don't listen to these knee-jerking fools. people marrying their cousins is very common, and there should be nothing wrong with it. the myth about having birth-defect babies is false, statistically it is no more likely than with non-cousin couples. check out the following web sites for some facts:
(google for some more)
as for cathy s's response, how would she know whether it was wrong in god's eyes? assuming she derives her knowledge of god's will from the bible, there is no restriction on marrying cousins in the bible, just marrying one's sister. and even abraham did that. in fact the old testament is chock full of cousin marriages, and the new testament doesn't even address it as a problem, or at all.
list of famous married 1st and 2nd cousins:
charles darwin (biologist)
albert einstein (physicist)
franklin d. roosevelt (president)
jerry lee lewis (musician)
rudy giuliani (mayor of new york)
h.g. wells (writer)
edgar allen poe (poet, writer)
so the short answer is,
1. what is the legal age of consent to marry where you live (it would not be statutory rape if you had permission to marry and you had intercourse, if it's not legal where you live then just wait until she's older.)
2. does she feel the same way?
good luck.
2006-09-27 11:26:02
answer #1
answered by bob 2
I get so tired of reading all the crap about cousins marrying. I could post my references again, but screw all you ignorant bigots! Cousins are NOT considered kin in the Bible (let's see if you have the intelligence and guts to try to find the appropriate references-hint: Moses, the lawgiver), and as for "hillbillies" marrying cousins, would you consider Albert Einstein or FDR hillbillies? They married their respective 1st cousins.
As for your situation, the main problem is age and you should avoid situations where you will be alone with your cousin until she is 18.
Good answer, Bob. I'm glad someone has their facts straight.
2006-09-27 11:20:03
answer #2
answered by young_at_heart_05 2
Sorry, can't condone that. And you have no business asking any girl thats 15 to marry you, let alone your cousin. Get a grip man.
2006-09-27 11:05:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Man, i don't know how far back in the woods you are but you had better get a grip for obvious reasons I'm not going to get into the whole hillbilly marry your sister redneck bullshite sick twisted( how far up inthem hills is you cuss) thing but your 18 she is 15 that makes her JAIL BATE THEY ARREST AND PROSECUTE THAT AS A CRIME AND IT IS A FAMILY MEMBER YOU MORON GOOD GOD GET OUT MORE maybe date a sheep or go to the big city like kooterville or mayberry but leave your immediate family alone get a girl friend
2006-09-27 11:13:43
answer #4
answered by soldierof the 82ndAirborne 3
First she is your cousin. You should love her as a cousin. If you are 18 and she is 15 you can't have a relationship with her even if she wasn't related. It is called rape. You need to find someone your own age who isn't related to you!!!!
2006-09-27 11:04:34
answer #5
answered by soulmatedp 2
This is wrong in so many ways age , the word COUSIN it wronge dont take this road your young find real love
2006-09-27 11:06:44
answer #6
answered by silver01222000 4
Move on boy its out of order
2006-09-27 11:12:52
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Dude have you seen "The Hills Have Eyes"? Well having a baby with your first cousin will come out worse than some mental help.....
2006-09-27 11:07:30
answer #8
answered by Gopherson 1
I heard only hicks marry their cousins. Sick ***. Shes your blood. Wanna marry your sister too while you're at it? Is that legal too where you are? Where are you, Hickzville? No offense.
2006-09-27 11:05:32
answer #9
answered by wondergirl 1
Oh no, if she doesn't feel the same about you it may devide the fact if she DOES feel the same it may devide the family even more.
Get over it!!!
2006-09-27 11:05:44
answer #10
answered by Gypsie 5