My daughters birthday is usually right before or after Thanksgiving ( this year it's 2 days after. she'll be 3)
and I want to have a birthday party and invite all the family.
I could do it the weekend before or even that first weekend in Nov. but i am so uncertain as when to have it.when do you think would be good?
I want to do it back home like usual but right now I am in school and I would have to go back numerous times to get things ready like buy decorations, food, etc. and traveling that much is a big dent on my wallet.being a college student and all.
and usually only about 1/2 that i invite go. and we usually have alot of food left. so I'm wondering if I should even have her B-day. I really want to but since I am in college I have little money to go by
any suggestions or just anything would help.
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