why didn't you call the police / guard for help
maybe a kidnape?
2006-09-27 21:37:07
answer #1
answered by websku 2
India is a big country with so many social problems & Inequalities.
It is nice to note that you felt the pain of Indian social Diseases,Like you many people should Dream hard to change the Social issues.
3 Years old child begging means the real culprit is his Father & Mother.
Society should not allow people to give birth to babies and run away from responsibilities.
Society should be more committed.
You are a drop and if drops keep adding together It will become a National Movement and Change should come.
It was nice to understand your Hard feelings, Keep it up.
V C Malarmannan
2006-09-28 04:50:33
answer #2
answered by mannan_malar 2
You should have immediately asked for help from some cop standing nearby. You could've atleast shouted at the old man. You can still go back to the same locality today and try finding that little boy and ask him why he is there and who are his parents. Your conscience will not let you sit in peace otherwise.
2006-09-28 04:43:43
answer #3
answered by MintyMint 2
this is how life will be and always will until peace comes, until we all change, but stuck up poilitcions and evil people surround us, selfishness and greed. it makes me sick to hear that. reminds me of what it used to be like in the past everywhere, but then i think, it's still here, we jus dont see it. because no-body cares enuf
it's a sad sad thing
love mary xo
2006-09-28 04:38:34
answer #4
answered by mary 2
Call the authorities.
2006-09-28 04:34:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Life is full of complex intricacies.
That's why I and U are all here to make meaning of every question asked like U have.
2006-09-28 04:44:32
answer #6
answered by Mani G.India 4
Steep hunger and poverty, even after more than half a century
of our independence. It is a reflection on our intentions and our capabilities ! We should hang our heads in shame.
2006-09-28 20:29:48
answer #7
answered by Truth ? 5
the best thing is to help poor people, not with money but with food, clothes, education support, i do it the same way and believe me they appreciate it cause they need this things badly...
2006-09-29 08:47:44
answer #8
answered by Hidimba 3
total reset.
imagine you hit RESTART.
that's what
2006-09-28 04:35:19
answer #9
answered by volksbank 4