It depends. A sudden death is hard on the survivors but best for the victim. A long drawn out illness is horrible for both the victim and the survivors.
2006-09-27 17:16:21
answer #1
answered by notyou311 7
I've been through both of these sort of things and I have to say from personal experience the worst is a long drawn out illness.
2006-09-27 18:30:03
answer #2
answered by 1hotmama 7
suddenly would be the worst! You don't get the closure or the chance to let them know your feelings. You know you have to accept the inevitable if they have a long illness so you have the time to share quality time. Unfortunately when we loose people suddenly we live with the fact that more times then not we do not or have not told them lately how much they mean to us and then we have to live with it. Make sure the people you love and care about know it everyday. Remember to make the most great memories you can everyday with is the great memories that can get you through the closure process.
2006-09-28 02:08:18
answer #3
answered by lil redneck 3
I think it would be worse with a drawn out illness, that is like losing them slowly.
2006-09-27 17:16:00
answer #4
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6
I don't think either one is easier than the other but at least with an illness a person would have the chance to resolve things and say goodbye.
2006-09-28 02:56:17
answer #5
answered by Mollywobbles 4
I have experienced it both ways. My mom was gone sunddenly, no time to prepare or say goodbye etc. My dad suffered a long horrible death to cancer. I thought it would be easier because I had time to prepare and say goodbye but it was definitely worse to see him suffer so horribly. I must say, in my opinion, the sudden death was easier in the end. I never want to see someone I love suffer so badly again just for the sake of myself being able to "prepare".
2006-09-27 17:19:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i've experienced both situations... and for me the worse one would be losing a loved one suddenly. it will be a shock for you and everything will be confusing and hard to process...
al least you could spend more time and accept and be prepared of loosing someone from long drawn illness.
when my uncle died from cancer, i was happy that i was able to tell him that i'm very proud of him as being my uncle. but when my friend died because of sudden attack... it was really different. i wasnt able to say things i wanted to tell him.
2006-09-27 17:51:32
answer #7
answered by DruNkStripPeR 3
Losing someone suddenly is worse because you don't get time to process it. And, you often wonder why the reason was for it.
2006-09-27 17:15:34
answer #8
answered by it's me! 6
No brainer: Long drawn out illness.
2006-09-27 17:14:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Losing someone suddenly would be 100% harder for me to get passed. I would have not been able to tell them how much I loved them, etc. I would not have had the chance to say goodbye......
2006-09-27 17:17:16
answer #10
answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6