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It saddens me that the stupid liberal Demo-craps are likely to win these upcoming in elections. What has happened to the GOP? We used to have to remind the American people that it is best for them to elect us or the terrorists will come over the border and kill everyone because Demo-craps like to cuddle with terrorists. I think that is the only reason the GOP has been in power so long. In order to win the upcoming elections, we have to frighten the average voter that another 9/11 will happen again unless they vote for us.

God bless America!

2006-09-28 00:40:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

God Bless America, let us not forget,what 8 years of Liberal
Democrat rule, culminated in 911, and then Clinton, accuses
the Bush administration of not doing anything in 8 months.
Takes more then 8 months to undo the neglect of 8 years.

2006-09-28 00:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I have not. Each year we have a 9/11 cake and send 9/11 cards to all our friends. I try to take the day off and celebrate by hiding 9/11 eggs in the yard and don't forget singing Toby Kieth 9/11 songs around the 9/11 tree.

Can it be the GOP userped power in 2000 by stealing an election and got the Chimp re elected by a fraudulant election in 2004 ?

Can it be the GOP is operating as an autocracy that has misled us into an unnecessary war in Iraq and is running the economy into the ground?

Can it be that the GOP has no respect for the Constitution and that the Party of Lincoln has become the party of torturers ?

Can it be that most Americans think we are on the wrong track?

No. Not a chance.

2006-09-28 07:53:56 · answer #2 · answered by planksheer 7 · 1 2

First I don't believe your a Republican. Sound more like a Liberal trying to make Republicans sound stupid. Americans are not forgetting 911. Some Liberals are anti war period, no matter what.
Unfortunately not to realistic. It will never happen. As for Bush being the reason I am amazed how many people will not accept that Bush made mistakes and Clinton made more. It is not a law enforcement issue. We would have to able to arrest people in every country to use Law enforcement. As most countries will not allow other countries to extradite criminals, that policy is doomed to fail. They can stand and thumb their noses at us.
As for the fools that want to talk about the US using the atom bomb in WWII. Look at the expected casualties if The Allies would have had to invade Japan. By Japans estimates the Japanese would have casualties of 10 MILLION or more. IDIOT The Bombs saved lives in the long run. By the way Allied casualties were estimated to be in the 1-2 million range. That is dead, wounded and missing combined. If your going to talk history learn it. If not don't spout it!

2006-09-28 08:12:39 · answer #3 · answered by mark g 6 · 1 1

Something worse than 9/11 is in the works and it will not matter who is in congress. It will happen no matter who is in charge. Once this nuclear attack occurs the people will understand that fighting the terrorists overseas is not enough. We will have to secure our borders in an Iron Curtain style. PCness will kill millions before we finally take the measures necessary to prevent more attacks.

Once people are not afraid to call the enemy Islam and people are not afraid to offend the Mexicans who are fleeing their country to look for a decent paying job and people are willing to stop traveling overseas for a fancy vacation with the European appeasers and people understand that it is necessary to detain all suspicious people until they can be cleared as non-aggressors, then we will have security against these attacks. The FAA, even since 9/11, has been able to sneak weapons onto planes to find weaknesses in the security measures. The $7/hour security workers at airports do not take their job seriously enough because they are not faced with criminal charges should they fail in their duties to secure the airplanes. The border patrol is too small. The penalties for crossing illegally are too light. People are allowed to cross the borders too freely. Unless you have security clearance to come in or leave the country for a really valid reason you should be detained and questioned as if you are a terrorists until you can prove otherwise. Really true patriots will be willing to give up their overseas vacations for the sake of saving the lives of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of fellow Americans.

2006-09-28 07:53:51 · answer #4 · answered by El Pistolero Negra 5 · 2 1

Forget it happened - never
Learn from it - we can only hope...

I don't "cuddle with terrorists". It is this administration that is giving them a giant recruitment boost. If your so worried about terrorists coming across the border and killing everyone, why do you support a president who has done little to secure the borders and ports?

Using 9/11 to keep the populace off balance, confused, and malleable is despicable. It is not a political tool. It is a tragic event that hopefully, someday, we'll learn something from.

God bless America! All of it, not just those who march in lockstep with the GOP...

2006-09-28 07:52:17 · answer #5 · answered by john_stolworthy 6 · 2 1

Your question is based on a major false assumption:

1. It is only possible to vote for the Democratic Party if you have forgotten that 9/11 happened.

Do you think that the citizens of New York, who are strongly Democrat, have forgotten?

Could it be that, as a leaked report said this week, people feel that the Republicans have put America in more danger?

However, your question did say one truthful thing:

'we have to frighten the average voter that another 9/11 will happen unless they vote for us.'

2006-09-28 09:35:48 · answer #6 · answered by raisingtheblinds 2 · 1 1

Why do you want to murder people in the name of Jesus Christ? Terrorism is a Law enforcement issue. The Brits proved that. Based on this, I can see that you are spawning hate and fear for the GOP. Tell you what, why do we start going after you and your threat of terror instead of gallivanting around the world. It seem to me the best place to stop the threat of terror is right here in the US by culling the bigots out of the GOP. yep, your propaganda is proof who the REAL terrorist are. You are a terrorist!

One more thing ... the majority of Terrorist acts committed in the US in the 90s were from the Right Wing conservative camp. That includes the Branch Davidians who DID fire on police (ATF -- FBI) officers, and Tim McVeigh, and Terry Nickles. Maybe that is the terrorism we need to be looking at first.

Yep, I do think the police should be watching you.

2006-09-28 07:53:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Frightened people often do very stupid things. We should remember that 9/11 happened and ask ourselves why. I also wonder what happened to the GOP; it used to be the stop and think party. We would all benefit from paying more attention to history. May God forgive us!

2006-09-28 08:01:38 · answer #8 · answered by Dorcas 3 · 1 1

This is an instant gratification society. They are not in things for the long haul.
Democrats in office during a war with these terrorists makes ME terrified!

Sophia ALSO terrifies me. The GOP did not cause 911...Bin Laden did. HE hated our country even with a Demoncrat in office...he tried while Clinton was in office to blow up the towers too.

2006-09-28 08:41:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The US has an attention span of five seconds , thats why . People only remember because theres a movie about it , or when there driving there cars someone has a support your troops sticker on there car or an American flag , they think that there being patriotic . But while real people are trying to do something about 9/11in foreign countries we got people over here talking about paris hilton , or tom cruise , or being on welfare for 10 years . Its just sad .

2006-09-28 07:50:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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