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My daughters birthday is usually right before or after Thanksgiving ( this year it's 2 days after. she'll be 3)
and I want to have a birthday party and invite all the family.
I could do it the weekend before or even that first weekend in Nov. but i am so uncertain as when to have it.when do you think would be good?
I want to do it back home like usual but right now I am in school and I would have to go back numerous times to get things ready like buy decorations, food, etc. and traveling that much is a big dent on my wallet.being a college student and all.
and usually only about 1/2 that i invite go. and we usually have alot of food left. so I'm wondering if I should even have her B-day. I really want to but since I am in college I have little money to go by
any suggestions or just anything would help.

2006-09-27 11:02:33 · 3 answers · asked by native_lady 1 in Family & Relationships Family

3 answers

She is only 3 years old. Have it at the same time the family all gets together for Thanksgiving. She is too young to appreciate that her birthday is around the same time as a holiday. Just let everyone know that with College you simply don't have the time or wherewithall to throw a separate birthday party. I don't think your daughter will be disappointed that there aren't a bunch of other three year olds there. Besides, it will make it easier for all the family members who had to make a special effort to be at the Thanksgiving gathering just two days before. Just let everyone know that and I think it will be quite successful.

Of course you will only be able to get away with doing that through her fourth birthday, because by five, they want their own friends at their party. That is when you discover "Chucky Cheese", LOL, let them clean up the mess!!!

2006-09-27 11:09:51 · answer #1 · answered by diane_b_33594 4 · 0 0

I have 2 Xmas kids (Dec 24 & Dec 28), so I know all about this!! In my opinion, at such a young age, I would have her birthday at your family get-together. That way all the family will already be there. Unless of course you want to invite her friends/your friends that won't be at the family get-together. That's where the problems arise. You could then do 2 separate parties. But definitely do not schedule that party on a holiday weekend! People most likely will have other plans. My oldest (10) usually has his party with his friends a few weeks before Xmas or he has also done it in the summer. And then we do a very private family thing on Xmas eve. But they do need to have their own "special" day. Scheduling around the holidays can be stressfull!! And please remember, a 3 yo most likely does not care how much you spend on her party...that's more for you than her! I'm sure she would be more than happy with a few balloons, some cake and some simple games.

2006-09-27 18:26:01 · answer #2 · answered by mom24 2 · 0 0

Honestly I hate it when people have birthday parties or wedings or other personal celebrations during either a holliday or a long weekend. You have to realize that people like to go be with their families or leave for vacations. Unless you are planing to have it on Thanks Giving with the people that you already know are coming. Just remember that when your daughter grows up please do not have it at the same time, she will feel deprived of her speciall day.
Good luck and have fun

2006-09-27 18:08:18 · answer #3 · answered by <3 2 · 0 0

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