I lost my best friend due to a misunderstanding. He's taking it way out of content. He asked me to leave him alone, then we saw eachother in the club the next night, and he didn't even speak. I sent him a letter expressing myself deeper than I ever have before. He knows that I love him and there's nothing I'd ever do to hurt him, so why is he acting like this. I need to know what other steps I can take to get him back. It's been a week tomorrow, and yesterday, I received a text from him askin how I've been. I told him fine, that I was missing him and asked how he was. I never got a response back. I got my hopes up that we were making progress, but now I'm missing him all over. Will he ever be back? How can I get him back?
10 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
If you want your best friend back,just keep calling him or texting him every day.When you call him or text him only let him know that you just want to know how he is doing or that you are just calling or texting to see how his day went and then end the conversation.What you really need to do is pray about the situation if you really want your friend back.Let go and give it to GOD after you pray about it,cause GOD can handle the situation better than you can.Just give your friend a little time to get over it,but also let him know that you are still there for him.Believe me,with prayers and strong faith,everything will work out in your favor.Remember one thing,we have an on time GOD.Good luck and GOD BLESS.
2006-09-27 17:32:32
answer #1
answered by mrs.pierre3 2
Calm down. Men are different than women, he will come around. Give him time and space...men need time to process their feelings . If he's really your best friend he will be back, just be prepared to apologize to him again face to face, and also don't let the misunderstanding go unresolved make sure u both talk about it so it wont happen again......good luck.
2006-09-28 00:20:41
answer #2
answered by DEBORAH M 2
Just be there for him. It's really tough when you don't even know what happened. Maybe, he just needs time to figure things out that are bothering him. He knows that you are his friend and I have a hunch, he will be back.
2006-09-28 00:23:44
answer #3
answered by kayboff 7
Well first of all, if you were romantically involved with him it changes things. But whatever happened between the two of you was clearly really bad on his end, so you need to fix it, or maybe he won't get over it.
2006-09-28 00:17:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well if youve sent him a letter, and hes text you back, he certainly wants to talk to you again.
My suggestion give it a few days to see if he does anything, and
if he doesnt and you still want to talk to him, then maybe its time for another letter or somehing special.
and if that still doesnt work, maybe you have to go talk to him in person.
2006-09-28 00:19:22
answer #5
answered by king_saberhawk 2
Give him time, be nice to him and try not to smother him with too many questions at to 'why', he will wotk it out and let you in at some stage. When he is ready. Good luck
2006-09-28 00:17:27
answer #6
answered by sid98gal 1
It seems he is not wanting this to be a serious relationship like you are feeling it.
2006-09-28 00:20:24
answer #7
answered by JoJoBa 6
time will be the only answer,be patient and maybe it will work its self out
2006-09-28 00:18:33
answer #8
answered by rkilburn410 6
He'll come crawling back soon
2006-09-28 00:16:03
answer #9
answered by John Scary 5
chance it have a three some with him and his new girl friend
2006-09-28 00:17:48
answer #10
answered by jac 5