will be fine as long as your baby is not showing signs of being sick & your doctor wasent worried about it then dont stress to much over it maybe try laying him on his side to sleep roll a blanket up & put one snug to his tummy & his back ( not close to his face ) & swap sides each time that might help it did with mine & I had mine at home & it still ahppened it has nothing to do with neglect , my babies had my full attention & its just something that can happen but he should be fine if your still in doubt ask your doctor & if that dosent help get a second opinion , but for the most part dont beat yourself up for it . It dosent mean your a bad Mom or have a bad daycare.....

2006-09-28 09:58:43 · answer #5 · answered by AC 2 · 1 0

Lol, it's not neglect, that was rude! My son had the exact same problem because he would only sleep in his carseat and not flat in a crib. It will either straighten itself out when he is older and able to move around more or there is a corrective helmet that doctors sometimes use that can reshape the head and is pain free. Don't stress too much about it right now hun, just do what you are doing and make sure daycare follows your instructions.

2006-09-28 09:25:44 · answer #6 · answered by **KELLEY** 6 · 1 0

My children had the same problem. As your pediatrician probably told you, the only way to fix this problem is tummy time and waiting. As your son gets older and spends more time awake and on his belly his head will slowly round out again. Also, holding him and rubbing his head helps(molding). Usually, this problem will fix itself when your son is able to roll over fully and starts crawling. Both of my daughter's had flat heads at this age. Now I have a 5 year-old and a 10 month old with beautifully shaped heads. It just takes time and remembering that this is normal.

2006-09-28 09:31:04 · answer #7 · answered by arl21amber 4 · 1 0

Your baby will be fine. My dad has a flat spot on his head and that was due to sleeping on his back all the time. When I had my babies my mom suggested putting them down in different positions every time they take a nap. She did this for my sister and I and we both have round heads, I do this for my babies and they both have round heads also. At four months your baby still has a lot of growing to do so I suspect if you keep him off that spot you will see improvements in a few months or so.

2006-09-28 11:11:41 · answer #8 · answered by dolly 6 · 1 0

I used to try to switch off positions when my daughter took her naps when she was a baby. I had this baby positioniong thing I got at a childrens store so I could place her slightly on one side or the other as well as her back and not worry about her rolling over. She does not have a flat head.

2006-09-28 11:02:32 · answer #9 · answered by sooz 3 · 0 0

Don't worry too much about this. If the doctor wasn't alarmed and didn't give you any further
instructions then it is normal for your baby. The
flat spot on the back of his head could have developed while inside the womb. Just watch his motor skills and make sure he is developing at the
right stages. If you are really concerned talk with
his pediatrician about your concerns. Let the day
care put back on his back. You don't want to risk
SIDS. Your baby is fine. Relax and enjoy your baby.
Oh, and by the way...Congratulations!

2006-09-28 09:29:35 · answer #10 · answered by Precious Gem 7 · 1 0

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